The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2209

Wang Meng was neither humble nor arrogant. He bowed down and said, "minister, thank you for your kindness!"

"Thank you, sir, for your kindness!"

Wang Yangming also remained unmoved, followed by a worship and fell down, and made great gifts to kings and officials.

Li Hongzhang and others were not selected as the top scholar. Although their hearts were full of regret and loss, they also knelt down together, bowed down and said, "minister, thank you for your kindness!"

Xun Yu of the Shangshu stage stroked his beard, smiled and said, "Congratulations, your majesty. You will have talents again. The dynasty is at its peak, and there have been a large number of talents!"

In the crowd\'s congratulations, Liu Hao sat in the center of the town, including the heroes, and his chest was also unspeakably happy.


After the curtain fell, Wen Kui of the dynasty began to patrol the streets.

In the broad streets of the imperial capital city, there were a sea of people. It was like a crowd of people. They all came to watch the number one scholar of the dynasty.

"Top scholar Lang Wang Meng... How can he be a humble little old man!?"

"What do you know? The number one scholar is a poor student. He has studied hard for decades. He has the talent of heaven and earth and the ability to help the country. Even the seven great military teachers unanimously admire him!"

"Yes, how do you look down on poor students? Guo fengxiao, the military master, was born in a poor family. He planned to frighten ghosts and gods and help the holy emperor settle the country!"

"Shit! How can there be a little boy? This... This is as old as my son. He can enter the palace examination and become a dynasty bachelor!?"

"The holy emperor selects talents regardless of age. Fang Zhongyong never forgets what he has seen. He knows the meaning of scriptures at the age of three and can write poetry at the age of four, but he is a real prodigy. He may be a master of literature and Taoism in the future..."


Liu Hao fixed the list of the imperial examination. As soon as it was posted, it attracted thousands of people from the Great Han people.

The people on the list may be important officials of the dynasty in the future.

Wang Meng and others also saw imperial flowers one day. Liu Hao cheerfully watched the ministers have a cup of wine. They were in a comfortable mood and drank more.

At this time, I suddenly heard a system prompt sound: "congratulations to the host, the successful imperial examination, the third level of Wang Wende, successful promotion!"

Longfu promoted?!

When Liu Hao heard the news, he was refreshed and even half sober.

The matter of dragon talisman is related to the promotion of the dynasty. Liu Hao has no intention to delay the banquet. He hurried back to the harem and began to prepare to study dragon talisman.

"The host made great efforts to govern, and gradually there was the image of supreme overlord. The dynasty was prosperous and powerful, with profound heritage, and successfully triggered the third stage of Longfu!"

"Dynasty promotion!?"

Liu Hao suddenly became interested.

The Three Kingdoms princes fought disorderly, and the Great Han had already disintegrated, but he carried the three foot sword, swept the princes and re established the dynasty, and his achievements can be said to be still above Liu Bang in those years.

Today\'s Han Dynasty can definitely be called the heyday Dynasty.

At this stage, in fact, there is no one before and after, but Liu Hao thought more than that.

To set foot on the immortal road and lead the rise of the dynasty is a difficult road. There is almost no hope. At this time, the way to promote the dynasty appears, which is naturally a shortcut in front of us.

[Level 3 of dragon talisman: the dynasty is prosperous and powerful, with deep aura. The speed of learning martial arts and Wen Tao is increased by 30%!]

"Please host the heavenly world, devour the Dragon Qi of the national fortune, make the Dragon Rune advanced, and promote the dynasty. Please know!"

Liu Hao\'s mind turned and murmured, "it seems that conquering the heavenly world is the king\'s way. We should kill a long way to live..."

Liu Hao\'s way to go is to promote the immortal existence of the whole dynasty, which can be said to be much more difficult than those who seek longevity.

"Conquering the heavenly world and promoting the immortality of the dynasty, there is a chance against the sky!"

How determined Liu Hao is. Even if the road ahead is like iron, he will cut a passage with his sword.

"Open the imperial court discussion and prepare to attack the next world!"



Following Liu Hao\'s selection of ladies from various circles to enter the palace, the imperial meeting of the Han Dynasty was shocked and opened.

On the day of the meeting, the transmission array outside the imperial capital was shining.

Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Guo Jing, Zongze, Xiao Jingyan and other important officials of the Han Dynasty rushed back to the main boundary of the Han Dynasty from several worlds through the transmission array to participate in the meeting.

In the imperial capital city, there is a gathering of heroes through the ages. It is much more lively than usual.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The imperial capital bell sounded majestically, shaking people\'s hearts.

The bell has another meaning, symbolizing the official opening of the imperial court.

Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Xiao Jingyan and others, all dressed in Han Dynasty clothes and holding wat boards, walked into the palace.

In the hall of heaven and earth, there are many civil and military officials in the Han Dynasty.

Liu Hao wore twelve diaos on his head and a robe embroidered with purple dragon gun. The sun, moon and stars were embroidered on his shoulders. He sat on the red gold dragon chair with a golden dagger. He said with dignity: "Dear Aiqing, today\'s imperial meeting is to determine the goal of the next attack. Do you have any ideas?"

There are two choices in the world where Obsidian can pass:

First, Daqin.

Second, Sui and Tang Dynasties.

These two worlds are at the peak of Zhongwu. The specific world situation has been consumed by Liu Hao. They have been integrated and put in front of everyone.

In the hall of heaven and earth, the officials of the Han Dynasty began to have a heated discussion:

"The world of the great Qin Dynasty is different from that recorded in the history books. The seven dynasties of the strong Qin Dynasty were unified by heaven. I thought that the prosperity of the Great Han Dynasty was enough to fight a million strong troops of the strong Qin Dynasty. If we can defeat the prosperous great Qin Dynasty, we will promote the Dynasty again, and maybe we can learn the secrets of the ancient times..."

"In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, martial arts are vast, and there are strong people who break the void. The Sui emperor has no Tao, and all the princes in the world rise together. If we can overcome the troubled times, it will be of great benefit to the long-term development of the king\'s martial arts. I think we should enter the Sui and Tang Dynasties first and prosper the king\'s martial arts......"