The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2212

In front of the imperial concubines in the harem, Liu Hao is not the bullying emperor, but the husband of many little women. There are all kinds of beautiful and warm in ordinary days, which is not enough for external humanity.

"Well, your majesty, stop fooling around."

Cai Wenji, the queen of the East Palace, gave Liu Hao a white look and was slightly positive. She reminded Liu Hao: "if the palace maids saw it, it would be disrespectful."

"The ninth five year plan is supreme. I am a man of integrity. If I say a word, I will follow the law. Who dares to criticize?"

Liu Hao laughed loudly and looked around. The palace was really full of flowers. The appearance of the imperial concubines was all thousands of miles away. It was also believed that they were fairies in the sky.

In the environment surrounded by the fragrance, it also makes people relax and forget the upcoming iron and blood killing.

"By the way, where has ah Tan gone?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes turned slightly, but he didn\'t find his eldest daughter and asked.

With Zhu Fengniao as his playmate, Liu is really flying himself. He travels thousands of miles a day and goes out of the palace to play.

Empress Cai Wenji said softly, "my daughter went out to play in a Phoenix, and it\'s almost time to come back..."

Before the voice fell, there was a very clear sound of Feng Ming from the sky.

A fiery red light, like a meteor trailing its tail, cut through the void and threw it directly into the palace.

Over the past few years, little bit has grown in size by at least one circle due to the growth of the heyday of the dynasty. Its wings are spread out. If it is the wing of a cloud, it is more than ten meters long.

It is also a strange temperament. Strangers should not be close. At the beginning, it also spewed out inflammatory breath and burned Cheng Yaojin into a big bald head

In the whole Han Dynasty, except Liu Hao, only Liu Jian could live in it.

"Where are you playing, girl?"

Liu Haoning looked at the bird from a distance. He seemed to be in a good mood. His big eyes laughed into two crescent moons, and a series of silver bell like laughter sounded in the air.

"Father, do you see what treasure I found?"

In front of others, Liu Jian\'s temperament is completely cold, but in front of Liu Hao, he looks like a treasure offering, which is extremely cute.

Zhu Fengniao slowly fell down, also raised his head and chirped, as if telling his credit.


When Liu Hao heard his daughter say this, his heart suddenly moved slightly. The emperor of heaven Longtong turned around his daughter and finally fell on her bright wrist.

Cao Jie, a little Taoist, saw this bracelet on Liu Jian\'s wrist. Her big eyes were also bright and a little confused. She said, "eh? How can I feel the smell of space treasures?"

Liu Peng raised his head and said, "you can put a lot of things in this bracelet. I baked a wild deer with Xiaohong and came back to eat for my father."

"Hey, hey! Barbecue seasonings are specially made by yunniang. They smell delicious!"

I saw her slim hand shake, and there was an additional wild deer in her hand. It was roasted golden, and there was oil dripping on it, emitting a fragrance, which made the index finger move

The imperial concubines in the palace were also curious and asked, "ah Tan, your bracelet is also magical. Where did you get it?"

Tianyin Bracelet (Imperial rating) - it is a treasure of space handed down from ancient times. It can fold space and store things in it!


Liu Hao took the bracelet handed over by Liu Jian and was speechless

People are better than people. It\'s really annoying.

I can go to this day, the luck has been good, but my daughter, Qi luck is really not comparable.

If Liu Hao wants to get an emperor\'s treasure, he must complete the task of corresponding difficulty before he can get it. Or if he breaks out the hidden treasure box of emperor\'s rating, his character will explode, and he may also open the emperor to Bora

But Liu Jian picked it up when he went out to barbecue by zhufengbird and barbecued somewhere in the mountains

Little bit\'s triumphant vibrating wings seemed to be asking for credit, but his eyes were fixed on the roasted wild deer, as if swallowing saliva.


Liu Hao threw the roasted wild deer to Xiaobu. Watching it swoop in the air, Liu Hao bit the giant deer in his mouth and swallowed it in his stomach.

"Xiao Hong, eat slowly!"

Liu Tu smilingly touched zhufengniao\'s neck, which made its feathers stand up.

Now, when Xiaobu grows up, Liu Tu gives it another name, Xiao Hong. Looking at its reluctant face, there is no way to take Liu Tu.

The people in the harem said something about their family. Diao Chan suddenly said, "Your Majesty, how long will you go this time?"

Liu Hao touched his chin and said, "it\'s hard to say."

There are too many variables in the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties. The three traditions of Buddhism, Taoism and magic are all inherited from ancient times, not to mention the four wonderful books, which can reach immortals and have endless mysteries.

In addition, there are even unseen strong people who break the void.

The broken void of the Yellow world is equivalent to the land gods, that is, the realm of human immortals. Compared with the Ming world, Liu Hao knows all the plot and has a few more variables.

Liu Hao wants to enter the game and participate in the game of competing for the world. He also needs to see the right time.

Diao Chan\'s beautiful eyes flowed and said, "my concubine wants to help your majesty. Please let my concubine go with you."

Diao Chan was also a chivalrous woman in troubled times. She was in charge of the red tea building. When she controlled the world news channels for Liu Hao, she was naturally smart and capable. Only after she was pregnant, she gradually faded out and handed over the affairs in the building to Zhou Zhiruo.

"When did Aifei achieve the martial arts master realm?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes turned and fell on Diao Chan\'s beautiful body. He was a little surprised in his eyes.

Today\'s Diao Chan has impressively achieved the realm of a great master of martial arts. When she raises her hands and feet, she feels ethereal and detached.

Diao Chan winked like silk and said with a smile: "thanks to your Majesty\'s kindness, I often benefit my concubines after double cultivation. After the completion of the magic Dharma, I broke through a small step... My concubine calculated a divination with sister Xu. It seems that there is a great opportunity for my concubines in the Sui and Tang Dynasties."

Mrs. Xu is the beauty of Liu Hao\'s back palace in Shouchun city. She has her own divination skill, which is very mysterious