The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2206



Daming world.

Led by the great Confucian Yu Qian, a group of famous Confucian scholars of the dynasty are sitting in the examination room. They are awe inspiring and cover the whole examination room to ward off evil.

In this case, let alone cheating, even if there are some evil thoughts in your heart, you will be perceived by Haoran righteousness.

Sand! Sand! Sand!

Countless scholars are writing hard.

Those who can stand out in counties and counties are also talents among talents. They can be called heroes in the world.

Such people have their own aspirations. Now they write what they have learned in their life on a thin piece of paper in front of them.

It is full of various strategies for governing the country.

Suddenly, in the examination room, a bright golden awn suddenly soared into the air, and there was a faint sound of Fengming.

"Who, such a great talent!"

All the taxis in the examination room looked creepy and stopped their movements.

The way of Saint Wen has also been implemented in all walks of life. The scholars and scholars of the Han Dynasty naturally have a clear division of the realm of Wen and Tao.

Only with a stroke of genius can we attract great literary spirit, shock and sound together, and send out a bright golden awn.

"Meditate and concentrate!!"

Yu Qian sat quietly and drank for a long time, bringing back the minds of the candidates.

The group of famous Confucian examiners looked at each other and all their eyes fell on the scholar in the middle of the examination room.

About thirty years old, the heaven is full and the appearance is simple and ordinary. However, wearing an ordinary Confucian shirt, you feel like a dragon among people.

"It was Wang Yangming."

"This man\'s name is Wang Shouren and his name is Yangming. He is from the south. He has profound cultural and Taoist heritage. Once he has a divine pen today, he seems to be a talent who is expected to impact the realm of a master of literature and Taoism!"

"There are such talents. I\'m afraid you and I may not write their own will."

"It seems that this man must be the leader of Wen Kui."

The Confucians did not hesitate to appreciate Wang Yangming. Even Yu Qian, who has always been rigid, stroked his beard and realized Wang Yangming\'s literary and Taoist flavor by means of literary and Taoist means. In his eyes, a bright light gradually bloomed and murmured: "Wang Yangming has experienced the practice of the holy language, and even the old man can\'t see the bottom. I\'m afraid he will be a general and a prime minister in the future!"


The world of the Western Wei Dynasty.

Jinling City, the capital of the old Liang Dynasty.

The imperial examination is also in progress. Suddenly, there is a great talent rising into the sky, just like the entanglement of dragons and snakes. The majestic breath of literature and Taoism shocked the examination room.

The examiner is the first wise scholar in Yanbei, Wu Daoya and yanque Yanhou.

Both of them felt this great talent at the same time, and they couldn\'t help looking at each other. They were stunned and shouted "evil spirit"!

The dynasty was prosperous and prosperous, and several worlds entered a stage of rapid development. Indeed, there were a large number of evil talents.

"His future achievements are unlimited!"

Wudaoya and yanque pressed down the fluctuating thoughts, gathered their talents in their eyes, and saw the green shirt scribe who wrote like a God. They picked up the pen and wrote the last one, like a dragon and a snake.

That\'s his name.

Wang Meng.



At the command of Liu Hao, the imperial examination in the heaven world of the Han Dynasty was in full swing.

In the world of the heavens, there are a large number of talents. A few people are beginning to emerge and are destined to be famous legends for thousands of years.

The early promotion has passed, and the imperial examination has finally reached the final stage.

In late autumn, several scholars from all over the world came to the main boundary of the Han Dynasty through the transmission array to prepare for the last level of the palace examination.

Before passing this last pass, you have to pass the seven great military divisions of the dynasty to obtain the qualification to enter the temple.

Liu Hao personally supervised the imperial examination and selected the number one.

The one who can pass this last interview is the real fish leaping over the dragon\'s gate and making a rapid progress.


The imperial capital of the dynasty, Qinglong Street, is bustling and noisy.

In this Qinglong Street of more than 20 miles, there are examinees and scholars from all over the world.

Those who have passed the state examination can be called Ju Ren.

Some people from aristocratic families, such as Zhen Yao, are surrounded by a group of domestic servants and beautiful maidservants, like the stars and the moon.

But some come from small places, but they are only well-off families, have no worries about food and clothing, and can\'t afford domestic servants and beautiful maidservants. They are followed by a schoolboy, with a sword hanging on his waist and a head held high, observing the grand scenery of the imperial capital.

Of course, there are some poor people who don\'t even have an entourage around them. They are light and thin. Looking at the direction of the imperial school palace, they are full of the meaning of struggle.

When the holy emperor was in power, Wenchang was prosperous.

Reading can really change a person\'s fate. As long as you have talent, you can make some contribution to the Han Dynasty, that is, talents can stand out among all living beings.

Wang Meng is one of the poor men.

What he was wearing was only a coarse cloth green shirt, which turned white after washing, and even had several patches on it.

His thin body stood in the bleak autumn wind. Wang Meng\'s expression was unspeakably calm and indifferent. Compared with other people\'s high speeches, he was more like observing the majestic imperial capital with firm eyes.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The bell of the imperial school palace sounded majestically. The scholars in the imperial capital gradually became fanatical and excited, like the tide, and began to rush towards the school palace.

The last exam was held in the place where the sages of the dynasty gathered.

They studied hard for years, waiting for this day.

Wang Meng\'s pace is very slow. He falls behind others, but he is like walking idly.




The royal guards of the military aircraft Department rolled up their cloak and walked quickly from the door. They knelt on one knee more than ten meters in front of Liu Hao in the hall, hugged their fists and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the imperial examination in the Imperial Academy has ended. The evaluation of several masters is here."

"Bring it up and show me."

Liu Hao took the document into his palm and read it at a glance.

Fang Zhongyong: comprehensive score 87!

[at the age of five, he is quick witted and intelligent. He is very outstanding. With a little training, he can become a talent in a state!] - Xun Yu, score 90!

[he has excellent intelligence and is good at poetry, but he doesn\'t know the world. If he doesn\'t give guidance, he will disappear from everyone!] - Guo Jia, score 85!

[this son is extraordinary and can be cultivated in the Imperial Academy!] - Xu Shu, score 88!


"Fang Zhongyong? Isn\'t this the famous injury Zhongyong?"

Liu Haoxiang smiled