The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2223

In the past, Liu Hao must have followed me and died against me. Most of them directly asked Lv Bu to kill Liwei and kill Bashu with blood.

But now Liu Hao has touched the film of the realm of human immortality. The Han Dynasty dominates the heavens, and his mentality is somewhat different.

In the final analysis, these horses in the exclusive castle are the lowest level in the Jianghu. They exist like mole ants. What is the benefit of killing them?

It\'s better to let them live and let them build up free public opinion for the big men in the Jianghu, which will benefit the dynasty more from the overall situation.


Wen Hou LV buqiang responded with a fist, turned around and shouted fiercely at the people: "forgive the emperor, you waste people. Don\'t you get out of here and wait to die!?"

The people of duzun castle were pardoned. Some threw down their swords and guns, turned and ran away.

People have the inherent nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. After seeing Liu Hao\'s terrible strength, where can the iron head jump out?

After a burst of noise, the field was deserted. Diao Chan stood beside Liu Hao and said, "Your Majesty, how do you think that the martial arts of emperor Xi Ying fundamentally seems to have an inexplicable connection with the magic Dharma?"

Liu Hao said with a smile, "concubine AI\'s intuition is right, and that\'s exactly the case. The magic gate is also called the holy gate. It has been handed down to ancient times, but the skills have fallen into the world and gradually scattered. Integrating all the martial arts of the holy gate into one is a unique skill. I will collect it for concubine AI sooner or later."

The four wonderful books are also the sacred objects that Liu Hao wants to get quickly. Naturally, the Tianmo strategy can\'t fall.

Liu Hao explained the origin of the holy gate to Diao Chan, but suddenly thought of what he seemed to have forgotten. He thought a little and opened the hidden treasure box exploded by Xie Hui and Xi Ying.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has won the purple Qi Tianluo, Wulin stone * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host. You have obtained the top secret account book of exclusive castle, Wuhun stone * 1!"

"666, unexpectedly burst out the unique skills of mieqing Tao..."

Liu Hao was a little surprised. It was an outbreak of character

Xie Hui\'s treasure chest is just the king\'s rating. The things that burst out are not as good as Tianjun Xi Ying. However, the top secret account book of the exclusive Castle also records various business secrets. It is estimated that there is a wealth that can not be underestimated.

After pinching the center of his eyebrows, Liu Hao collected the purple Qi Tianluo. This level of martial arts is handed down from ancient times. It has a long history and contains extremely profound martial arts principles.

"Where is he?"

"Your Majesty, what do you want?"

Chubby Ho Ho and adults, with their feet swinging fast, swept straight up from a distance, bowed and bowed, very respectful.

Liu Hao threw away the account book of the exclusive castle and said, "Xie Hui has been operating in Sichuan for many years. The exclusive castle is firmly at the forefront of the Wulin in Sichuan. It must have a lot of wealth. You and several grand masters who worship the palace lead the royal guards to thoroughly investigate all the properties of the exclusive castle. If there are any suspicious people, take them together."

"My Lord, yes!"

As soon as he Zhen\'s spirit was aroused, he brushed his sleeves and took orders to retreat.

After Liu Hao has won the leading exclusive castle in Sichuan, the next step is to clean up the forces in Sichuan. After building Sichuan into an iron plate, he will take this as the foundation and prepare to compete for the world.



The sky is drizzling again.

Since the beginning of spring, there have been many storms in Chengdu.

Especially on that day, the sky shook, and a towering Tianmen came to Sichuan. It was like the glory of the ancient Tianting, which shocked everyone.

Then came the marriage between the Wulin leading exclusive castle in Sichuan and the song valve in Lingnan, which was destroyed by a sudden force.

The great man came down at the gate of heaven. As soon as he was born, he maneuvered and drove troops across half of Sichuan. Hundreds of thousands of Sui troops in Chengdu government fought against him, but they suffered several defeats in succession. Now they are trapped in Chengdu government, and 13 urgent reports have been sent back to Beijing for help.

When the news spread, Bashu shook.

Those noble aristocratic families are in danger. They are worried that the next attack goal of the big man will fall on their own. The whole Jianghu in Sichuan is silent.

Chengdu, Anfu.

Fat Jia Anlong paced back and forth in the house. His rich and fat face was wrinkled into a ball.

"Xie Hui is the sworn brother of song Ke. After the marriage, the exclusive castle will become bigger and bigger. Who dares to touch his tiger beard in the whole Bashu? What\'s the origin of this great man who dares to break ground on Tai Sui\'s head? Aren\'t you afraid to provoke the almost invincible one in the world?"

"No matter what the origin of this great man is, it must be superior to let the duzun Castle be destroyed and kill Tianjun Xi Ying... In the next step, the Han army will capture Chengdu and the pattern in Sichuan will change. We should inform him as soon as possible..."

An long is the president of Sichuan chamber of Commerce. He has a fortune of hundreds of millions and is also a famous figure in the world.


While he was meditating, Anlong suddenly felt a shock, suddenly looked up and looked out. He saw that countless torches were suddenly lit in the silent and cold night.

Bursts of heavy and deadly footsteps came, like thousands of troops and horses, surrounding the whole Anfu.


Anlong\'s round body suddenly moved, swept up the roof at an inconsistent speed, looked around, and the vest cooled.

I don\'t know when, around an\'s house, the three floors inside and outside have been filled with fierce soldiers and dead men. The gleaming cold crossbow is facing an long. There is no way out in the sky and underground.

"The holy emperor has an order. Please go back and ask Anlong. You\'d better catch it!"

Ho ho shouted.

"I always keep a low profile. How can they stare at me?!"

An long had a cold sweat on his forehead and pretended to be calm and said, "I\'m just a businessman in Sichuan. I don\'t have any old grudges with the holy emperor. Why should I be difficult?"

He Yu said, "Your Majesty loves talents. You are also a talent. I\'ve come to invite you to meet your Majesty the holy emperor. Maybe your majesty Longyan is happy and makes you a senior official..."

Hetao began to talk nonsense. After Liu Hao lost the account book of the exclusive castle to him, he really implicated several key figures.

An long is one of them. The account books show that his exclusive castle has deep business connections.

Anlong almost vomited blood in his heart. At this time, he had nothing to say with him. He stepped on the eaves like a fat and flexible civet cat and wanted to run away