The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2217

"Take them all!"

Gan Ning, the senior general of Huanglong Navy, also smiled coldly, raised his hand and made a sharp gesture to move forward.

The Huanglong warship accelerated again. The Jinfan department took a boat to cross the river. In an instant, it surrounded the fleet of duzun castle.

"So many warships... What kind of identity is this girl?"

Xie Wenlong\'s scalp was numb. He almost suspected that he had provoked the princess of the Sui Dynasty!

"Your Majesty loves the eldest princess most. You don\'t know how to live or die. You hit the muzzle of the gun. You deserve to die."

Gan Ningzheng drew his sword and shouted, "the brocade sail Department listens to the order. If there is resistance, there will be no amnesty!"

"Kill, kill!"

"Kill, kill!"

Jinfan department is the first elite of the Han Navy, and there are fierce generals such as Gan Ning, Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin. Naturally, there is no pressure to deal with the power of a single respected fort.

The dead men and fierce soldiers of the Jinfan Department went to the fleet of duzun castle one after another and killed them with a knife. The violent offensive destroyed the mob of duzun castle in an instant, killing them.

When the strong blood gas was blown by the river wind, Xie Wenlong was so scared that his legs were soft. He shouted fiercely: "I am the only son of Xie Hui, the exclusive Castle Lord. This is the golden ship of the Song family. Dare you move!?"

Zhou Tai said with a ferocious smile: "at the order of the holy emperor, no matter what king Lao Tzu you are, if you don\'t surrender, you will die!"

While talking, his hand fell with a knife. Another knife split a sacrificial expert of the exclusive castle into two pieces, and the blood flowed all over the ground. It was too violent.

At this time, when Xie Wenlong met such a murderer, he didn\'t have the idea of half resistance. As soon as he saw that the situation was wrong, he folded and wanted to step back.

Unfortunately, as soon as the Huanglong Navy set out, it could be said that it was seamless. Unless it gave birth to wings and flew out of the siege, there would be no way for the boundless Huanglong warships to surround it.

"Hateful, hateful!"

Xie Wenlong was as hasty as a bereaved dog. He was evil to the side of courage. Instead, he slaughtered Liu Peng.

He is not a fool either. He knows that Liu Jian has a high status among the people in front of him. If he can take her, he can make these people throw a rat\'s deterrent and dare not move much.

Seeing this, Gan Ning almost burst out fire in the tiger\'s eyes and shouted, "thief, dare you!"

"Oh, idiot!"

Liu Jian\'s eyes were cold and his eyes turned white.

In the face of Xie Wenlong, she was not a bit flustered. She just moved her hands and displayed the martial arts on the Tianmo scroll.

The Tianmo scroll is a secret scroll handed down from ancient times. It is very powerful. In particular, Diao Chan practiced it to perfection and instructed Liu Peng to learn a lot.


Xie Wenlong was in the air, but he only felt his brain buzzing. The space seemed to be distorted by Liu\'s blow, which made his chest bored and his blood churning.


Tianshan plum blossom folding hand, which is wonderful to the peak, passed through the void and printed on the chest of Wen long.

The overbearing nature devil\'s palm power instantly hurt Wen Long\'s internal organs and knocked him to the ground. I don\'t know whether he is alive or dead.

"No, this woman can do evil tricks. The childe was killed..."

The subordinates of duzun castle were shocked, but also completely panicked.

Xie Wenlong is the only heir to the exclusive castle and the leader of the middle-aged and young generation of experts in Shu. Otherwise, Tiandao and song que would not marry their daughter.

However, he couldn\'t even take a move in front of this seemingly weak girl!

"Still want to go, take them all, don\'t let go of any!"

Ganning also killed his heart.

He was so provoked in front of him that he was playing on the face of Jinfan department.

"Kill, kill!"

The fierce soldiers of the brocade sail department, like tigers into sheep, began to kill the horses of these exclusive castles madly.

"It\'s too late for the rescue. Please give me a sin!"

Gan Ning fought his way, knelt down in front of Liu, bowed down on one knee, hugged his fist and said guilt.

"General xingba bravely killed the enemy and won the third army. There must be records in the military aircraft department. What is the crime of Japanese goods rewarding on merit?"

Liu Hu waved his hand and motioned Gan Ning to get up.

Although Liu Tu is not big, he has some means to attract people. Gan Ning feels that he is facing the holy emperor who exudes infinite emperor\'s majesty!

"Princess Xie!"

Gan Ning said with a grim smile, "these bastards will make them regret being born into this world today!"



Jiangxin Hengzhou, in the cabin of a luxury giant ship.

A woman with a phoenix crown and a red wedding dress asked softly, "what\'s going on outside?"

The maid hurried in and said tremblingly, "no, no... Miss Yuhua, Mr. Xie got into a mess outside."

The maids in the cabin screamed and panicked.

Only this graceful woman, with a calm look, just frowned and asked, "this is the boundary of Bashu, and the only respected castle is the leader in Shu. How can someone intercept the river and kill it?"

Step! Step! Step!

At this time, the footsteps of Qi cleaning and killing outside the cabin suddenly sounded. The horses guarding the exclusive Castle outside the cabin screamed repeatedly and almost had no resistance. They were directly killed by the Great Han Huben.

After clearing the site, the soldiers of the Huanglong Navy seized absolute control of the ship.

When Liu Peng slowly boarded the boat, the people knelt down on one knee, hugged their fists, and said respectfully, "welcome the long princess. The long princess will live forever!"

"Welcome the long princess, long princess forever!"

This sentence will last forever, and the Great Han Huben also have heartfelt respect.

Liu Jian showed his power today by driving a phoenix and killing the enemy. He has also completely convinced the military heart of the Great Han Huanglong Navy.

"Where are the people?"

Liu Jian walked with his shoulders and hands on his back, floating like an immortal.

A royal guards rolled up his cloak, bowed and hugged his fist and said, "Princess Huichang, the daughter of the song valve, is in the cabin!"

"Tiandao song\'s missing daughter?"

Liu Tu\'s beautiful eyes turned slightly, and a playful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He said, "I heard that the woman lacking in song is a rare beauty. Go and have a look."