The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2224

"Shit, this fat man, what a fast body method!"

He Yu exclaimed, fat and anxious, and shouted, "stop this man quickly!"

Everyone in the world knows that Anlong has a way to collect money. He is a famous businessman all over the world. However, few people know his other identity, that is, the leader of TIANLIAN sect of the demon sect. He is ranked as the fifth of the eight masters of the demon sect and has excellent martial arts.

As soon as Anlong swept away, it seemed as if lotus blossoms were born out of thin air. With the emptiness to resist the wind, he swept out a distance of more than ten feet in an instant.

"Madder! Go first!"

He galloped with all his strength and finally broke away from the surrounding circle. Anlong had just settled in his heart and saw a majestic figure standing in front of him.


The man\'s muscles are Qiu Zhuang, like an iron man. I don\'t say much. The folding body is a fist. The fist strength is consistent and powerful to the point of no further improvement.

The fist sound roared like the roar of a lion and a tiger, completely blocking Anlong\'s way. Anlong bounced his hands one after another, shaking, advancing, retreating, rubbing, playing, twisting, following, touching, photographing, pressing, clawing and cutting. More than a dozen fingering methods were changed in an instant. There were many magic shadows, emitting hot Qi like a lotus, and welcomed him.


The two men\'s Qi collided with each other, and the air burst into a dull, thunderous noise.

The majestic man\'s body shook slightly and his eyes were slightly surprised, while Anlong\'s round body bounced out like a meat ball.

"How is that possible?"

Anlong\'s heart was full of shock.

Just now, he has used his unique Tianxin lotus ring, the unique skill of TIANLIAN sect, to condense the Magic Lotus breath emitted by his whole body Qi. It is hot and Yin damaged. It can burn the opponent\'s meridians. I don\'t know how many famous experts are under this hand.

But the man in front of him, as if nothing had happened, still stood upright. It was incredible!

"The magic door skill is really unique."

The middle-aged man, who was as majestic as a mountain, said in a deep voice, "but it\'s impossible for you to go today."

As he spoke, Anlong\'s face changed.

I saw several people standing on the eaves on both sides.

Some of them were carrying swords, some were carrying swords, and some were just carrying their hands. They looked down at the field, but their momentum was unfathomable.

"So many martial arts masters..."

Anlong only feels his cold hair standing up and his scalp numb!

The Jianghu is vast, the world is wide, and experts emerge in endlessly, but martial arts masters are always rare.

A martial arts master can establish a sect and be proud.

As the leader of the Tianmo sect and the loyal younger brother of the evil king Shi Zhixuan, Anlong has naturally seen the world. He is only afraid that his boss Shi Zhixuan will come and only run away in the face of so many martial arts masters

"Oh, misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

Anlong was shocked by Liu Hao\'s strong strength, but he didn\'t smile on his face. He said, "it was your Majesty\'s invitation. How dare Anlong refuse?"

"It\'s best for the patriarch to know current affairs."

The iron hand cross arm made a please gesture and said solemnly, "please!"



Exclusive castle.

In the quiet dark room, the bright candle flickered.

Liu Hao sat cross legged with his fingers pinching the mysterious formula, showing fierce evil and fierce.

If someone is present, you can see Liu Hao breathing like a real dragon spitting clouds. There is a dense purple gas in the whole dark room, including the sound of dragon singing and vibration.

Suddenly, Liu Hao slowly opened his eyes. There was a dense purple flash in the bright golden awn.

Running the Dragon pupil of the emperor of heaven, his eyes were as sharp as a knife. He only heard a sneer. His eyes were as solid as the essence. A golden purple void energy suddenly burst out and disappeared into the stone pillar in the dark room. It was as easy as destroying corruption!

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You\'ve achieved great success in understanding the unique skill Ziqi Tianluo of mieqing Dao. You\'ve improved the details of martial arts and created your own imperial rated martial arts. Please name it!"

There was a system prompt sound in his ear. Liu Hao smiled and murmured, "the son of heaven looks at Qi and talks and laughs to kill. Now I integrate the purple Qi Tianluo, which can condense emptiness and turn reality, turn pupil power into eye knife and eye sword, and kill in the air... It\'s called eye knife and eye sword!"

"Congratulations to the host. The emperor\'s secret skill eye knife eye sword is created by himself. The additional reward worship value is 50000 points!"

"The magical skills of the ancient demon sect are indeed of infinite use. No wonder Xi should practice purple Qi Tianluo and dare to call himself the king of heaven..."

Tianmo strategy is a magical skill handed down from ancient times. Liu Hao\'s deduction and understanding of the martial arts theory is also very rewarding. At the same time, he is more and more curious about Tianmo strategy.

While meditating, Liu Hao moved his mind slightly. He felt something strange outside the door. Immediately, he gathered his mind and pushed the door out.

Little Guizi hurried over from a distance and bowed: "Your Majesty, fat Jia Anlong has been invited and is waiting in the front hall..."

"I\'ll see him..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and followed Xiao Guizi to the front hall.

An Longyuan\'s fat body, like a needle and felt, twisted uneasily on the chair, and the red sandalwood seats gave out squeaking groans.

Du Zun castle has business contacts with him. Anlong is not the first time to come. However, this is the first time Anlong has encountered such a dangerous situation.

As soon as he entered the door, he noticed that there were at least several martial arts masters standing outside the door. The royal guards wearing flying fish clothes and embroidered spring sabres were all powerful dead men with martial arts.

"I don\'t know what kind of person the Great Han Saint emperor is, and how he is compared with the evil king..."

Anlong has a lot of thoughts.

I could only hear the cry of a tsunami outside the door: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Then the door opened without wind. A young man with twelve diaos and crowns on his head, a purple dragon robe embroidered with purple dragons and stars on his shoulders came in.

This young emperor, with all his gestures and gestures, has an impressive momentum, as if he were the God Emperor of the heavenly fairy palace, in charge of mountains and rivers