The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2202

Zhu stopped hugging his fist and said respectfully, "girls don\'t have to be modest. I admire such talents!"

As the next generation descendant of Luban, Zhu Ting is known as a craftsman. He has always refused to accept others. At this time, he also admired Huang Yueying from the bottom of his heart.

Zheng Hun suddenly said, "Miss, are you willing to join the work department? Zheng feels that with the talent of Miss Huang, it will be of great benefit to the dynasty in the future..."

Zheng Hun actually solicited Huang Yueying to her face. Princess Yu couldn\'t help laughing and said, "Lord Zheng, you\'re digging your Majesty\'s corner."


Zheng Hun, Ma Jun and others suddenly returned to their senses, sweating in their hearts.

Huang Yueying is the star of this all sky draft. She is determined to serve the emperor in the palace. It is really inappropriate to ask her to join the work department now.

The most talented woman in Jingzhou, her pretty face suddenly became red, and even her veil couldn\'t cover it

No matter how talented a girl is, she is also a virgin without personnel. She is a little flustered in the face of her feelings.

Liu Hao looked calm and asked, "Yueying\'s talent is rare in the world. If the entry department is an honorary consultant, it doesn\'t pay attention to the daily trifles and only comes forward at the critical moment."

This is equivalent to various honorary professors in later generations.

Huang Yueying nodded slightly and said, "everything is arranged by your majesty."

As soon as Liu Hao waved his hand, he immediately made a decision: "seal Huang Yueying as the Marquis of Yuning. At the same time, he also led the honorary consultant of the Ministry of work and cooperated with the Ministry of work to make a wooden ox and a flowing horse today..."

"Minister, please!"

Huang Yueying, Zheng Hun, Ma Jun, Zhu ting and others all bowed down and took orders.



After a heated discussion about Leichi for more than half a month, the dust finally settled.

No one expected that the difficult task of the seven great military divisions was solved by a young woman\'s wisdom.

After getting Huang Yueying\'s drawings of wooden cattle and horses, the Work Department of the whole dynasty began to operate day and night.

After several overnight studies, the first wooden ox and horse was finally made.

With the black iron rope, the wooden cattle and horses can move freely and turn without stagnation. The operator does not have to be close to the Minepit, which is also very safe.

When the news of Mu Niu Liu Ma came to the palace, Liu Hao was overjoyed. He immediately put down his affairs and directly drove the imperial soul tower.

"Did you hear that recently there was a wonderful talented woman named Huang Yueying, the daughter of master Wen Tao!"

"This wooden ox and horse that defuse the power of thunder pool was made by Huang Yueying. It\'s too powerful!"

"Hey, hey! I have some gossip. It\'s said that Huang Yueying is still on the list of beautiful women from all walks of life in the heavens, and the ranking is not low!"

"Since ancient times, heroes deserve beauties. Only his Majesty the holy emperor can have such an amazing woman... Look at the holy emperor\'s car!"

The Great Han people in the Imperial City involuntarily saluted the direction of the Kowloon Emperor\'s car and shouted, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the face of the roar of long live flash floods, Liu Hao didn\'t stop more and rushed directly to the underground palace where Lei Chi was located.

As soon as I stepped into the underground palace, I saw Zhu Ting doing experiments.

In the underground palace, ropes are crisscrossed, and lifelike wooden cattle and horses are moving towards the thunder pool under the traction of black iron ropes.

Endless thunder surged in the thunder pool. Black iron cattle and horses sank into the thunder pool with weapons on their backs. After half a sound, they came out of the thunder pool again under the traction of suspended black iron, and they were still emitting thunder arc.


Liu Hao breathed out, and there was a system prompt sound in his ear:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has successfully solved the danger of minefield with wooden cattle and horses. The reward will be automatically issued after the current task is completed!"

Task reward: Weapons quenched in the thunder pool, with platinum rating below, have a 20% chance to obtain weak lightning arc increase!

When the weapon rating is platinum, you have a 50% chance to obtain the increase effect of lightning arc!

The weapon is rated above diamond. After quenching, you will have an 80% chance to obtain the lightning arc deterrent effect. You can paralyze the enemy in battle!

"Thunder arc, 666!"

Liu Hao smiled and felt comfortable and inexplicable. He said, "this is a top priority. I will order the Shangshutai, and the Ministry of work will hurry up to make wooden cattle and horses. If the weapons of the three armed forces can be quenched in the thunder pool, their strength will make rapid progress."

"Your Majesty is wise and your majesty leads the order!"

Zheng Hun, Ma Jun, Zhu ting and others of the Ministry of work bowed down to take command.

Liu Hao made an inspection tour and immediately returned to the palace to hold a meeting of the imperial court.

All the civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty are listed. The hall is full of heroes through the ages.

Liu Hao sat high in the red gold dragon chair and said, "Wen Ruo, I attack the Daming position. Is there any trouble in the main world?"

Xun Wei bowed and said, "this ancient Roman country is far away from our country. It can\'t arrange the news in a short time. It just integrates the news through the merchants. Rome is known as the Empire. It has millions of soldiers, which is several times stronger than kusana. Moreover, its leader is a Ming king who worked hard to rule the country and destroyed many small countries in the western border..."


Liu Hao listened to Xun Yu\'s basic situation, nodded slightly and said, "let\'s talk about it slowly first. We can lay out the early stage through the combination of water and land, and then decide whether to attack..."

The Roman Empire is not a little stronger than kusana, but Liu Hao is not afraid of space artifacts such as luoshengmen.

At a critical time, Liu Hao can consume a huge amount of worship value, move in the void, and lead the imperial master across thousands of miles to make a one shot kill.

"War is a process. We should do a good job in the collection of early information. Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we be invincible..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly to Li Lianying on the white jade step. Li Lianying understood it, held the dust and shouted, "expedition against the Ming Dynasty, you meritorious ministers, current reward matters..."

"Seal Deng AI as the general of the army, lead the Marquis Anping, give purple gold helmets and sable uniforms, ten thousand liang of gold, one Wulin stone, and train the magic soldiers in Leichi..."

"Seal Jiang Wei as the general of the seventh kill, lead the Marquis, give a Wanli god horse, an emperor\'s famous sword, a Wulin stone, and train divine soldiers in Leichi..."

"Jiafeng bell will be the general of the greedy wolf, lead the powerful Marquis, give the black fox crown, the sable imperial dress, a Wulin stone, and the thunder pool washes his face once..."