The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2225

Anlong involuntarily stood up and looked respectful. He arched his hands and said, "Anlong, I don\'t know why the emperor ordered someone to come?"

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Anlong - force 95, intelligence 88, politics 76, command 72, business 96!

Stunt, Tianxin lotus ring: Anlong is the leader of TIANLIAN sect of the magic gate. When he casts the Tianxin lotus ring, he uses Yin to damage the true Qi and burn the enemy\'s meridians. The running speed of the enemy\'s true Qi is reduced by an additional 50%!

Stunt, collecting money: Anlong has a way of collecting money. He is a tycoon in Sichuan. Business + 3!

He looked at Anlong\'s attributes and abilities clearly with the skill of looking at Qi. Liu Hao couldn\'t help but praise him in his heart: "he is worthy of being the most loyal younger brother of the evil king. He should be called a master of both literature and martial arts."

I don\'t know how many people were hurt by Anlong\'s harmless appearance. Liu Hao joked: "should I call you the leader of TIANLIAN sect, or fat Jia Anlong, the right arm of the evil king?"

Just this light floating word, it\'s called Anlong\'s cold sweat flowing behind his back, his cold hair standing up and his scalp numb!

"He... How did he know?"

"No way! My identity is top secret. There is absolutely no leak. No one can know!"

Anlong was shocked, but he forced himself to be calm and said, "what the emperor of the Han Dynasty is saying, someone can\'t understand."


Keep loading!?

Liu Hao smiled coldly and didn\'t tell him much. In his eyes, the golden purple light flashed, and the fierce eyes, knives and swords suddenly split into the air.


Anlong was creepy and subconsciously wanted to side away. As a result, Liu Hao didn\'t know when he had drifted to his side and patted him lightly on his shoulder.

The emperor really condensed into a life and death symbol and disappeared into Anlong\'s body. His heart moved. Thousands of ants ate the pain of his heart and made Anlong\'s chubby body shrink into a ball!

No coercion or inducement is useful to deal with such a veteran. It\'s bullshit to know how to move with emotion and reason.

If you want to use it, you must use the most direct thunder means to take him down, which is the king\'s way.


Liu Hao controlled Anlong with the talisman of life and death. He was not polite at all. When Anlong was affected by the talisman of life and death and his mind was shaken, he directly searched Anlong\'s memory with the soul searching method.

"Tianxin lotus ring, I see..."

"What a evil king Shi Zhixuan, with a far-reaching layout, an long has prepared so many backhands for him..."

Countless memory fragments rush like a river. The secrets between Anlong and Shi Zhixuan are all held by Liu Hao.

His mind changes rapidly. Liu Hao withdrew his mind and said:

"I have mastered so many secrets. Next, I\'d better deduce the martial arts of TIANLIAN sect and fully understand it!"


Yue Fei, marshal Wu Mu of the Han Dynasty, led the Weibei army to rush into Shu. Where the soldiers passed, the Sui army lost and fled one after another.

In ten days, the Han Dynasty had been established in Shu, and the world shook.

Chengdu mansion, Dashi temple.

This is a pure place of Buddhism, but today there is a young man leading a girl up the mountain.

The young man, dressed in a soft purple robe, has a handsome face and a strong figure. Every time he steps down, it seems to contain a deep rhythm that can resonate with heaven and earth.

The girl is only in her teens. She looks cool and beautiful. She has the charm of a young man. She leads the young man\'s clothes and follows the young man\'s footsteps up the mountain.

Behind them, there was a red phoenix flying through the air, flapping its wings and roaring. At the top of the mountain, there seemed to be a towering bell shaking, full of Buddhist rhyme.

Liu Jian was only as tall as Liu Hao\'s chest. He looked up and asked, "father, you always hate monks most. How do you want to come here?"

"The monk I\'m looking for today is a fake monk..."

Liu Hao had a deep smile on his mouth.

"Dashi temple, great virtue monk..."

Others don\'t know that the Abbot\'s great virtue Saint monk is actually a vest of the evil king Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan is a genius of heaven. He is not only trained in martial arts to the top of a great master, but also has military knowledge, battle array, governance strategy, and even Buddhism, Buddhism, Buddhism, Taoism, three teachings and nine streams.

In addition to the vest of the eminent monk of great virtue, Liu Hao knew that Shi Zhixuan was in the Sui Dynasty and his pseudonym was Pei moment. He was also the core Minister of the Sui Dynasty and won the trust of Yang Guang.

"It\'s a fake monk. That\'s boring. I thought I could teach these bald donkeys a lesson with Xiao Hong!"

Liu Tu glanced at the corners of his mouth.


Liu Hao is sweating in his heart. How does his daughter feel cold on the outside and violent in the heart!?

If you can find Shi Zhixuan in today\'s trip, it\'s best. However, if you can\'t, it\'s just a casual visit

Father and daughter walked towards the top of the mountain, but they saw a woman in white standing on a boulder beside the mountain road.

The boulder was covered with moss. The woman turned sideways to Liu Hao, facing the East, looked up slightly, as if looking up at the rising sun.

Liu Hao\'s unscrupulous eyes were like the essence. The woman in white was as elegant as an immortal, but she also keenly felt a little uncomfortable, as if she had been seen through by everything on Liu Hao.

"Cihang Jingzhai, Shifei Xuan?"

Liu Hao suddenly stopped and said with a smile.

He didn\'t expect to find Shi Zhixuan, but he met a contemporary descendant of Cihang Jingzhai on the way