The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2203


The list of awards was based on the merits recorded by the military aircraft department. The Shangshutai drafted the will and read it out again.

The king and all the generals have great rewards.

All the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty are excited and can\'t wait to devour the soul of martial arts and enhance their strength.

Some people are looking forward to the practice of the thunder pool. It goes without saying that the success of the thunder pool is of great significance to the future development. All the king\'s generals can\'t sit still.

Guan Yu Danfeng\'s eyes narrowed slightly and stroked his beard and said, "Your Majesty, since the thunder pool is wonderful for refining divine soldiers, can you let the last general have a try?"

"After breaking through the martial arts master\'s realm, the original 72 kg weapon feels light. It would be good if it could be strengthened."

Master Wudao is the dragon among people.

As long as he reaches this level, his strength will increase countless. Guan Yu\'s lifting this Lengyan saw is almost like lifting a straw.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "I also want to see the magic of the thunder pool. Use wooden cattle and horses to send all Aiqing\'s weapons into the thunder pool."

Most of the weapons of the Royal generals are below the emperor\'s rating, just within the scope of the thunder pool.

The first thing to do is Guan Yu\'s Qinglong Yanyue knife.

This knife weighs 72 kg and has a domineering name called Lengyan saw.

Guan Yu, holding this sabre, did not know how many peerless generals he killed. He had been with his master for a long time. The Green Dragon Sabre seemed to have a spirit. When he entered the thunder pool, the blade suddenly trembled and made a long sound as clear as a dragon.

The thunder light arc madly quenched the Qinglong Yanyue knife. The sound of thunder and explosion in the thunder pool was heard all the time. Guan Yu\'s heart was raised and his action of stroking his beard stopped


I could only hear the thunder. Suddenly, there was a shocking sound of dragon singing and sword singing.

Mu Niu Liu Ma was pulled by the black iron chain and came out of the thunder pond. The green dragon Yanyue knife finally reappeared in the world.

On the surface, there seemed to be no other abnormal situation except the thunder arc lingering on the blade. Guan Yu stretched out his hand and the Qinglong Yanyue knife flew into his hand.


I can see that Guan Yu\'s body has an unspeakable vigorous momentum, surging out violently, and his beard dances wildly with his green robe.

In his palm, the green dragon Yanyue sword seemed to be alive. It was filled with Qi. It turned into a green dragon. It was ferocious, raised its head and howled together.


Guan Yu\'s Danfeng eyes suddenly opened, holding a knife and chopping like lightning.

Just one action, there is a vast martial Saint momentum and majestic knife Qi, like a green dragon dancing its claws and sweeping mountains and seas.

The Green Dragon Sabre gang was extremely violent and cut a huge stone in the underground palace into powder.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Guan Yu\'s face became more red. He held a knife in one hand and stroked his beard in the other. He laughed excitedly: "after being quenched in the thunder pool, the Qinglong Yanyue knife was reborn. It weighs at least 280 kilograms. It\'s enough to kill thousands of powerful forces with one knife. It\'s really happy!"

The mysterious meteorite iron at the bottom of the thunder pool is likely to be melted by the fine iron of the divine soldiers in ancient times. After being quenched by thunder light, it is attached to Guan Yu\'s green dragon sword, which greatly improves the weapons.

"Hey, hey! I\'ll try it, too!"

Zhang Fei\'s acute son couldn\'t help it. He put his Zhangba snake spear into the thunder pool by using wood cattle and horses. After quenching, it was greatly enhanced.

Next, Zhao Yun, Lv Bu, Huang Zhong, Yuwen Chengdu, Yang Zaixing and other five tiger Kowloon generals also invested their weapons in the thunder pool with wooden cattle and horses, and also obtained corresponding strengthening and improvement.

"The thunder pool artifact is really wonderful!"

Liu Hao looked at Lei Chi with satisfaction and felt happy!

The stronger the strength of the five tigers and the nine dragons, the more abundant and beautiful the dynasty!



Time passed quickly, and it was three months later.

In these three months, the Han Dynasty launched hundreds of thousands of reform through labor coolies, improved this underground palace and placed a Minepit.

The emergence of Leichi also accelerated the development of the whole dynasty.

First of all, the Great Han generals, the weapons from the Shenbing building, have been tempered by the thunder pool and have been strengthened to a certain extent.

With the existence of wooden cattle and horses, the weapons of Huben of the dynasty have also been refined, and the whole dynasty\'s heritage has been strengthened again.

At the same time, the selection of talent women in Zhutian of the Han Dynasty finally came to an end.

The whole Han kingdom was shaken by this time.

The streets were full of people, and the Han people ran out to watch the beautiful women in the imperial palace. Their eyes were full of amazement, envy and longing. Many people looked straight.

"Little princess mujianping is really beautiful. I think this woman will be favored by her majesty when she enters the palace."

"Haven\'t you seen Zhen MI, our God of Luo? Your majesty once wrote a poem for her to show her amazement. There is a saying that Zhen MI is the most beautiful north of the Yangtze River. Please find out, brother."

"Hehe! Although Zhen MI is a national color, she can\'t compare with our Jiangdong Erqiao? Sister Shuangshu, the city is gorgeous. His majesty wants tongquechun to lock Erqiao!"

"Let me see, it\'s still Wang Yuanji and Huang Yueying who are simple in the heart of the emperor. Miss Huang has learned a lot. She created a wooden ox and a flowing horse not long ago. Before entering the palace, she won the Marquis of the dynasty as a woman."


People in the street were talking and noisy.

Those who can be selected as the beauties of Tianzi brand are definitely beautiful and vulgar. However, some people argue there.

Today is the day of entering the palace.

Huang Yueying was wearing a yellow Palace Dress, but she didn\'t wear a veil, but her skin was more and more white and tender. Her nose was very upturned, her eyebrows were willow and apricot eyes, and her eyes were moving.

The round faced maid xiaoque around her was more excited than her. She looked around through the car curtain and chirped: "look, miss, there are Han soldiers stationed on the roadside. They are all wearing heavy armor and holding halberds. They are so powerful!"

Huang Yueying said with a faint smile: "that\'s the Imperial Emperor\'s Dragon camp guard. It\'s the trump card in Huben\'s fierce soldier Tianzi camp. All of them are the elite of one enemy and ten."

"That\'s great!"

The little bird stuck out his tongue and said, "ah, miss, it\'s time to enter the palace. Why are you so calm?"

Suddenly, Huang Yueying flashed the handsome side face of the young emperor Wu in her mind. Her pretty face was slightly red and said, "you little girl, talk nonsense!"