The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2218

"If it\'s really good-looking, I\'ll take it to serve my father. Hey, hey!"

A little devil like smile appeared at the corners of Liu\'s mouth.

The stars of the royal guards guard Liu Jian in the middle and go straight to the cabin


When he pushed the door in, the fragrance came to his face. Seeing the scene in the cabin, Liu Peng\'s beautiful eyes couldn\'t help but brighten and couldn\'t help saying, "it\'s really beautiful. It\'s only inferior to the cicada concubine..."

In the cabin, there was a woman in a red wedding dress, with picturesque eyes and beautiful eyes.

"Do you know that this ship is one of the dowries of the song valve. Xie Wenlong was born in the exclusive castle and is also the largest Jianghu force in Sichuan. He has caused endless trouble."

Song Yuhua swept his sideburns and said faintly.

This woman really has the style of everyone. Even though her jade face is a little pale, she tightly hides a short knife between her left sleeve. It is obvious that she has made up her mind. If anything happens, she will not be humiliated and is ready to commit suicide at any time.

Liu Tu smiled and said, "sister, how can a beauty like you marry that idiot Xie Wenlong?"

After a pause, Liu Jian seemed to see through the hearts of the people and continued: "I heard from my father that Tiandao song Ke is a rare hero in the world, but this exclusive castle is a bad thing... Alas, political marriage really kills people!"

Song Yuhua was a little stunned. As he looked at Liu Jian, he became more and more curious:

"This little girl, if she can say these words, her bearing is natural and noble. She must have been in people for a long time. What\'s the origin? Is it... Is it the princess of the great Sui Dynasty?"

In the world, who dares to call himself "father emperor" except emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty?

Song Yuhua was gentle, but her mind was delicate. She asked, "which Princess of the Sui Dynasty is it?"

Liu Tu blinked and said with a smile, "my father is a hundred times more handsome and powerful than Yang Guangke... No, more than 10000 times. The strength of the Han Dynasty is not comparable to that of the Sui Dynasty..."

Liu Hao wielded his sword to overcome the floating clouds, which shocked the four fields and eight wastelands. The army of the dynasty leveled several worlds. Naturally, it is not comparable to Yang Guang, who is about to die down for thousands of years.

"How can there be such a person in the world?"

Song Yuhua was full of curiosity, but did not ask questions. He only heard someone outside shouting:

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Long live the mountain, just like a raging tide and tsunami, sweeping the sky and shaking people\'s hearts.

Across the cabin, song Yuhua heard her heart shake. Even her father, a man like God, may be inferior to her.

There was no time to think about it, but a gentle and dignified mellow voice outside the ship came in.

"Ah Tan, are you okay?"

At the sound, Liu\'s slightly chilly cheek was filled with a smile and welcomed him out happily.

Those big talking eyes are like two crescent moons, full of worship and merit:

"Father, I\'ve found you a great beauty. I\'m sure you like it!"

Liu Hao rubbed his hair and said with a laugh, "you girl."

Liu Hao couldn\'t figure out what she was thinking about the ghost of Liu Jian. A girl in her teens, however, was knowledgeable and began to show her extraordinary head.

When Liu Hao\'s footsteps were blocked, Liu TU was ruthless and ruthless.

Today, Xie Wenlong\'s death destroyed thousands of people in his family. It can be said that the whole Xie family was greatly weakened and took the first step for the Han Dynasty to enter Bashu.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Song Que\'s eldest daughter song Yuhua - force 76, intelligence 77, politics 62, command 69, talent 82, charm 96!

Stunt, gentle: Song Yuhua has a gentle personality. If he marries a wife and a virtuous person, he must help the virtuous person.

Depending on their marriage life, their husband\'s random attribute is increased by 1-3 points!

"The daughter of song valve, good!"

Liu Hao glanced at Song Yuhua, who looked nervous.

Song Yuhua may not be the most beautiful person in the country, but the gentle demeanor of a young lady, coupled with her pitiful tension, is still very destructive to men.

This woman is like a gurgling stream, flowing quietly, emitting delicate fragrance and fragrance.

Liu Jianmei smiled and said, "Hey, my father really likes it!"

Liu Hao gave her a chestnut and said in a warm voice, "Miss Yuhua, don\'t be alarmed. Today\'s affair starts with Xie Wenlong and ends with him. It will never involve Miss Yuhua."

"Xie Wenlong is dead!"

In Song Yuhua\'s heart, a big stone suddenly fell to the ground with a bright face. He said calmly, "your driving is unfathomable, but Xie Wenlong is the son of Xie Hui, the only respected castle. Xie Hui is the leader of the Jianghu in Sichuan. I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to give up."

"Jianghu leader?"

Liu Hao brushed his sleeves and said with a smile, "since the Han Dynasty was born, he will be the leader of the Jianghu."

Words contain infinite self-confidence. This arrogance makes song Yuhua\'s beautiful eyes shine.

"All right."

Liu Hao didn\'t want to tease his sister, so he casually ordered, "Miss Yuhua, let\'s have a rest for now. I have something important to do."

This is not an empty statement. There are too many layouts to do in the early stage if you want to enter Bashu and dominate the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

"First send Xie Wenlong\'s waste head to the exclusive castle!"




Located on the South Bank of the longevity pool in the northern suburb of Chengdu, duzun Castle faces north and is extremely open, like a reduced imperial city.

The whole exclusive castle is made of solid stone bricks, giving people a solid atmosphere.

The owner of this exclusive castle is Xie Hui, who is called the Wulin magistrate, which means that there are black and white in Bashu Wulin. It all depends on the judgment of this magistrate.

The night was now deep.

In the exclusive castle, there are lights and decorations, and the lights are still bright.

Nowadays, the Sui Dynasty has lost its energy and the flames of war are rising all over the world. Many people with intentions have begun to save and train dead men. Xie Hui is naturally no exception in the southwest.

From time to time, servants are busy in the castle, and many patrolling Xie private soldiers are patrolling back and forth with swords and alert faces