The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2204

"Hee hee!"

The little bird\'s round face was red and made a mess with Huang Yueying.


Before dawn, the Zhen family was already busy.

Zhen\'s house is a royal valve. It\'s first-class and grand to send her daughter to the palace.

There are 88 servants who carry gold and silver. Zhen Yi is red, scolds Fang Qiu, and directs his servants to do things from time to time.

Mrs. Zhen, with tears in her eyes, is still teaching her royal husband\'s experience: "mi\'er, when you arrive at the palace, you should be clever and gentle. His majesty is a great hero and a man. If you are clever, he will love you more..."

"Okay, mom, I know..."

Zhen Mi smiled like a flower and said, "Your Majesty has the world in mind and hides the rivers and mountains. Can you bully me? If you really bully me, I\'ll go back to my mother\'s house and hum!"

Zhen Yi grimaced and scolded: "you girl, you really don\'t know the rules. Where did you enter the Imperial Palace and run around? Learn more from your eldest sister. The palace is as deep as the sea. You should marry empress CAI and empress Yu, you know?"

Zhen Mi\'s big eyes smiled into two curved moons, nodded and said, "HMM."


Joe\'s house.

Jiangdong Qiao Guolao also looked a little nervous. He kept pacing back and forth in the house, rubbing his hands and looking out.

"Here we are, sir!"

The old housekeeper hurried in from the door and gasped: "it\'s the female general of Tianfeng army, waiting outside the house."

"Good, good, good, good!"

Qiao Guolao\'s cloudy eyes burst out surprise light and said softly, "in that case, please go out, Big Joe and Little Joe!"


Jiangdong Erqiao has very different temperament, but they are all beautiful. Especially when they wear palace clothes, they all have a quiet temperament of a lady.

Even Yang Jiumei, who is also a woman, couldn\'t help looking more.

She was born in the Yang family and inherited the fine genes of Yang linggong and Lao Taijun. She is a very beautiful girl. However, she is really inferior to this pair of sisters.

Seeing that his two daughters boarded the car and gradually went away surrounded by the Tianfeng army, Qiao Guolao was filled with emotion:

Tongque spring locks Erqiao deeply.

Just because the emperor drank this sentence, set the life of Big Joe and Little Joe.

After so many years, I finally got a result today.



Bang! Bang! Bang!

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. In the silent night sky, countless gorgeous fireworks suddenly bloom.

Fireworks are something that appeared in the world of the Qing Dynasty. After being improved by Zhu Ting, the Minister of industry, they are more beautiful.

The emperor\'s promotion of draft girls into the palace is naturally a major event of the dynasty.

All the people in the city are talking warmly about which family\'s women will suffer from Junze, and which family\'s women will be disliked by Liu Hao.

What\'s more, he made a bet on whether Liu Hao would sleep at Luoshen tonight, dream with two Qiao on the bronze sparrow stage, or blend with the great talented girl Huang Yueying and go to Wushan together.

As everyone thought, Liu Hao naturally didn\'t know, and he had no time to take care of it. Today, there was a very grand scene in the palace.

"In recent years, Zhen MI has grown from a little Lori to such a fairy. This is the demeanor of Luo God..."

Liu Hao looks at Zhen MI with amazing eyes.

Zhen Mi\'s appearance, even in the harem, is at the forefront. Not only Liu Hao is amazed, but the women watching nearby, such as Huang Rong, Liu Yan and Zhen Niang, are surprised.

Zhen MI was very polite. After entering the palace, she saluted all the imperial concubines in the Imperial Palace headed by Cai Wenji, the queen of the East Palace, one by one, which was very popular with all the women.

"I\'ll be a sister in the future."

Cai Wenji\'s mother, Yitian, came forward and helped Zhen Mi up. She couldn\'t help but praise him: "no wonder your majesty said it was Luo God. It was indeed a fairy in heaven."

The atmosphere in the back palace was very harmonious. Outside the palace gate, several announcements came that Jiangdong Erqiao had entered the palace.

"My concubine, meet your Majesty the holy emperor, long live the holy emperor!"

Big Joe\'s small face was red, very elegant and quiet, while little Joe was more lively. His beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

When Liu Hao swept Jiangdong and dominated the southeast, they were only two little loris. Now when they grow up, they have also become Liu Hao\'s wives and concubines. This feeling is very wonderful.

"Big Joe and Little Joe are also sisters, Shuangshu. They are all beautiful!"

Liu Hao was naturally happy.

Saints say that food and sex are also important.

Men love beauty naturally. Who doesn\'t love the feeling of lying on the knees of beauty and surrounded by flowers?

However, when so many women were welcomed into the palace at one time, the whole palace seemed to be in a busy state and lively.

Liu Hao, the party concerned, was idle. At this time, he suddenly heard a cold prompt sound from the system:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You have successfully promoted the task of selecting draft women. Please push it later and receive the reward!"


Liu Hao was stunned. He didn\'t expect the system to do so.

Li Lianying, the old manager, bowed to Liu Hao and asked, "Your Majesty, who is going to serve tonight?"

Liu Hao\'s mouth was slightly picked, showing a domineering smile and said, "I want it all!"



The hibiscus tent is warm, and the spring night is a dream.

Overnight, there were few girls in the world, and there were several charming imperial concubines in Liu Hao\'s harem.

Early in the morning, a wisp of warm sunshine shines into the house from the window. Liu Hao opens his eyes.

The beauties on the couch are weak and boneless, concave and convex, exquisite and surprisingly elastic, and their skin is as delicate as curd jade, emitting crystal luster under the irradiation of the morning light

A peerless beauty, that\'s all!

Liu Hao wakes up and hears the system prompt sound of completing the task in his ear.

"It\'s strange. The task is completed. It\'s reasonable that the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic should be promoted. Why don\'t you feel it at all?"

In principle, there should be a prompt sound for the completion of the task. The promotion of the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic is related to the practice of the method of Zhutian acupoints and orifices.

In the middle of silence, behind the spine, suddenly there was a torrent of breath, which soared up and shuttled through the meridians to the Tianyuan God\'s orifices