The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2199

This is also an unwritten rule in the harem. Every new imperial concubine must first visit several imperial concubines in the East and West palaces to show courtesy and respect.

In Liu Hao\'s harem, except for the empress Cai Wenji, what is left is he Yu\'s highest status. As a newcomer, Liu Sheng sisters naturally have to pay a courtesy visit.

Thinking that he had not seen empress dowager for a long time, Liu Hao opened his mouth and said, "go to Princess Yu\'s bedroom."

"Yes, old slave!"

Cao Zhengchun understood it and arranged it immediately.

Liu Hao didn\'t make a big fuss. He didn\'t even bring the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp. He sailed to the West Palace.

"My maidservant, welcome your majesty, long live your majesty, long live your majesty!"

The maids of the West Palace, seeing Liu Hao\'s arrival, were busy, Yingying bowed down and made great gifts to Liu Hao.

As the dynasty became stronger and stronger, Liu Hao\'s Imperial Majesty became deeper and deeper. There was an inexplicable majesty between his gestures.

"All flat, is Princess Yu in the palace?"

Liu Hao waved his sleeves at will, raised several invisible hands in the void, and irresistibly lifted the people from the ground.

The palace maid bowed her head and said in a respectful voice, "Your Majesty, Princess Yu is in the palace with several dignitaries."

"Step back."

Liu Hao nodded and didn\'t say much. His steps were as arrogant as a dragon and disappeared.

Only the maids were left with a concussion: Your Majesty\'s cultivation is unfathomable and has become an immortal among people!

Just as I stepped into the palace, I heard a burst of silver bell like laughter.

"This little princess of mujianping, born in muhou mansion, has a first-class appearance and body. She is innocent and has a total score of 95. She can be listed as a Tianzi xiunv." this is the voice of He Yu\'s domineering imperial sister.

"Princess Yu, what\'s the name of Tianzi xiunv?" this is Xueji\'s gentle voice.

"Your Majesty likes to score women most. We will divide them into levels based on the dark and yellow of heaven and earth. The Tianzi xiunv is the most core xiunv. She has a unique appearance and will be blessed in the future."

"Heaven and earth are dark and yellow..."

Liu Hao took a smoke from the corner of his mouth and felt a little sweat in his heart. The women in his harem are really red when they are close to Zhu and black when they are close to ink

When he was with the concubines of the harem, Liu Hao often jokingly rated his sister. The four different levels of xuanhuang in this world were quite creative.

However, the name Mu Jianping seems familiar, like the heroine in a film and television play.

"What is Princess Ai talking about? Let me listen to it, too?"

Without a sound, Liu Hao entered the room and startled He Yu.

She turned her beautiful eyes, got up and said, "my concubine is promoting a draft girl for your majesty."

"My concubine, welcome your majesty."

Liu Shengxue Ji and Liu shengpiao Xu also saluted Liu Hao respectfully.

Liu Hao was also curious. He didn\'t understand the specific way to promote the draft girl. He only took the roster in Princess Yu\'s hand, but he knew it at a glance.

There are three stages in promoting draft women in various circles.

Now the first two stages have been completed and the last comprehensive evaluation stage has been reached.

There are only a few dozen women who can stand out among thousands of beautiful women. These women are naturally one in a million when they say they are beautiful.

"Luo Shen Zhen MI, Jiang Dong Er Qiao..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly. From top to bottom, he was still quite satisfied.

Luo Shen Zhen MI and Jiang Dong Er Qiao are the most famous beauties in the Three Kingdoms. Naturally, they need to be included in the harem.

As for mu Jianping, Su Quan, Wang Yuanji and other women, they are also beautiful and have a strong family background.

"Huang Yueying?"

Suddenly, seeing the name, Liu Hao was a little distracted.

This is not a famous ugly woman in history. It is Wolong\'s future daughter-in-law. Why did she come to participate in the live promotion draft?

He Yumei\'s eyes turned slightly, keenly caught the momentary stagnation of Liu Hao\'s expression, and asked, "does your majesty recognize this Huang Yueying?"

"I\'ve been fascinated by this woman for a long time."

Liu Hao smiled bitterly.

"Huang Yueying is the daughter of Huang Chengyan, a famous scholar in Jingzhou. After Huang Chengyan entered the imperial capital, he lived in the sage villa. It is said that Huang Lao has accumulated a lot and has become successful since he first got involved in the way of holy literature. Now he has achieved the peak of a bachelor. If he goes further, he is the master of literature and Taoism of the king Dynasty..."

He Yu said with a smile: "Huang Yueying\'s own qualification is also extraordinary, and her literary and Taoist cultivation is not inferior to her father. It\'s just that it\'s nonsense to hear that she looks ugly..."

"Is there such a thing?" a stone in Liu Hao\'s heart also fell. After all, if possible, normal men would not like to marry an ugly woman home as a daughter-in-law.

"My ministers and concubines looked carefully. Although Huang Yueying\'s appearance was not as good as those in your Majesty\'s palace, she was also regarded as the goddess of countless students in the imperial school palace..."

Those in He Yu\'s mouth refer to Diao Chan, Chen Yuanyuan and other imperial concubines, who can be called the most beautiful women in the country and deserve the level of disaster.

"Hee hee, all the talent women from all walks of life are basically here. After several layers of screening by ministers, concubines and queen sisters, the ancestors can be checked for 18 generations. Is your majesty still satisfied?"

Princess Yu sat on Liu Hao\'s lap, laughing, eyes flowing, unspeakable feelings.

Liu Hao\'s warm fragrance nephrite was in his arms, and his voice was as warm as wine. He said, "I\'m naturally relieved that there is a concubine in charge of the harem with the queen. The matter of the beautiful girl is all decided by the concubine and the queen, and I don\'t care."

It\'s a sweet feeling to do something with your heart and get the recognition of your sweetheart.

He Yu is also a woman. She can\'t stand the gentle attack of Liu Hao. She has long jade feet, wriggles uneasily, and even her breathing is getting faster and faster.

Liu shengpiao Xu and Liu Shengxue Ji looked at each other, bowed together and said, "my concubine... I\'ll leave first."

How can the two women not feel such an ambiguous atmosphere?

But unexpectedly, Liu Hao waved his hand at will, and the invisible Qi dissipated, and the doors and windows of the West Palace were closed.

Liu shengpiao Xu and Liu Shengxue Ji were like frightened little white rabbits, stunned for a while.

Liu haoba said, "tonight, stay and sleep together!"