The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2220

"Xie Hui of the exclusive castle can mix into a leader, but he is not a completely useless fool. In a short time, he gathered thousands of people and reacted and acted quickly..."

In the drizzle, the sound of feet stepping on the rain on the streets was so loud that thousands of people surrounded and killed them.

"However, since I came, I just solved the trouble."

Liu Hao still stood in the drizzle with an umbrella and looked calm.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

There was only a burst of applause. A middle-aged man, who was soft and evil, applauded and walked out.

The middle-aged man was dressed in blue and dressed as a writer. He was tall and thin. On the surface, he was gentle and elegant. Bai Zhe\'s thin face was smiling. People who didn\'t know would regard him as a weak middle-aged scholar.

But as soon as Liu Hao\'s Heavenly Emperor Longtong turned, he stared at the pair of eye-catching eyes under the thick eyebrows of the scholar in blue. The evil and cruel sharp light appeared in the eyes, and the eyes were even more purple, strange and terrible.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Tianjun Xi Ying - force 103, intelligence 82, politics 68, command 72!

Stunt, purple gas: Xi Ying is a contemporary descendant of the devil\'s love killing Tao. He has become a purple gas Tianluo with infinite power.

The purple Qi Tianluo is killed by operation, and the combat power of Xi Ying is instantly increased by 10%!

If the enemy\'s spiritual will is not strong, his combat power will be reduced by 10%. If the enemy\'s spiritual will is stronger than Xi Ying, he will be eaten back, and Xi Ying\'s combat power will be reduced by 10%!

Xi Ying, dressed as a scholar in blue, stood with his hands down and said with a proud smile: "the Han Army crossed the river and entered Shu strongly. Recently, it has defeated the defenders in Shu one after another. It seems that it is not a small plot. Why is the leader of the Han country so young? Who is behind you?"

Xi Ying is insidious. He has long explored Liu Hao\'s accomplishments with his Qi machine. He just feels that Liu Hao\'s Qi machine is ordinary and there is nothing strange. Instead, he is a beautiful woman around Liu Hao, which is a little unfathomable.

"The devil\'s way to kill love?"

Liu Hao searched his memory, but he really remembered Xi Ying.

He is known as the emperor of heaven and has high martial arts skills. He is also an outstanding master in the magic gate, but later he became the defeated general of Xu Ziling, one of the two small strongmen.

"Tianjun, don\'t talk nonsense to him. If you kill the eldest childe, take your life to repay!"

"The castle leader leads the army in Sichuan. He will come soon!"

"Please take the madman!"

At the end of the street, many desperate men with swords and swords came out. They looked like they wanted to swallow Liu Hao.

Tianjun Xi should shake his head and sigh: "when I came to the Central Plains, I wanted to have an old relationship with Tiandao. However, I was entrusted to be loyal to others. I had to take your head first, and then talk to the beauty..."

While talking, Xi Ying\'s eyes glittered with evil purple light. The magic power of mieqing Tao operated, and the drizzle between heaven and earth seemed to be full of murderous spirit.

"I\'ll try the strength of the master of magic."

Liu Hao smiled coldly and was about to make a move, but the palm of his left hand was held by Diao Chan catkin.

"Your Majesty, let his concubine deal with him."

Diao Chan said softly. There seemed to be a faint evil spirit lingering in her bright eyes.

"After Xi\'s purple spirit and heaven became great, there are few people I can identify as opponents in the world. Your martial arts are mediocre and you are not qualified to be one of them. However, Xi is very grateful to have such a beauty come to Xi\'s door to try the move. It seems that I will destroy the flowers today, but it\'s a pity..."

In the faint sigh, the figure of Tianjun Xi suddenly moved.

There are residual shadows in the void. Xi should kill them in the air. As soon as he kills them, he will kill them. The purple air is diffuse in the sky, such as the majestic purple cloud, which is extremely powerful.

"Seek your own death!"

Diao Chan looked calm. With a wave of her slender hand, the green ten fingers played a series of ten demonic Qi, tearing the air. With the power of cutting gods and killing ghosts, she welcomed Xi Ying.


The two men\'s attack was extremely profound martial arts, with great momentum. The ground on the street exploded, and dust and sand splashed everywhere.

Diao Chan\'s graceful body is still as elegant as an immortal, but Xi Ying is affected by this powerful shock and turns several somersaults in the air, which stabilizes her body.

"Hiss! The devil Dharma, this is the devil Dharma in the great circle!"

Xi Ying\'s pupils contracted suddenly and his heart trembled.

The two sects and six ways of the devil sect were originally in the same vein in ancient times, and the Qi mechanism between them was naturally induced.

At the level of Xi Ying, people regard human life as grass mustard and act without taboo, but they are also afraid.

In addition to the ethereal evil emperor and the three great masters in the world, Xi Ying can\'t provoke song que, evil king Shi Zhixuan, Yin empress Zhu Yuyan and others.

It\'s just that he sensed that Diao Chan\'s demonic Qi is clearly still above Zhu Yuyan. It\'s definitely a full realm of demons, with unpredictable killing opportunities!

"Xie Hui, the old devil, has really offended anyone? How could anyone practice the great magic method to great success!?"

Xi Ying was shocked, but Diao Chan shot again.

I saw the Diao cicada move lightly, the clothes flutter, and the people are like flying immortals. They shrink to an inch and sweep out a distance of more than ten feet. The Tianmo Dharma attacks again, and the Tianmo Qi is blocked. The whole space turns into a Tianmo cage, covering the Xi Ying in it.

The Tianmo strategy is a wonderful book handed down from ancient times. This suffocating attack on gods can make the enemy\'s five senses upside down and disordered, which is also unheard of.

Xi Ying\'s eyes flashed. He just felt like he was in hell. He was hit by many demons, but where dare he neglect?

Step! Step! Step!

There are rows of deep footprints on the ground. Xi should lean over, fly back and want to exit the magic field.

Unfortunately, although he retreated quickly, Diao Chan\'s speed was faster. In an instant, he hit dozens of hands again. The palms in the air overlapped, and he could not parry the emperor\'s seat to the left and right.

The people around the exclusive Castle look straight.

Xi Ying, the emperor of heaven, shocked the Central Plains in the past, but the demon sect experts who escaped under the Tiandao song que Dao, even their master\'s exclusive Castle Xie Hui, should treat each other with courtesy and try their best to get married. Is this too miserable today!?

Being beaten by this beautiful woman is like a lost dog