The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2216

Bird droppings fell on Wen Long\'s head, which made him scream, and the horses in the exclusive Castle nearby also screamed.

"Fucking smelly bird!"

"Kill it!"

"Kill! This little girl is so beautiful. I\'ll catch her and serve as a foot washing maid for the childe."


There was a commotion on the ship. Some people revolved around Xie Wenlong for fear that he might lose. Others pointed to the sky and shouted abuse.

Jianghu people have the most poisonous mouth and can scold anything. The whole ship is full of all kinds of foul language.


Liu Jian was flying in the wind in the air when he suddenly felt the noise of scolding on the river and couldn\'t help but frown.

She is Liu Hao\'s daughter and follows Liu Hao\'s extraordinary five senses. She was born with a congenital Taoist body. Even the immortal Zuo Ci was surprised and praised.

Such a movement was felt dozens of feet apart.

Xie Wenlong\'s clothes were scattered, his halberd pointed to the air and shouted angrily: "who are you? Dare to make trouble in Sichuan and don\'t you recognize the banner of the exclusive castle? Get down and kowtow to my childe and apologize!"

The welcoming fleet wants the style of the first exclusive castle in Shu. If you lose face here, you\'ll be disgraced.

In Liu\'s bright big eyes, there was a trace of cold. He patted Zhu Fengniao on the back and said, "Xiao Hong, go down and give them some strength!"

Fierce! Fierce! Fierce!

Zhu Fengniao\'s body is flowing with the blood of a divine beast. He is arrogant. Where will he pay attention to these mole ants?

From the air came the shriek of the Phoenix wearing gold and jade, and the wings of the crested Phoenix vibrated like a red flame, falling from the sky towards the fleet of the exclusive castle.

Hoo! Hoo!

In the sharp Phoenix eyes of Zhu Fengniao, there was a faint red flame sign. Without Liu\'s command, he opened his mouth and spit out. Two hot red fire Qi strength, like the arrow of the divine arm bow, churned and fell on the fleet of the exclusive castle.

"Madder... What kind of monster is this?"

Xie Wenlong was surprised. He was so big that he had seen many rare animals, but he had never seen such a strange bird.

The two red flames in the air came towards him.


At a time when it was not allowed to happen here, Xie Wenlong showed his body method and swept out quickly, but he only heard a horse cry around him. He had been sprayed by the smell of red inflammation and became a burning man.

The fire was so fierce that it burned the living man into coke in an instant. The fire spread, and even the deck began to burn

When facing the unknown fear, people often have only fear in their heart.

The people of duzun castle, even if they have martial arts skills, have seen such a scene for the first time. They are a little timid and their legs are soft. Some people shout to drink and fetch water to fight the fire. The ship is in a mess.

"Xiao Hong, well done!"

Liu Tu smiled and narrowed his eyes, praising Xiao bu. His bright eyes seemed to be two curved moons, like a little devil.

Zhu Fengniao was also very excited, raised his head and shouted again and again, flapping his wings and flying fast on the river.

Everyone in the exclusive castle is stupid.

They have dozens of merchant ships and fleets, and there are always battles with thousands of people. It is also a great momentum in the Jianghu, but no one can get this person and bird in the air

Occasionally someone shoots an arrow, but it can\'t keep up with the abnormal speed of Zhu Fengniao. When the arrow is shot in the air, it falls into the river and can\'t even turn over a little wave.

Xie Wenlong\'s back was soaked in cold sweat. What he met today is more mysterious than what he met in his life.

"This girl... What is the origin? I\'m afraid the divine bird under the seat is not a mortal!"

"I regret not provoking this girl!"

For a moment, Xie Wenlong\'s mind was full of remorse.

It\'s a pity that the world didn\'t regret selling medicine. He ran into Liu Jian and forced him with his life, which was doomed to a tragic outcome.

"Sir... Sir, what should I do?"

All the people on the side were stunned.

The divine bird spits out red fire and burns the ship. People simply take this person and bird. There is no way. Constantly someone falls into the river on the ship. The rolling river water sinks to the bottom of the river, and even a person can\'t be seen.

Xie Wenlong was in a cold sweat behind his back, but he smiled and said, "girl, misunderstanding! It\'s because servants have no eyes. They bumped into the girl. Xie married the daughter of Lingnan song valve and is patrolling the river. Girl, it\'s better to come down and drink a cup of wedding wine. Let\'s laugh away our gratitude and hatred!"

Not all the second generation ancestors are brainless fools. The exclusive Castle dominates Bashu. Xie Wenlong is also one of his Laozi\'s generals. At this time, he carried out the song valve and hoped that the girl riding the strange bird would leave quickly.

"Hum! Now you know how powerful it is?"

Liu Tu held his head high and condescended. The green jade pointed him out and said, "you little white face, if you are sensible, kneel down and surrender quickly, or none of you can run away!"

Liu Tu patted Zhu Fengniao on the neck, slowly landed from the air and jumped on the deck.

"Since you dare to come down, you can\'t help it!"

Xie Wenlong\'s eyes flashed fiercely. He was about to order his horses to siege, but he only heard a sudden sound of rough waves on the river.

In the hustle and bustle, the bleak and desolate horn sounded suddenly!

The people of the exclusive Castle exclaimed, "young master, it\'s bad, Jiang... There are many warships on the river!"

Suddenly, the man couldn\'t even speak quickly. Xie Wenlong was also shocked. He quickly looked back. There were countless majestic and domineering dragon warships on the far river.

The Dragon sails were full. On the warship, there were neat and fierce soldiers, clanking iron armor, holding long guns and halberds, murderous into the sky.

"This... This... What the hell is this?"

Xie Wenlong was shocked and uncertain, and his head was blank.

The most powerful forces in the Jianghu are gathering outlaws to dominate.

Encountered such a powerful imperial power, but in any case, it can not be comparable to it.

Zhou Tai, a senior general of the Huanglong Navy, stood in the bow, wearing tiger shark skin armor, only bare his shoulders and back, carrying a senhan treasure knife. His bronze muscles were like hard rocks, and his knots were majestic.

"Dare to provoke the long princess. I really don\'t know how to write the word death!"