The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2200

... [ten thousand words are omitted here, imagine yourself!]



The vermilion Palace door opened, and the first ray of sunshine in the morning came in.

Liu Hao shook his robes and sleeves, and walked out of the West Palace in a long and tiger stride.

The warm sunshine shines on Liu Hao, and the Purple Dragon Robe shines with gold. It seems that Liu Hao is more and more heroic and powerful, and the emperor\'s majesty is deep.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The maid in waiting on the side suddenly blushed and hurriedly lowered her head. She dared not look at Liu Hao\'s eyes as hot as riyao. However, the women couldn\'t help thinking shyly: "Your Majesty, you are really a dragon among people. The gentle and low sound of two noble people and Princess Yu last night spread through the whole west palace..."

The Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Canon, the combination of yin and Yang, is the method of flying of the ancient emperor.

Liu Hao has pushed the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic to a very deep level. One night\'s romantic intercourse and the intersection of yin and yang are more and more beneficial, but they don\'t see the slightest fatigue. Instead, they are princess Yu and sister Liu Sheng. They have been tossed about a lot and are still replenishing their sleep.

"Declare Your Excellency, prepare for the court meeting!"

Liu Hao sideways gave an order, then drove straight into the heaven and earth hall and sat in the red gold dragon chair with a golden knife.

"The old slave leads the order!"

Another manager, Li Lianying, had also left the customs. Hearing the order, she bowed back and went out to send a message.


Dang! Dang! Dang!

The imperial capital bell rang majestically.

Before long, the important officials of the dynasty had straightened out the jade crown imperial clothes, holding the wat board in their hands, and entered the heaven and earth hall.

The hall is very wide. The civil and military officials of the Han Dynasty stand one by one according to their official ranks.

Everyone stood in awe and looked up at Liu Hao sitting high on the Dragon seat. There was silence in the hall.

Liu Hao said calmly, "I\'ve got a treasure recently. It\'s called Leichi. It\'s suspected to be an artifact falling from the ancient heaven. It can refine weapons and enhance the Dynasty\'s Heritage..."

"However, there is a great deal of thunder in the thunder pool. Even if the martial arts master wears heavy armor, he will be seriously injured. If the creatures are close, they will be broken into powder by thunder. What can you do?"


All the officials in the hall were in an uproar!

"Even if the Tianting artifact falls, it is also an unparalleled treasure. Your majesty is really blessed!"

"If the emperor has a way, the artifacts and auspicious animals will appear one after another. The immortal Dynasty in Shenghuang town may not be able to reproduce the last wish of the ancient heaven in the future!"

"There are records about Leichi in ancient books. It is said that it is a place derived from thousands of thunder. I didn\'t expect it to really exist in the world!"

"But martial arts masters can\'t get close to it. How can we urge Lei Chi?"

"I\'m afraid only ghosts and gods can hope to get close to Leichi?"


The originally quiet heaven and earth hall suddenly boiled, and the officials of the Han Dynasty talked excitedly.

The minister ordered Xun Yu to brush his broad sleeves on both sides, bow down, hold the wat board and say, "Your Majesty, I don\'t know your ministers, can you see where the thunder pool is?"

Liu Hao nodded and said, "I\'ve sent someone to place the thunder pool in the underground palace under the emperor\'s soul tower, so I\'ll go with you Aiqing."

Driving from the palace, the officials, like the stars and the moon, surrounded by Liu haotianzi Shengjia, walked towards the imperial soul tower.

This is a real forbidden area of the dynasty. There are not only various organs, but also the forbidden guards surrounded by Longxiang camp on the inner and outer floors. Tiger and wolf heroes, dressed in sharp and murderous spirit, rush into the sky.

Seeing the holy driving coming, Xun feizhan, the riding captain of Longxiang camp, knelt down on one knee, hugged his fist and said respectfully, "I welcome your Majesty the holy emperor!"

The soldiers of Longxiang camp also knelt down and gave the most sincere and pious military salute to Liu Hao.

"All flat."

Liu Hao waved his hand and said, "Dear Aiqing, follow me into the thunder pond."

Leichi was placed by Liu Hao in the underground palace under the emperor\'s soul tower. After passing through many mechanisms, he finally reached the square under the underground palace.

"This... This minefield is really extraordinary!"

At the first sight of Lei Chi, Xun Yu felt awe inspiring. It seemed that on this side, there was some ancient and deep authority on Lei Chi.

When the lightning flashed, everyone trembled.

"Let the minister try to read with literature, Tao and spirit."

Guo Jia\'s talent is a sea of waves. His talent is condensed and turned into an invisible hand, close to Leichi.

However, just a few feet closer to the thunder pool, there was a terrible thunder in the thunder pool, which was full of threat. Guo Jia\'s talent was hanged by the Wanjun thunder emerging in the thunder pool in an instant.

Guo Jia was slightly moved. She tied her hands and sighed, "it\'s worthy of being an ancient artifact. It\'s the treasure of heaven. In the thunder pool, the thunder is powerful. Hang everything!"

Even the ghost talent Guo fengxiao had nothing to do. The officials of the Han Dynasty also gave their own ideas, but none of them could come up with a way to deal with it.

Wolong Zhuge Liang thought deeply, gently shook the goose feather fan and said, "I have a faint feeling that this thunder pond strangles all things with life fluctuations. If you let dead things without life fluctuations enter, it may be feasible..."

Xu Shu said with a wry smile: "dead things, dead things, are in a word of death. It is also very difficult to control the dead!"

In Liu Hao\'s mind, a sudden light suddenly appeared and asked, "Kong Ming, do you mean wooden cattle and horses?"

Zhuge Liang was slightly stunned. The goose feather fan in his hand stopped and said, "what does your majesty mean by wooden cattle and horses? I\'m stupid, but I haven\'t heard of it."


Liu Hao just regained his consciousness. The historical development track has been out of the scope of the original three kingdoms.

This wooden ox and flowing horse was originally proposed by Zhuge Liang in the later period of the Three Kingdoms. During the iron and blood war in the later period of the Three Kingdoms, it was brilliant to transport grain and grass in an advanced way.

It is said that Zhuge Liang also got inspiration from his wife. Liu Hao blurted out, "Kong Ming, who is your wife?"

Zhuge Liang gently shook the goose feather fan and said, "my humble wife is a pang woman. She has no talent and virtue. She is just a woman. She has never heard of any wooden cattle and horses. However, according to your Majesty\'s words, it seems that this wooden cattle and horses can really break the thunder Pool Pattern..."

Leichi strangles life, but wooden cattle and horses are dead. If they are operated properly, they will not have this scruples.

Liu Hao shook his head and sighed, "unfortunately, with the wisdom of Kong Ming, he didn\'t know the specific manufacturing process of this wooden ox and horse......"