The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2197


Liu Hao also has a black question mark on his face.

It\'s really painful. I only know it\'s a divine treasure left by heaven, but I don\'t know what it\'s useful for

However, Liu Hao turned his mind and saw the reward again, but his expression was slightly shocked.

In ancient times, some people said that they did not dare to cross the minefield, which shows the solemnity of the minefield.

This treasure has the evaluation of the supreme god level, and it is named after the thunder pool. It is absolutely no small matter.

Liu Hao gathered his mind and looked at the thunder pool in front of him.

It looks primitive and simple. I don\'t know what material it is made of, but it seems to be a huge pool platform, which has been magnified dozens of times.

On the thunder pond, there are carved ancient characters with ancient vicissitudes, as well as images of unicorns, rosefinches, basaltic and other sacred animals, which are hidden on it, lifelike, giving people the feeling of extraordinary sacred objects at first sight.

"The system is pretending to be dead again. But I don\'t know what magical effect this thunder pool has. Try it first. The supreme artifact must be superior."

Liu Hao sank his mind into this minefield and suddenly saw a shocking scene:


In the thunder pool, there was a sudden roar of thunder. In the space where the whole divine consciousness was located, there was an arc-shaped lightning flash.

This side of heaven and earth is the world of lightning.

A thick and thin thunder arc of a bucket suddenly fell in front of Liu Hao. Liu Hao\'s mind moved slightly. He had felt the majestic and vast power contained in the thunder light.

"Eh!? what\'s that?"

Liu Hao\'s expression moved slightly, and he suddenly sensed that there seemed to be a strange smell at the bottom of the thunder pool, which was not integrated with the thunder light. Body is like something ancient.

The mind sank, crossed the abyss of tens of thousands of feet, and finally reached the bottom of the Minepit.

Looking at the bottom of the Minepit, countless dark substances, similar to metal quicksand, accumulated together, but with a black gold luster.

Like the divine iron left over from the ancient battlefield, it is full of ancient and vicissitudes of life.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Meteor thunder iron: it is melted by the remnants of ancient divine soldiers. It can help to refine weapons. After quenching, weapons have a chance to be improved.

"I see. This Minepit was used to harden weapons!"

Liu Hao\'s mind moved and suddenly thought of a possibility.

In ancient times, different from the world with exhausted aura, there were countless powers and countless magic weapons.

The specific effect of this thunder pool is not clear, but it can certainly be used to enhance weapons. No wonder it is called Tianting artifact.

"Try it first."

Liu Hao thought of it and did it. He directly took out a king\'s sword called Qiushui, weighing 19 kilograms.

I was about to put it into the Minepit for an experiment, but I heard a prompt from the system: "please swallow the Dragon Qi of Daming world, warm the Minepit, and then urge it, otherwise the weapon may be damaged!"

"It was to warm the thunder pond with dragon Qi. I didn\'t say it earlier..."

Liu Hao reined in on the precipice in time and quickly took back his long sword.

"It\'s better to swallow the Dragon Qi first. There must be some unspeakable mysteries in this thunder pool!"

When his mind shook, Liu Hao began to communicate with the map of the country.


The visions between heaven and earth suddenly appeared, and the sun, moon and stars changed. The dragon spirit of the national fortune of the Ming world turned into a pillar of light, which fell down suddenly since it came from the nine days.

"The dynasty is immortal and devours the dragon spirit!"

Bathed in the dragon spirit of national fortune, Liu Hao decisively urged the dragon symbol.

On the Dragon talisman, nine golden dragons began to churn and devour the Dragon Qi. In the roaring sound of the dragon, some of the pillars of light that symbolized the Dragon Qi of the Ming world disappeared into the picture of rivers and mountains, making the picture of rivers and mountains more vast and magnificent.

This side of the minefield seemed to be under some traction and began to vibrate gradually.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Liu Hao was curious, held his breath and carefully observed the movement of Lei Chi.

This ancient and simple thunder pool flew into the air. The thunder light in it was pulled by the dragon spirit, which triggered the sound of ten thousand thunder and mixed with the sound of dragon singing. All kinds of sounds shook in the air, which made people tremble.

"Nine dragons fly together and ten thousand thunder roars! Your majesty Shengwen Shenwu has triggered the vision of heaven and earth!"

Seeing this magnificent scene, the people in the main circles of the Han Dynasty could not help kneeling down and kowtowing to Liu Hao.

The thunder pond vibrated and the purple electricity rushed.

This majestic spectacle lasted for about half an hour. The Dragon bodies of the nine lucky golden dragons all expanded in a circle and became more powerful and majestic.

Then the picture of the country and the dragon symbol quieted down, and the thunder pool, the supreme artifact, gradually calmed down.

The dragon spirit of Daming world was finally swallowed up.

"After the quenching of dragon Qi, I don\'t know what has changed in Leichi..."

Liu Hao thought, took out the emperor\'s sword and threw it directly into the thunder pool.


Only a light sound was heard, and a light sound suddenly came out in the middle of the thunder pool.

It can be seen from the divine sense that the king\'s famous sword called Qiushui trembled slightly, and a black smoke was emitted from the sword body.

"I\'ll wipe it, won\'t it be broken?"

Liu Hao\'s heart suddenly tightened for fear of loss.

Every weapon rated by the king is a rare magic weapon. If it is damaged by the thunder pool, there is really no place to reason

The thunder pool rolled and moved, and the thunder arc suddenly ignited. This emperor\'s famous sword sang long, and the sword radiated bright light.

"Congratulations to the host. Leichi successfully quenched the magic weapon. The attribute increase of Qiushui famous sword has been slightly improved. Please let the host know!"

Liu Hao quickly gathered his mind and observed the king\'s sword with the skill of looking at Qi.

Qiushui sword is three feet seven inches long and weighs thirty-nine kilograms!

Autumn water famous sword, a sword breaks the soul!

When holding autumn water sword, force + 4, sword power increased by 4%!

Sword gas blast, you will have a certain chance to trigger lightning arc and paralyze the enemy!


Liu Hao couldn\'t help but praise him.

Comparing the attributes before and after, it can be seen intuitively that the famous Qiushui sword has been strengthened and improved in all aspects after being quenched in the thunder pool.

It\'s no exaggeration to say that the famous autumn water sword quenched in Leichi is absolutely no inferior to the ordinary emperor\'s divine soldiers