The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2213

However, Liu Hao\'s Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic is really worthy of the supreme god level flying skill.

Every time Liu Hao has a relationship with the imperial concubines of the harem, he will benefit a lot. Some of them have improved their skills, while others have skin like snow and keep their face

Liu Peng blinked and asked, "father, what is Shuangxiu?"

Liu Hao was sweating. Why did the girl ask about this? She immediately said, "don\'t worry about these adults, your children\'s family?"


Liu Tu straightened his chest and said, "I\'m not young anymore!"

Liu Hao gave her a chestnut, suppressed it and said, "you learn more from your wife cicada, break through your martial arts early, and give you a gift for your father."

The imperial female task has been shelved for a long time and still hasn\'t been completed. Liu Hao is a little OCD and can\'t stand it.

"What gift?"

Liu Jian\'s eyes lit up immediately, hugged Liu Hao\'s arm and shook it, "then I\'ll join my father in conquering the world of the Sui and Tang Dynasties."

"Just go and practice..."

Liu Hao pondered for a while and finally agreed.

The road to martial arts still lies in actual combat. It is not advisable to build a car behind closed doors. Liu has now encountered a bottleneck. Only by stepping past it can the sea and sky be vast.

"It\'s nice of my father!"

Hearing Liu Hao\'s promise, Liu Peng was elated. Holding Liu Hao\'s arm, he tiptoed and kissed Liu Hao heavily on his cheek.



After enjoying the short and warm family customs of the harem, the day of the resurgence of the imperial expedition finally came.

Liu Hao wore twelve diaos on his head and a robe embroidered with purple dragon and gun. The sun, moon and stars were embroidered on his shoulders. According to the ninth five-year-old emperor\'s holy sword, he stood on the king\'s commanding platform. Behind him, the overlord\'s cloak made a sound of hunting. Liu Hao looked solemn and solemn.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

In the middle of the school field, the big man Huben Hercules, with bare arms and thick muscles like hard rocks, began to swing his mallet wildly, beat the sky and beat the drums.

"Minister Yuefei, please see your majesty. The rectification of the three armed forces is completed. Please give your Majesty\'s order!"

"Minister Zhou Yu, see your majesty. You have been ordered to purge the three armies. Please give your majesty an order!"

Yue Fei and Zhou Yu, the two great emperors, were famous for their martial arts. The tiger walked to the Baiyu terrace where the king ordered him, bowed down and hugged his fist in awe.

"Very good!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes were bright and his divine light burst. He looked at the whole school field from a distance and said with a loud laugh: "I mention the three foot sword, which cuts across the sky. Are the Great Han soldiers willing to fight with me?"

"May you die with your majesty!"

"May you die with your majesty!"


Hundreds of thousands of big men are fierce soldiers. The swordsmen are held high and roar wildly.

Liu Hao looked at Diao Chan, the imperial concubine on his side. He was shocked and communicated with the system: "open the muddy sky star road and locate the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You have used obsidian and determined the star coordinates. You have positioned the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties. The Tianmen gate is about to open. Please get ready!"

The picture of the country suddenly shook and the stars gradually appeared.

On the nine sky, purple clouds gathered from all directions, gradually gathered and blocked the sky and the sun, and there was no light between heaven and earth.


Suddenly, among the layers of purple clouds, thunder suddenly sounded.

The infinite bright light came straight down from the purple clouds and fell on the ground, forming a light door to the sky.

In the bright light, there seems to be the roar of real dragons, unicorns, rosefinches and other sacred animals, and the majestic vicissitudes of life of the ancient heaven came to the world.

"Tianmen appears. It\'s really a miracle!"

In Wang Meng\'s eyes, Liang mang bloomed. When his mood was agitated, he couldn\'t help clenching his fists.

In this way, the unparalleled emperor is the emperor of all ages, which is worth serving wholeheartedly.

"Mastering the artifact can change the stars and sense the atmosphere of ancient heaven. All the ancient emperors are gone. In this era, only his Majesty the holy emperor is the real master of heaven and earth!"

Wang Yangming\'s eyes are as clear as stars, but he has unlimited heroic ambitions in his chest.

Liu Hao stuck to the hand of Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, and slowly boarded the Jiulong Heavenly Emperor chariot of ancient simplicity and martial arts, taking the lead in entering the starlight gate.

In the air came the sound of the Phoenix, and the wings of the Phoenix fluttered like the wings of the cloud, turned into a red lightning, and rushed to the sky.

"The beast Zhu Feng!"

When the three armies of the Han Dynasty looked up, Zhu Fengniao vomited a few inflamed breath and disappeared into the starlight door.

Then Yue Fei and Zhou Yu looked at each other, raised their hands solemnly, and shouted, "enter the gate of heaven and fight with your majesty!"

"Enter the gate of heaven and fight with your majesty!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The big men and people who are watching from a distance, if they see miracles, are all shocked by their hearts.



The world of Sui and Tang Dynasties separated by stars.

On February Jiazi day in the first year of Dading, Emperor Jing of the Northern Zhou Dynasty issued an imperial edict to announce his surrender in the hope of Yang Jian.

After Yang Jian\'s three concessions, he was ordered by heaven to enter the palace from the prime minister\'s house. The ceremony was prepared, that is, the emperor was located in the Linguang hall, named the country "Sui", changed the yuan to open the emperor, and announced an amnesty.

In the seventh year of the emperor\'s reign, Xiao Cong, the empress of Xiliang, was abolished. Xiliang, which was located in a corner of Jiangling, perished. Yang Jian did his best to take the foundation of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and unify the world, leaving only the Chen Dynasty in the south.

Since then, Yang Jian has worked hard to expand the armaments of the Sui Dynasty with the intention of swallowing the eight wastelands.

A few years later, when the time was ripe, Yang Jian took Yang Guang, king of Jin, to control the three armies, Gao Yu as the mastermind, and Han qiahu, he ruobi, Lai Baoer and other Sui generals began to attack the Chen Dynasty.

Yang Guang, the king of Jin, was also an immortal hero. After the supervisor pushed the army to destroy the Chen Dynasty, he then used a series of power to plot the city government. After Yang Jian died, he stepped on all his brothers and succeeded in taking over the national base of the Sui Dynasty.


Luoyang, Xiyuan.

This is the Royal backyard, which covers an open area and has endless prosperity.

There are carved fences and painted buildings, countless pavilions and pavilions, as well as small bridges, flowing water, rockeries and stones built in imitation of the south of the Yangtze River. The layout is wonderful. All of them are made by famous craftsmen.

Yufeng Building is the tallest building in Xiyuan.

At this time, Yang Guang, emperor of Sui Dynasty, was in the west garden to observe the beautiful scenery downstairs