The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2221

"Great! You still have the secret of the devil\'s gate. I captured you alive today and forced you to ask the secret of the devil\'s Dharma!"

Xi Ying retreated for more than ten steps and finally stabilized his body shape. Purple light lingered on his skin. A circle of purple awn appeared on the periphery of his eyes and suddenly drank: "Purple Tianluo!"

Xi Ying has used his killing tactics to press the bottom of the box.

The purple air Tianluo is like a spider web woven with air. Any prey bumps into the web and gets entangled more and more tightly. It is strange and evil to the extreme.

"The four wonderful books of heaven and magic strategy, in the end, are of the same origin..."

Liu Hao stood with his hands down, watching the purple Qi Tianluo of Xi Ying collide with the magic field of heaven, and connected his arms and hands.

Like the most perfect white jade fingers, the empty points in the air and two empty arrows were inspired from Liu Hao\'s acupoints.

This is the sad arrow formula, and it is also one of Liu Hao\'s last kills at the bottom of the box.


There were two small sounds in the sound of the rain.

Then, the air seemed to freeze. It was strange that the drizzle around it stopped in the air without falling to the ground.

The sad little arrow tore the void and darted into the air. The purple gas Tianluo was powerful and powerful, but it still couldn\'t stop the terrible killing power of the sad little arrow.

"Ah ah!"

Xi Ying\'s scream came from the rain curtain. All the people around the exclusive castle were about to stare out of their eyes, open their mouths and stagnate their breathing!

I saw that the mat should cover his eyes and roll on the ground.

A sad arrow can kill people all over the world.

Although Xi Ying is a martial arts master and Ziqi Tianluo is a martial art of mieqing, he still has many flaws in front of Liu Hao and can\'t escape this arrow.

The sad little arrow ran through Xi Ying\'s eyes. If it weren\'t for his deep purple Qi, Luo Tianxiu formed a group of purple dense Qi Gang and intercepted Liu Hao\'s arrow potential. I\'m afraid he would die on the spot.

"Terrible! This man\'s martial arts are better than those of song Kuang. If you don\'t go, you\'ll really die here today!!"

Xi was seriously injured and his liver and gallbladder cracked. There was no sense of resistance. He rolled around the ground, suddenly folded up and retreated towards the back.

"Brother Xi, are you..."

Xie Hui, the castle master who was coming to the exclusive castle, was shocked when he saw that Xi Ying was miserable. He shouted in a hurry, "shoot an arrow and kill him!"

"Shoot an arrow!"

All the subordinates of duzun Castle immediately began to draw strings and open arrows.

Whew, whew, whew!!

Hundreds of people fired arrows at the same time. For example, locusts crossed the border and swept in to block out the sky and the sun.

Diao Chan\'s beautiful eyes are cold, and the devil\'s true Qi runs to the extreme, like a dark purple sky cover. He is preparing to deal with the arrow rain, but Liu Hao stops him behind.

"King Kong is not bad, resist the Dragon Spirit Gang!"

Under the siege of thousands of people, Liu Hao held the beauty slim waist, but it was like walking around in a leisurely court.

Without action, the golden line is not bad. The divine skill works naturally. Combined with the dragon shield and the body protecting spirit Gang, it seems to form a brilliant golden awn around Liu Hao.

Ding Ding Ding!

In the air, the sound of gold and iron was heard all the time.

Everyone on the court was shocked.

Thousands of arrows broke through the air and burst into the air. Unexpectedly, they stopped a few inches away from Liu Hao\'s body. It seemed that they were blocked by the Golden Dragon. It was difficult to enter inch by inch.

"There is still such martial arts in the world!?"

The pupil of the exclusive Castle Lord Xie Hui suddenly contracted and looked at the scene in front of him, which was almost a miracle.

In the world, there are people who can carry thousands of arrows with flesh and blood!

Is this special or human!?

Liu Hao snorted coldly, rolled his sleeves, pointed out his sword and shouted, "dare to fight me, go to heaven and earth today, and kill you!"

The gold line was not bad, and the Dragon God gang was shocked, and the arrows stagnating in the air shot back at a speed higher than the original speed.

There was a constant wail and scream in the streets. The men of the exclusive Castle couldn\'t resist it and were shot to the ground by the arrow rain.

Xie Hui and Xi Ying are frightened, but this is not the end.

"This sword will kill you like a dog!"

Liu Hao\'s acupoints and orifices all over his body are like thunder. He is born with invisible sword Qi and shoots out of Liu Hao\'s heavenly acupoints and orifices.

The sword Qi runs through the sky.

Suddenly, they were combined again and condensed into a nothingness divine sword, which was powerful and majestic.

At this time, Xi Ying, who had fled dozens of feet away, relaxed: "at last, he escaped from the living day from the monster!"

Just between the lightning and flint, the sword Qi of Liu Hao\'s startled sword has killed his vest.


The sword sound like the sound of a dragon roared suddenly, and the fierce sword Qi of no husband and wife blew through the vest of Tianjun Xi Ying, and then shot out from the key point of his front heart, with blood and flesh splashing

This generation of demon giant hero, with empty eyes dripping with blood, hung his head to the ground, and a huge blood hole appeared in front of his chest. Finally, he sighed:

"You... Are invincible in the world!"

If there is regret medicine in the world, Xi Ying would rather face the three great masters alone than against Liu Hao.

In front of Liu Hao, killing the purple Qi Tianluo is like a child\'s trick. It\'s completely vulnerable.


Xi Ying\'s body fell on the muddy ground. His original natural and unrestrained green shirt was full of mud.

"The emperor Xi Ying, defeated in the first World War, didn\'t even have a chance to escape!"

At this time, Xie Hui, the leader of the exclusive castle, only felt his cold hair stand up, his scalp numb, and turned back without looking back!

How do you fight!?

Among the eight masters of the demon sect, except the evil king Shi Zhixuan, who is extremely talented and far surpasses others, he can talk with the great master. Only the demon commander Zhao Deyan and empress Yin Zhu Yuyan can slightly press the emperor\'s seat.

Who can stop such peerless figures who run all over the world?

Even in those days, Tian Dao song que chased Xi Ying and was killed by him thousands of miles away. Today, Tian Jun Xi Ying made a comeback with great magic skills. He wanted to make waves in the Wulin, but he was killed by Liu Hao.

This sword will undoubtedly shake the Jianghu.

When Xie Hui retreated, Liu Hao was also slightly stunned.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Kill the heavenly king Xi Ying of the devil gate\'s love killing way. The additional reward worship value is 20000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, who has won the emperor\'s rating of a hidden treasure chest!"

Tip: [the host automatically triggers the holy gate mission!]