The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2196

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the long live sound of Wanzhong mountain, Liu Hao waved his sleeve and ordered, "drive back to the palace."


Cao Zhengchun bowed to his command, led the royal guards and drove in front.

During the driving, thousands of people knelt down beside the road and kowtowed reverently. Liu Hao was very useful in his heart. At the same time, he found out with his mind, but he vaguely felt that there were bursts of clear and violent Feng Ming on the distant sky. He saw a red dot in the air and fluttered his wings

Fierce! Fierce!

Zhufengniao was shouting happily, and its flaming red feathers seemed to shine with strange luster and soul stirring.

On the little one\'s back, there was a pretty girl, with the color of the city, but her temperament was slightly cold, which drove Zhu Fengniao to land on the No. 9 bus.

When facing Liu Hao, the extremely beautiful girl smiled big, her eyes bent into two curved moons, gentle and moving.

It was Liu Jian, the king\'s princess.

Liu Jian is now in his teens, and he is beginning to have authority when he raises his hands and feet.

When the Han people saw the sacred beast Zhu Fengniao, they were shocked and said piously, "the long princess has broken the pass again?"

"It\'s said that the sages in the village preached that Princess Chang\'s talent of heaven and man has a series of epiphanies, which is called once-in-a-thousand-year talent by Zheng Xuan!"

"She is worthy of being the daughter of his Majesty the holy emperor. At a young age, she can subdue Zhu Feng\'s divine beast as a mount."

"The eldest princess will take over the foundation of the dynasty in the future and will become a female emperor!"


The news that Liu Jian was established as the successor of the dynasty has long been announced to the world. Now even Zhu Feng divine bird, which only exists in mythology, is willing to ride for him, which is also convinced by the Han people.

Liu Hao spoiled and rubbed his daughter\'s hair and said, "yes, ah Tan\'s holy text has made great progress."

From the perspective of Wang Qi technique, Liu Jian\'s literary world is full of gold waves and talents. Obviously, it is the teachings of several great literary and Taoist masters that have benefited Liu Jian a lot. Now her attribute value of literary and Taoist talents has exceeded the 90 mark, which is the realm of academicians.

Liu Tu narrowed his eyes, with little stars in his eyes, and said with a smile, "my father seems to be handsome again!"

In the face of his daughter\'s flattery, Liu Hao was dumbfounded and smiled. He felt a kind of unspeakable benefit. Suddenly, he turned his mind, pointed to the little princess in the Kowloon car and said, "this little girl will be my little apprentice in the future. Don\'t bully her."

Liu Tan nodded wisely and asked, "Hello, my name is Liu tan. What\'s your name?"

The little princess was a little timid when she saw so many people. She shrank behind Liu Hao, but in Liu Hao\'s encouraging eyes, she still summoned up her courage and said, "my name is Zhu qiluo."

Liu Jian nodded and said, "I\'ll cover you in the future. Absolutely no one dares to bully you. Do you want to take off with me and play in the sky?"

The little princess looked at the fierce and rebellious zhufengniao, a little excited, but still a little hesitant.

Liu Tu grabbed the hair on Xiaobu\'s neck and shouted, "Xiaobu, be good! I\'ll take you to the barbecue. If you\'re not good, let\'s throw you into the imperial soul tower and let those old men study you!"


Zhu Fengniao trembled and shook his head, indicating that he was unwilling to go to the imperial soul tower.

Xiaobudian is a strange animal in heaven and earth. Its origin is mysterious and has some characteristics of ancient divine animals. Zheng Xuan and other great Han literary and Taoist masters are naturally very interested in it. They always want to place it in the imperial soul tower. They want to go back to explore the mysteries of ancient times.

"Let\'s go."

When he grew up, his back was three or four meters wide. It was more than enough to be two people. Liu took the little princess and sat on it. With a soft drink, he saw Zhu Fengniao\'s Phoenix singing and flying into the sky!

Between the rapid flying of Zhufeng birds, the Phoenix is fierce and spits out bursts of red flame Phoenix breath in his mouth. The red streamer is full of color, forming a red sunset glow in the air, which is spectacular.

"A divine beast is a divine beast. It\'s extraordinary. When can I get some flying dragons to support the scene? This is the atmosphere of the supreme Dynasty..."

Liu Hao smiled and walked towards the palace.

In front of the Qinglong gate, East Palace empress Cai Wenji, Diao Chan, Mu Guiying and other women have been waiting for a long time. Seeing Shengjia, the imperial concubines of the rear palace bowed down and saluted Liu Hao. "Your Majesty, my concubines and others, welcome your victorious return."

"It\'s an old husband and wife. What\'s the courtesy?"

Liu Hao waved his hand, came forward and hugged the queen Cai Wenji, feeling the fragrance of her green silk.

Liu Hao kept warm with the imperial concubines of the imperial palace for a while, and Liu Hao did not delay much. After giving the female sisters Liu shengxueji and others to Cai Wenji for arrangement, he began to walk towards the palace gate.

In the deep palace, the Zhumen were closed, and Cao Shaoqin stood solemnly by his sword.

When it came time to reap the reward, Liu Hao was in a mood of expectation and excitement.

"System, open super lucky permission directly!"

"First open the hidden treasure chest of King rating, and then open the treasure chest of emperor rating!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the king\'s hidden treasure chest and obtained the soul stone * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host. Open the king\'s hidden treasure chest. Fortunately, you have generated critical hit and obtained Wuhun stone * 2!"

"Congratulations to the host. Open the king\'s hidden treasure chest and get the soul stone * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host. Open the king\'s hidden treasure chest. Fortunately, you have generated critical hit and obtained wensoul stone * 2!"


"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure box of emperor rating. Fortunately, he had a critical hit and obtained the silkworm\'s clothes!"

This time, he defeated all the heroes in the Ming world, destroyed hundreds of thousands of Ming troops, and burst out many treasure boxes. Some Liu Hao opened them without any best.

After opening the super lucky mode, except for the interesting Tianchan\'s clothes, most of the others are Wuhun stone and wensoul stone, which can be regarded as a small wave of wealth.

Tianchan profanity: it is woven with the most tender tiansilkworm silk. It is white and flawless. It is light as if there is nothing. After wearing it, it can make the wearer\'s charm + 3 and charm + 2!

Tianchan\'s underwear is women\'s underwear, which looks quite similar to the interesting underwear of previous lives.

Liu Hao calmed down his anger and continued to start the final play:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the hidden treasure chest of the supreme god level. Fortunately, he generated critical hit and won the thunder pool!"

Leichi (supreme god level): it is said to be an artifact left over from the ancient heaven. After great changes, it flows into the world. There are mysteries. Please explore it yourself