The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2207

A cursory look at Fang Zhongyong\'s examination paper shows that it is indeed a brilliant literary talent.

This son also has the ability to never forget. He can read books all over the world. When others are still sucking and playing in the mud at the age of four or five, he can read books and become a person. It can be said that he is a talent of heaven.

It can be said that those who can reach this step are the most intelligent talents in the world.

However, no matter how talented, seven great military masters such as Xun Yu and Guo Jia, who assisted the rise of the dynasty, are still qualified to evaluate.

The list sent to the palace examination is not many, just dozens of people.

Liu Hao\'s sweeping of ten lines at a glance, many of which are familiar names, all of which have left prominent footprints in the long river of history.

In the end, there were only three people left in his hand.

Li Hongzhang: comprehensive score 94!

[he is knowledgeable, proficient in national politics, and can be the shepherd of a state!] - 93 Zhuge Liang.

[this man\'s words are sharp, his mouth is full of lotus flowers, and he has the legacy of ancient strategists. Yin and Yang open and close, and his style is awe inspiring!] - 95 Xun Yu.


Wang Yangming: comprehensive score 97!

[know the classics and strategies, know the truth, have the talent of governing heaven and earth, and the talent of literary and Taoist masters!] - 97, Pang Tong.

[his poetry is gentle and his calligraphy is divine. He is a model of linchi. He is single-minded and noble. His writing is like God!] - 98 Jia Xu.

[the Lord sends conscience, and unifies knowledge and practice. After going through the way of Scripture, you will be a master!] - 96, Guo Jia.


Li Hongzhang doesn\'t need to mention that Liu Hao met him when he attacked the Qing world a few years ago. After several years of precipitation, his attributes and abilities have made great progress and can be used greatly.

As for the name of Wang Yangming, it can be said to be thunderous.

Later generations Liu Hao often heard people say "to be a man Wang Yangming, to work Zeng Guofan". Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan are in the same breath. Millions of people worship him in later generations, and even foreign scholars admire him. Naturally, his qualifications need not be said more.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help living in the system and inquired about Wang Yangming\'s attribute ability:

Wang Yangming - force 67, intelligence 95, politics 93, command 75, talent 97!

Stunt 1: keep one\'s mind still: Wang Yangming\'s Qi Nourishing Kung Fu has reached the extreme. Keep one\'s mind still and never invade!

Wang Yangming: force + 1, intelligence + 1, politics + 1, command + 1!

Stunt 2, knowledge and action: Wang Yangming\'s unity of knowledge and action, the unity of all things, is the master\'s talent.

When it breaks through the realm of literature and Taoism, its intellectual and political attributes will be improved accordingly!

"These attributes and abilities are not inferior to those of the seven great military divisions when they started their career. If they are well cultivated in the future, they must be important officials of the Dynasty and famous literary and Taoist legends for thousands of years..."

Liu Hao collected Wang Yangming\'s examination paper and his eyes fell on the last place.

Wang Meng: comprehensive score 99!

[his strategy doesn\'t come out!] - score 99, Guo Jia!

[Wang Meng, who is erudite and well-informed, proficient in military affairs, is respectful to Yan Yi, has a broad mind and a great bearing, which has never been seen before!] - score 99 Jia Xu.

[this person\'s talent is far inferior to mine!] - score 100, Xu Shu.


The evaluation of Wang Meng is also surprisingly consistent.

The seven great military divisions unanimously listed him as those scholars. They were waiting in the Imperial Palace, looking forward to it. They only heard the announcement of the imperial edict in the palace, and their hearts swayed and shook for it.

Of course, those who were called names were excited. Those who were not called names also beat their chest and feet. They secretly regretted that they didn\'t play well, so that they missed a good opportunity.

Because everyone knows that there is almost no suspense about those who are named at this time. They may become prime ministers and govern the country in the future

Wang Yangming, Li Hongzhang and others followed Li Lianying into the palace and went straight to the Wenhua hall, facing the envy and envy of everyone

"Your Majesty, all the people are waiting outside the door."

"Bring them in."


The dynasty raised people, tidied up their clothes and solemnly entered the Wenhua hall.

After entering the Wenhua hall, these people understand what is the depth of imperial power.

Liu Hao sits high on the Red Golden Dragon seat. When he raises his hands and feet, he has a kind of overbearing arrogance.

In the face of such an emperor\'s majesty, Wang Meng, Li Hongzhang and others fell down with awe in their hearts, touched their forehead to the ground, and said respectfully, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Dozens of people bowed down together, with no distractions in their hearts, and shouted long live with great piety.

"All flat."

Liu Hao waved his hand and began to comment on the examination papers handed in one by one:

"Wang Yangming\'s unity of knowledge and practice is like an ancient saint!"

"Li Hongzhang advocated that he should go to Rome to win benefits for the dynasty. It is practical and can be called the best policy of the country!"

"Wang Meng advocates persuading students to teach agriculture and mulberry, opening up mountains and rivers, building water conservancy and improving farming, which can open up fields, enrich warehouses, rectify armaments, wait for the opportunity, military politics and everything. This is the talent of the king!"


The thoughts and principles in the articles handed in by the people have been engraved in Liu Hao\'s mind without looking through them.

At this time, there was no mistake in commenting one by one. Everyone in the hall was even more awe inspiring and secretly admired: unexpectedly, his Majesty the holy emperor was not only invincible and powerful, but also his attainments in the way of Holy Scripture!

After commenting on the principles of the people\'s articles, Liu Hao said calmly: "Li Hongzhang, the second in the list, Wang Yangming, and Wang Meng, the number one scholar, these three are the Chinese secretary\'s Chamberlain, who assist the Shangshu desk in dealing with the imperial politics. At the same time, they enter the Imperial Palace and learn the way of Holy Scriptures. If there is a breakthrough, they will be rewarded..."