The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2226

In the original plot, it was the woman carrying the color empty sword who played with Xu Ziling, one of the two Xiaoqiang in the Tang Dynasty, between applause with a dust-free heart, so that there was almost a gap between the two Xiaoqiang.

The woman in white seemed slightly surprised. She turned around and asked softly, "how did the Great Han Emperor know someone else\'s name?"

Liu Hao said with a smile, "I just took a look at the sword code of Cihang Jingzhai. I didn\'t expect you to come to the door. It seems that God wants to fulfill me."

Shi Feixuan looked at Liu Hao curiously, but his expression was calm and his voice was light Judo: "a few days ago, Tianmen came to Sichuan, and it is said that a saint was born. Then the Han army suddenly rose and stormed into Sichuan, conquering and invincible... Are these events written by the holy Emperor?"

Liu Hao smiled negatively and said only one word: "yes."

Shi Feixuan\'s picturesque Dai Mei frowned slightly and said, "Shu is stable and calm, and the holy emperor is making trouble. Do you know how many people will be displaced and homeless?"

She is worthy of being a saint trained by Cihang Jingzhai. Originally, she was harsh, but in her mouth, she became gentle and easier to accept.

This is more like the way of spiritual enchantment, but it is different from the way of the magic door. It has some holy and moving meaning. Ordinary people will feel guilty and remorse when they are said by Shifei Xuan.

However, Liu Hao\'s divine court is as stable as a rock and hasn\'t spoken yet. Little Liu Peng has wrinkled Qiong\'s nose, hugged Liu Hao\'s arm and hummed: "fox spirit, don\'t show your head in front of your father. You pretend to be a posture. Your father has his reason for doing things. What are you, and dare to give directions?"

"When the Han Dynasty was born, it was the prosperity of those who followed, the death of those who went against, and the quiet fasting of those who were just Cihang. What was it?"


Shi Feixuan smelled the speech and breathed. She almost didn\'t stand firm and fell off the bluestone

In terms of vision, Shi Feixuan was brainwashed and educated by Cihang Jingzhai from an early age. In order to maintain the status of Cihang Jingzhai as a white Taoist in the hearts of people all over the world, Liu Jian was baptized by the true Tao and reason of the literary and Taoist Masters in the imperial palace. The two sides are not at the same level at all.

Shifei Xuan shook her head and said, "little girl, Cihang Jingzhai saved to help the world and paid an unknown amount of effort and price to stabilize the pattern of people in the world, which is beyond your imagination."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows. He felt that he was casting pearls before swine. He was too lazy to say anything. He patted Liu tan on the shoulder and said, "ah Tan, go and take her down."


Liu TU was already eager to try. He immediately nodded his head and said, "this woman looks good. In fact, she\'s out of her mind. If she wants to enter the back palace, she won\'t agree. Then I\'ll catch her for my father and emperor and be a foot washing maid!"

"Xiao Hong, do it!"

Xiao Liu Liu\'s big eyes turned and whistled. Suddenly, a burst of Feng Li echoed in the sky.

The crested Phoenix flutters its wings and gathers in the mountains and forests. The speed is too fast, just like a red lightning, rushing down.


He got along with Liu Jian day and night. He thought it through. He heard only a call and immediately killed Shi Feixuan in the air, spitting out a burning breath in his mouth.

"This is..."

Shifei Xuan stood on the bluestone with a creepy look.

As a descendant of the holy land of Wulin, she has read many ancient books. It seems that she vaguely remembers that in ancient times, there was a divine beast similar to Zhu Fengniao. It also spits red inflammation and shocked the world.

But such a beast, after all, only exists in myths and legends. It has never been seen for thousands of years. Shi Feixuan didn\'t know the situation and didn\'t dare to neglect it. With his feet gently, he swept down the boulder and fell more than ten feet away.


There was a loud noise in place. I saw that the huge stone vomited by the red flame of the Phoenix bird had been burned into a red molten slurry by the burning smell of the red flame, and the burning ground hissed

This scene was really shocking, but Shi Feixuan didn\'t have time to be shocked because Liu Peng had attacked her.

He was born with a Taoist body and his meridians were naturally unblocked. Liu Peng made the Tianshan Mountain break plum hands. In the void, his palms were everywhere, such as immortals coming to the world, seeking seclusion and winning. Combined with Liu Hao\'s carefree body method, it was unpredictable.

Even the descendants of the holy land of Cihang Jingzhai may not have seen such profound and terrible martial arts.

The two women are on the mountain path, their fists and palms are connected, like two immortal shadows floating across, lightly staggered, and their Qi strength escapes. The surrounding mountains, rocks and trees are destroyed by their Qi strength from time to time.

"Hum! The fox spirit is really powerful, but I won\'t lose to you!"

Liu Tu\'s mind turned slightly. Yu Rong suddenly shuddered, but his hands were like folding plum blossoms. He kept attacking them. At the same time, he drank softly: "kneel!"

The princess, the chief of the imperial court, has lived in the deep palace of the imperial capital for a long time. She is accompanied by Liu Hao. She has long cultivated a dignified demeanor.

Liu Hao was a little surprised to watch the war on the side: his daughter\'s drinking was actually a combination of literary and Taoist talents and a mental attack.

Liu Jian\'s talent was taught by a group of famous Confucian masters Cai Yong, Wang Lang and Zheng xuanneng, and his attainments in literature and Taoism were not trivial. It was almost equivalent to the realm of scholars in Hanlin University.

This light drink was like spring thunder blooming on the tip of her tongue. In the void, the shadow of a knife, gun and sword burst out, attacking Shi Feixuan and shaking her heart.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Shifei Xuan\'s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and her mind was shaken.

Under Liu\'s attack, she intuitively became a sinner between heaven and earth. She was denounced by saints and could not be tolerated in heaven and earth. Even her true Qi was stagnant.

However, she is still the saint of Cihang Jingzhai. She is one step away from reaching the state of clear sword heart.

The sword Qi in the sword Scripture suddenly shines through the Lingtai. Shifei Xuan\'s mind is clear. The Sekong sword finally comes out of its scabbard. A pool of clear water spreads between heaven and earth. The sword Qi crisscross and butts the shadow of swords and guns in the air.

The continuous sword movement has strangled all the talent offensive, and the defense is watertight.

"The sword Scripture really deserves to be one of the four wonderful books!"

Liu Hao stood with his hands down and watched with interest as Liu Jian and Zhu Fengniao fought with Shi Feixuan.

After 30 rounds of fighting, Shifei Xuan was already sweating and had a terrible wave in her heart