The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2222

Ding Dong!

System prompt: [the host automatically triggers the holy gate task!]

1. If the host kills two masters of the devil sect and six sects, he will be rewarded with double worship value!

2. Integrate the holy gate and retrograde deduce the "Tianmo strategy"!

"Cicada\'er\'s magic Dharma is actually an incomplete version of the magic strategy. The rating of the complete version of the magic strategy is at least above the level of hypocrisy..."

Liu Hao\'s mind turned and thought of various possibilities:

"There are four wonderful books in the world, among which the formula for longevity is said to be the Taoist Xuangong handed down by guangchengzi, an immortal in ancient times."

"Guang Chengzi is the teacher of the Yellow Emperor. The skill he handed down is naturally very important. After practicing this skill, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong, two little bastards, unexpectedly return to heaven one day from the day after tomorrow. If they practice to great success, they may not have no hope of reaching Renxian Avenue..."

"As for the atlas of the God of war, it is a mysterious hidden world, and the war temple is also ethereal and difficult to find. The remaining" Tianmo strategy "and" Cihang sword code "are unique skills in the world. You can find a way to get hands, study and deduce well, and use it infinitely..."

Thousands of thoughts, just in a moment.

When Liu Hao came back to his senses, Diao Chan was performing a perfect magic method, floating like an immortal, slaughtering all the people in the exclusive castle on the field.

"Judge Xie Hui?"

Liu Hao\'s mind turned and noticed Xie Hui, who was coerced into launching a sneak attack in the crowd, couldn\'t help smiling.


Two majestic swords were sent out at random. They stabbed Xie Hui on the wrist, nailed him to the ground and screamed like killing a pig

"Who the hell are you? How can you be so powerful?"

Xie Hui\'s hands were broken by the sword Qi and his wrists. He had no power to fight any more. He could only laugh wildly: "however, you kill song Yuhua first, and then kill the Tianjun Xi Ying of the devil gate\'s mieqing road. Neither song Ke nor the devil gate expert will let you go. From then on, unless you hide from the world, someone will kill you from heaven and earth! You\'re finished!"

Liu Hao looked cold and walked forward into thousands of people. He also walked casually, raised his feet, stepped on Xie Hui\'s chest, and asked calmly, "have you finished your last words?"

"Cluck! You will not be rampant for long. The Chengdu general army has led a large army to come!"

Xie Hui\'s breath was stagnant, and he coughed blood in his mouth. He laughed and said, "I\'m still the baibazi brother of song Ke. The business of the exclusive castle in Sichuan and the song valve have almost a share... I don\'t believe you dare to kill me!?"


Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of a broken sternum. This Jianghu hero who dominates Shu had protruding eyes and died.

"Castle master, this..."

"My God, Castle Lord... Castle Lord, he was trampled to death!"

As soon as Xie Hui died, the people of duzun Castle lost their backbone and became a mess.

Liu Hao sneered: "whoever wants to avenge Xie Hui, just come forward."

Looking at the thousands of people around him, none of them stepped forward. They were swept by the cold eyes. Instead, they stepped back several steps.

In the final analysis, everyone is just eating with Xie Hui. When the exclusive castle is in its heyday, it\'s nothing to brag. When Xie Hui falls, who is willing to work hard for him?

The crowd was noisy and noisy, and suddenly there was a thunderous noise in the distance.

It seems that thousands of troops are running towards here.

Xie Biao, the leader of the exclusive castle, was overjoyed and shouted, "hahaha, it must be the chief soldier of Chengdu mansion. So many of us are afraid of him?"

"He\'s immortal!"

"Chop him to death with a random knife to avenge the castle Lord!"

"Let\'s go together and avenge Castle leader Xie!"

The crowd screamed, the sound of horses\' hoofs sounded like thunder, and the neat and solemn footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Looking around, I saw the red red dragon flag of the big man flying in the drizzle, and a team of cavalry swept in like thunder.

This group of cavalry, including people and horses, are wrapped in cold and dark iron armor, and their faces are covered with ferocious bronze face armor. They gallop forward like wild and fierce animals, and their murderous Qi rushes into the sky.


Everyone in the exclusive castle took a breath and was stunned.

Have they ever seen such an iron cavalry!?

If this group of heavy Armored Cavalry rushed into the array, it would be a change for thousands of troops. Everything in front of the horse\'s hooves would be trampled, crushed and scattered into mud!

The chief cavalry general, wearing a purple gold crown with three trigeminal hair, wearing an animal face swallowing heaven Chain Armor and holding a heaven painting halberd, is powerful and majestic, just like the God of heaven.

He led the heavy armored cavalry to cut a passage. After seeing Liu Hao, he suddenly rolled his saddle and fell off his horse. Qiang ran hugged his fist and said, "at the end of the day, Lv Bu, the escort is late. Please bring down your Majesty the holy emperor!"

The cavalry like wild beasts rolled their saddles and fell off their horses one after another, knelt on one knee, hugged their fists, bowed and said, "my subordinates, wait for the escort to be late, please bring down your Majesty the holy emperor!"

The sound of the dragon scale, Xuan armor and heavy cavalry gathered together, like a flash flood, and the field was suddenly silent.

Everyone\'s eyes fell on Liu Hao, full of awe.

How can such a man who can make such an iron and blood hero and God\'s fierce general kneel down piously!?

"Let\'s all settle down. How\'s the war in Sichuan?"

Liu Hao waved his hand and asked casually.

In the crowd, a royal guards rolled up his cloak, hurried to Liu Hao, bowed and hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, commander Yue is commanding the army and breaking the city. At present, he is fighting with the Sui army in Chengdu outside Chengdu..."

"General Yue Yun broke into the chaotic army and killed the chief soldier of Chengdu mansion with a hammer. One hundred thousand Sui troops collapsed. Yue Shuai is cleaning up the battlefield. Marquis Wen led his troops to make a surprise attack and break through Chengdu mansion..."

"What a Yue Yun, there are no generals in Shu!"

Liu Hao raised his hand and said with a smile, "Peng has the ability to use troops. Who can be right in the world?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to kill all these damn guys in the street?"

Lv Bu\'s heart is also full of lofty feelings. The Han Dynasty is unparalleled in its heyday and rich in details. No one can stop it.

Those subordinates of the exclusive castle were swept by Lv Bu\'s awe inspiring eyes. They all shivered and bowed their heads and dared not look at them.

"After Xie Hui\'s death, no amount of killing will do him any good. He will promote Yue Shuai to take charge of Shu and lead the army to stabilize the situation."