The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2214

Yufeng downstairs is a sea of peonies.

Yang Guang is not only greedy for pleasure, but also likes strange flowers and stones. He has searched the south of the Yangtze River three times and sent people to plant peonies collected from all over the west garden.

This sea of peony flowers has been condensed by the painstaking efforts of tens of thousands of gardeners in the world. It has been transplanted from all over the world. It is really beautiful and fragrant.

"Wake up and control the power of the world and lie drunk on the beautiful knee. What a great husband has done!"

Yang Guang held a beauty in his arms and swallowed a mouthful of wine into his stomach. He was unrestrained and laughed happily.

At this time, Yu wenhuaji, the young servant, stood up and flattered: "Your Majesty\'s virtue and martial arts, the rule of the world, even ancient saints, are not as far away as your majesty!"

"Your Majesty, the dragon boat in Jiangdu has been arranged. There are 3000 beauties on the dragon boat. All of them are Jiangnan women. The whole boat is waiting for your majesty."

Relatively speaking, Yu Shiji\'s way of flattering is much more direct.

"Ha ha, Aiqing really has a heart!"

Yang Guang was really happy. He was very happy. Pointing to the sea of flowers downstairs, he nodded and said, "you Aiqing, how can you miss such a beautiful scenery? I\'m drunk with you today."

"Thank you, your majesty!"

There was a sound of flattery upstairs.

It has to be said that no one in this world can be on the right of Yang Guangzhi.

Downstairs, in the sea of peonies, there are hundreds of beauties, wearing only gauze inch wisps, dancing in the sea of peonies.

In addition, there are musicians who play the music of silk and bamboo on the side, which is beautiful and beautiful.

Full of laughter, Gao Ying, an old minister of the two dynasties, looked more and more lonely, shook his head and sighed.

Yang Guang, who was still not the crown prince at that time, should be called a hero, conquering the north and the South and making great efforts to govern.

But when he tried his best to ascend the throne of the ninth five, he was no longer bound by scruples, and he was like a different person.

Beneath the surface of extravagance and lust, there is an undercurrent surging.

Not to mention the suffering of Koryo, Tuyuhun and Turks, Zhai rang of Wagang stronghold in China has also become a climate, supporting hundreds of thousands of soldiers and attracting countless strange people and scholars.

Du Fuwei, Li Zitong and others in Jiangdu also made trouble everywhere. Li Yuan in Taiyuan bought off the hearts of the gentry in Guanzhong, and gradually meant to dominate the country.

In other words, at this time, when singing and dancing became peaceful, it was like a group of demons dancing and dangerous. The imperial court\'s ability to control the situation had been greatly weakened.

"Now the world is under great governance, which is the merit of your majesty."

"Your Majesty is so brave that he should enjoy the best things in the world..."

The courtiers around Yang Guang were still saying flattery. Yang Guang laughed and drank a few more glasses of wine, but suddenly there was a loud thunder in the air.

The power of thunder is shocking.

All the officials of the Sui Dynasty in Yufeng\'s upstairs were subconsciously surprised. Even Yang Guang was shocked. The wine spilled from the wine glass and wet his sleeves.

"Get out!"

Probably because he lost his imperial appearance in front of people, Yang Guang\'s face suddenly became gloomy and knocked over the maid serving wine.

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the Yufeng Building.

"Quick... Look at the sky!"

They couldn\'t help raising their heads and looking at the sky. They saw that the sky suddenly darkened, as if covered by a big hand covering the sky.

Purple clouds, from above the Jiuchong tianque, gradually gathered and accumulated depression, and poured into the West.

Above the western sky, purple clouds billowed, as if a real dragon was singing and roaring, and the sound shook the four fields and eight wastelands.


The purple clouds suddenly split, and the bright stars suddenly fell down from the nine sky, gradually forming a magnificent and huge Heaven Gate.

The purple cloud river is three thousand miles away, and the vast starlight enters China.

"This... What is this!?"

The courtiers of the Sui Dynasty on the Yufeng tower have been completely stunned. They have never heard of such phenomena for thousands of years.

Sui emperor Yang Guang pushed away the beauty in his arms. Huoran stood up and looked at the sky in disbelief.

The Tianmen gate fell down from the nine sky, like a pillar of light from heaven to earth, emitting boundless bright golden light.

It can be seen that there are ancient simple and powerful chariots, as well as powerful heavenly soldiers and golden iron horses with clanking iron armor and long spears and halberds. They step out of the Tianmen gate and have a majestic scene that everyone present may not forget for a lifetime.

Yang Guang\'s eyes were round, his mouth opened, pointed to the direction of the Tianmen gate and asked the people, "what\'s that?"

Yu wenhuaji was also shocked. His eyes turned sharply and said cautiously, "it seems to be the direction of Bashu. Only the saint came to the world can have such auspicious luck. Why don\'t your majesty send someone to Bashu to find out?"

All the ministers in the Yufeng Building responded and said, "Your Majesty, please send a scout to Bashu to find out."

Everyone was immersed in the shocking scene just now, but Gao Ying\'s mind seemed to be bombarded by thunder, leaving only the tragic scene of golden iron horse and murderous spirit rushing into the sky

"This is the image of the resurgence of swordsmen. How can it be auspicious!"

Gao Ying sighed in her heart: the world is not flat, Shu is flat, the world is not chaotic, Shu is chaotic!



It\'s hard to get to the blue sky.

The waterways in Sichuan are even more difficult and dangerous.

Moving against the current, the vortex is full of resistance and the killing machine is latent. Fortunately, the Huanglong warship crosses the river and connects it with iron cables, which is like flat ground.


Tianmen came, light and shadow staggered, purple lightning, the three armies of the Han Dynasty landed on the waterway.

"I\'m coming!"

Standing on the dragon\'s head deck, Liu Hao stretched out his arms as if to embrace heaven and earth, roaring and shaking the fields.

The howling sound is like the sound of a dragon, rippling back and forth in the canyons on both sides. The water waves on the shocked River are surging, and the world is shaking.

Behind the majestic and heroic Liu Hao, there are more than ten people, old and young, all of whom are great masters of the Han Dynasty.

These great masters of the dynasty, whose bearing is deep, stand in the pavilion and condense, look like mountains and rivers, unfathomable.

When crossing the river, a system prompt sound came from my ear: