The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2195

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, carried the pure internal power of Tiangang boy\'s skill with a brush in his arms. His voice vibrated continuously and spread to everyone\'s ears.

Liu Bowen, an important Minister of the Shangshu stage, bowed down on the white jade steps of the king\'s stage, brushed his wide sleeves on both sides, bowed and bowed his head, and shouted, "minister, lead the order!"

"Minister, command!"

The civil and military officials of the dynasty who had been arranged in advance also knelt down together and respectfully saluted the king and his officials at the white jade platform.

"It\'s time to open the muddy sky star road and get ready to return!"

After arranging everything, Liu Hao thought and communicated with the divine court.

In the divine court, the picture of rivers and mountains suddenly appeared in the air. With the more and more solid foundation of Liu Hao, the pictures of rivers and mountains became more and more magnificent. The sunset and the moon rose, and the mountains, rivers and seas appeared in front of everyone like a magnificent picture scroll, which was amazing.


Heaven and earth are dark, and the wind and cloud suddenly roll!

Above the sky, thousands of miles of purple clouds float in the sky, and the clouds are glittering. It seems that a real dragon is singing and shaking the world.

Suddenly, from the rich purple clouds, bright starlight gradually projected down, forming a starlight door to the whole world.


When the heavenly gate came, it was extremely bright. There were stars and shadows, which scattered quickly. Liu Hao\'s body was as powerful as the emperor of heaven.

What a shocking scene!?

The people who are watching the Great Han Tianwei from afar have a feeling of kneeling and worshipping;

"Only the sages and emperors of ancient times can attract such a vision. The emperor\'s power is vast, the heavenly gate comes, and the real dragon chants. His majesty can compare with the great emperor of ancient times!"

"It\'s said that this transmission array connects the main realm of the Han Dynasty. It\'s the center of several worlds and follows the ancient way of Scripture. If you have the opportunity to learn the essence of the way of Scripture, it\'s good..."

"It is said that the heavenly gate to the fairyland is opened. The emperor is powerful! Even the ancient sages and emperors are not as good as the emperor!"


In the hearts of the common people, they all have a strong sense of belonging and are proud of being the people of the Han Dynasty.

Among the people\'s attention, the Jiulong Tiandi chariot took the lead in entering the star gate.

Then, the Great Han group of Confucianism entered the gate of heaven, and the general of five tigers and nine dragons began to follow the emperor. After that, he led the fierce soldiers of tiger ben to enter the xingxingguang gate.


One by one, a tall and majestic Huben fierce pawn stepped into the light gate, and then his body disappeared into the bright stars

The scene of huntianxing Road, in the eyes of the public, is to reach the Tianmen gate, like being in the fairyland.

In the countless admiring eyes and fanatical cries, Liu Hao\'s ears gradually quieted down.

When you are at the starlight gate, the whole space and time seem to be static, but the starlight flowing around you converges into a galaxy, beautiful and brilliant.

"How beautiful."

"It\'s more beautiful than the cherry blossoms on Fusang island."

Liu Shengxue Ji and Liu shengpiao Xu leaned against Liu Hao\'s left and right shoulders. Their beautiful eyes contained boundless feelings.

However, few women can resist the magnificent beauty that shocked people\'s soul. Even Gongsun LAN and Xue Bing, who accompanied them, opened their eyes roundly and glared at Liu Sheng\'s sisters, and then happily discussed the long river of stars

I don\'t know how long it took. I just felt that in the blink of an eye, my eyes suddenly lit up.

"Here we are!"

Liu Hao felt the full aura in the air of the main world and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Tianmen gate fell into the school yard in the north of the imperial capital, and the transmission array between the main world and the Ming world was also in the school yard.

Before coming, Liu Hao passed a divine idea to the east palace queen Cai Wenji through the imperial Qunfang spectrum. The Han Dynasty has already made arrangements for the main world.

"Gentlemen, welcome your Majesty the holy emperor to return in triumph. Long live the holy emperor. Long live your majesty!"

Xun Yu, Minister of Shangshutai, and a group of masters of literature and Taoism, all straightened up their appearance, dressed solemnly, and came to meet him.

The people who came out from afar to see the true face of the emperor were also ten miles out of the city and crowded the official roads on both sides.

"Your Majesty, the sword edge of the emperor has pushed another world. The territory of the Han Dynasty is boundless!"

"Majestic Tianmen, your majesty is the divine emperor who came to earth to fight the heavens for the future of the Han people. We all have a good life in the future!"

"The holy emperor has a long life and the dynasty is immortal. I am willing to go through fire and water for his majesty!"

"Your Majesty, holy text, divine force, eternal life!"

"Your Majesty, holy text, divine force, eternal life!"


Amid the loud voices of the crowd, Liu Hao\'s brain also sounded a series of sounds of nature like system prompts:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations on the host\'s triumphant return. It\'s inspiring. The Han people are excited. The additional reward and worship value is 50000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. The task reward has been successfully sent to the storage space. Please check it later!"

The reward for the increasing worship value is just icing on the cake. The reward for this task attracts Liu Hao\'s attention.

The noble golden purple light is blooming in Liu Hao\'s consciousness, and Liu Hao is excited!

"A divine character calling card!?"

"There is also a hidden treasure chest of the supreme god level!"

According to common sense, there should not be such a huge reward, in which there is probably part of the system\'s interest compensation.

"Ha ha! The harvest this time is really rich. At present, there are many people with mixed mouths. Don\'t rush to open it first. We\'ll study it when we go back!"

Liu Hao immediately adjusted his mind, waved his hand and said calmly, "you Aiqing are all good talents of the king\'s Dynasty. It\'s hard for you Aiqing to handle state affairs when I\'m not here..."

"I\'m willing to do my best for your majesty!"

All the officials of the Han Dynasty bowed down one after another and shouted devoutly.

"This war has reaped a lot. It\'s my will. Tonight, there will be wine and a banquet in the barracks to reward the three armed forces. Then the three armed forces will disarm, and the quasi Han soldiers will go back for a half month holiday to reunite with their relatives..."

Liu Hao calmly explained some of the current arrangements, and the people shouted with joy