The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2210

"The Sui, Tang and Qin world are full of opportunities and challenges..."

All the officials of the Han Dynasty made a lot of sense. Liu Hao also pinched the center of his eyebrows and began to consider it in his heart.

In the Daqin world, there is the ultimate task of Canglong Qisu, and Zhang Liang, the sage, waiting for Liu Hao. It is reasonable to go to the Daqin world first.

However, in Liu Hao\'s heart, he still had another idea.

At present, it is only one step away from the realm of human immortality. If we can successfully break through the realm of human immortality in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, then the sea and sky will be vast, and the real gods will stop killing gods and demons.

"The world of the great Qin Dynasty is very close to the ancient times. There are countless secrets. It\'s better to visit the great Qin Dynasty after the achievement of Renxian Avenue!"

"I decided... To step on the Sui and Tang Dynasties first, and then sweep away the strong Qin Dynasty!"

Liu Hao finally made up his mind and came out to make a final decision.

Enter the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties, sweep the world, break the void and become land immortals!

After achieving the fairyland world, go to meet Ying Zheng, the eternal emperor, and see what kind of hero he is. He is called the first emperor!

After announcing the expedition of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Liu Hao had a good mind. In the hall of heaven and earth, the disputes among the officials of the Han Dynasty also subsided one after another.

"Since your majesty is determined to level the world of Sui and Tang Dynasties, please be the pioneer and kill all enemies for your majesty!"

Yuwen Chengdu, one of the generals in Kowloon, stepped out, hugged his fist with both hands and said Qiang ran.

After being trained in Leichi, Fengji liujindang has weighed more than 300 kilograms. Yuwen Chengdu still feels lighter, which shows the terrible progress of his strength.

The second hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, if he once again met Li Yuanba, it would be hard to say whether he would win or lose.

However, Yuwen Chengdu, originally from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, took the initiative to fight against the Sui and Tang world

This feeling is strange

Liu Hao nodded his head and said, "if you invade the Sui and Tang Dynasties, you will take Qing as the general."

The background of the Sui and Tang Dynasties is too grand. It is directly the troubled times. All the princes everywhere are one side of the hero, especially Li Er. It is the peerless hero who kills his father and brother. It is the pride of an era.

The whole world, as well as the blending of holy gate and Buddhism, is much more difficult than the previous world.

"I\'m in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Li Er, just kneel down!"

Liu Hao\'s heart is fretting. He has the arrogance of killing hundreds of flowers after my flowers bloom.

The discussion of the king also preliminarily determined the intention to attack the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but the specific time is still to be determined.

The subsequent transfer of Huben fierce soldiers needs the overall arrangement of the Shangshu desk.


Since the dynasty meeting determined the target of the next attack, the three armies of the Han Dynasty began to prepare for the war.

Outside the imperial capital, in the martial arts field.

The bleak and desolate horn suddenly rang through the four fields and eight wastelands.

Countless strong and resolute big men Huben stood in awe, following the battle array. The deep armor reflected the brilliant sun and reflected the cold light.

Liu Hao wears purple gold dragon helmet, seven seas Dragon Armor and Overlord cloak. He hunts in the wind and reveals seven red gold dragon guns behind him!

He stepped up the altar, stood on the king\'s commanding platform with his negative hand, looked around, there were iron and blood red dragon banners of great men everywhere, and there were a forest of great men, tigers and swords, full of the feeling of iron and blood.

Chen Qingzhi, the God of war in white robes, was sent to the western border to supervise the war. Field marshal Yue Fei and Jiangdong famous Marshal Zhou Yu were present to rectify the Legion today.

The two great emperors stood in awe, and the king ordered the generals under the stage to command millions of troops of the dynasty, just like arm envoys.

"Minister Yuefei, pay a visit to the holy emperor and wish the holy emperor a long life. Long live your majesty!"

"Minister Zhou Yu, pay a visit to the holy emperor and wish the holy emperor a long life. Long live your majesty!"

Yue Fei and Zhou Yu came together to the king\'s stage, knelt down on one knee and gave the most sincere military salute.

The five tigers of the Han Dynasty, the general of Jiulong, the thirty-six generals of Xuanwu, and other generals of the dynasty also followed the two famous generals. Qi Qi bowed down and shouted long live.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The soldiers of the three services of the Han Dynasty bowed down to the local people with one hand holding a knife, gun, sword and halberd and the other hand lying on their chest. Long live.

Thousands of heroes gather together, counselors and wise men are like clouds, and peerless generals are like rain.

Millions of troops kneel down and shout for only one person.

What a heroic and magnificent atmosphere!?

All the people who came to watch the parade from afar were shocked and speechless. They just knelt down and called the name piously and respectfully.

"Big husband, when so!"

Between Liu Hao\'s chest, there was a sense of arrogance over the world. For my unique heroic feeling, he raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness and said, "all the men and men of the Han Dynasty, flat."

The voice was sent out with the real strength of the emperor, rolling and stirring, just like the long chant of the real dragon, which shook Changye, and everyone trembled.

"Today, the whole army, the Dynasty will attack the new world again, but the great men are ready!"

Liu Hao raised his hand solemnly and shouted loudly.

"Willing to fight for your majesty!"

"Willing to fight for your majesty!"

The Great Han Huben all raised their swords, guns, swords and halberds, and Shanhu responded!

The roar of fanaticism and blood boiling came from everyone\'s heart!

The exciting wind and cloud changes color and the world shakes!

"Good! Good!"

At this time, Liu Hao suddenly felt the direction of the dynasty school palace in the distance, and it seemed that there was a towering bell ringing.

Then there was a vast breath of literature and Taoism, accompanied by the sage\'s long chant, rising into the sky and reaching the sky.

"This is... Someone in the school palace has been promoted to master Wen and Tao!"

The Shangshu shocked Xun Yu\'s expression.

In the Han Dynasty, there were many well-known scholars and scholars, but the masters of literature and Taoism were rare after all.

A master of literature and Taoism can be regarded as the heritage of the dynasty. It is no small matter that he has made great progress directly.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Wang Meng has learned a lot from reading ancient books. He has successfully broken through the master of literature and Taoism. The heritage of the dynasty has increased again, and an additional reward worship value of 10000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. After Wang Meng breaks through to the master of literature and Taoism, he will be rewarded with special attribute system hegemony!"

Bullying: when Wang Meng assists the host to successfully break a country, he will get the promotion of random attributes. Please let the host know