The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2201



Since the return of the emperor to the dynasty, the Han Dynasty has become lively again.

There is a popular saying from all walks of life in the Han Dynasty that his majesty obtained the good fortune of heaven and earth and a new artifact called Leichi, which is a treasure left over from the ancient heaven.

Unfortunately, in the thunder pool, there is a powerful force of thunder to strangle all living creatures.

The seven great military divisions in the court are helpless. The Shangshu platform is posted in all walks of life. Who can solve this problem will reward a thousand gold and be honored as a grand duke.

A stone stirs up thousands of waves. At this time, all the great men and people from all walks of life in the heavens are boiling because of it.


In the imperial school palace, the towering bell rang, and the voice of sages chanting and debating came from Lang Lang.

This is the heart of the Han Dynasty. Liu Hao personally wrote a plaque with the words "Dynasty school Palace" for the school palace, which is hung in front of the school palace. The supreme calligraphy has a far-reaching artistic conception and is adorable.

"Even the seven great military divisions of the dynasty are helpless. I\'m afraid no one can come up with countermeasures in this world."

"Otherwise, his Majesty would not have given such a generous reward."

"Alas, it\'s a pity. The thunder pond is a treasure of heaven. It should have been a weapon of the king, but now it\'s hidden like a Pearl!"


In the imperial school palace, there was also a heated discussion about Leichi. More crazy students, with red eyes, went into the library of the school palace and began to study with ancient secret mechanisms and ancient books.

Suddenly, a gentle and soothing sound came from an elegant courtyard in the school palace.

"It\'s finally done."

A young girl wearing a veil stretched herself comfortably in the face of the rising sun, becoming more and more prominent. Her waist was thin and her chest stood upright like a mountain.

"The young lady has been busy all night. How can she get such a strange thing?"

The round faced girl, the little bird, curiously surrounded the veil girl, saw all kinds of draft drawings on the desktop, and her big eyes were at a loss.

"Miss, this thing looks like a horse. Can it really run?"

"But why are there so many mechanisms? The bird can\'t understand..."

Huang Yueying smiled and said, "this is a wooden ox and horse. It could have been used in the army to transport grain and grass, but your majesty can use it to send it to the Minepit. You can change it a little and set up several more organs on it, so..."


Huang Yueying talked eloquently and said the right thing, but little bird was completely stunned. One head is two big. What to set up an organ is like a Book of heaven to her.

After a pause, Huang Yueying stood up and said, "OK, clean up and get ready to go into the palace to see Princess Yu."

"Oh, oh!"

The round faced little maid, little sparrow, came back and nodded like a chicken pecking rice.


Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Huang Yueying - force 56, intelligence 94, politics 87, command 62, talent 98, charm 96!

Stunt 1, wisdom: Huang Yueying is a natural genius. In the face of crisis, she will have a great chance to come up with a solution to the problem.

Stunt 2, God of work: Huang Yueying is gifted. She is very interested in fortifications. She occasionally has strange ideas. The success rate is + 80%!

Liu Hao, who saw Huang Yueying, smiled and said, "Miss Yueying, several adults of the Ministry of work are here. Tell them about the principle."

"Yes, your majesty."

Huang Yueying nodded, nodded to Zheng Hun, Ma Jun and others, and said, "I\'m sorry to hear you, my Lord. If there\'s anything wrong, please correct me."

The detailed sketch of Mu Niu Liu Ma was sent to Zhu ting and others. Huang Yueying picked her willow eyebrows and began to tell the principle.

Liu haoduanran sat down quietly and had a wonderful impression of listening to science lectures in his previous life.

With Huang Yueying\'s talent, if she was born in later generations, she must be a great scientist. Maybe she can win a Nobel Prize

"That\'s about it, gentlemen. Is there anything you don\'t understand?"

Facing the leader of the Ministry of industry of the dynasty, Huang Yueying was still fearless and talked freely.


Zheng Hun, Ma Jun and others were completely stunned.

They are also known as divine craftsmen and hold important positions in the Work Department of the Han Dynasty. At this time, they were convinced by Huang Yueying\'s unrestrained imagination and creativity.

"The minister thought that this wooden ox and flowing horse had unpredictable magic and could resist the thunder pool."

Zhu Ting, Zheng Hun, Ma Jun and others reached this conclusion after fierce discussion.

Liu Hao felt a little happy and couldn\'t help laughing: "Miss Huang is really a genius. She has solved a big problem for me. It seems that the girl\'s talent is not lost to the seven great military divisions of the Dynasty..."

"Your Majesty\'s praise, little woman, this is just a strange skill. Several military masters have the skill of killing dragons to govern the country and stabilize the country..."

Huang Yueying bowed down, but she felt a little sweet in her heart.

In any case, everyone likes the feeling of being affirmed by others, especially by those who care about themselves