The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2194

"Your Majesty is considerate and safe, so you can rest assured."

Begonia nodded and no longer tangled.

Then, the two walked side by side and strolled around the Dragon protection villa. It felt sweet to walk in the park for young lovers in later generations.

Unfortunately, this feeling didn\'t last long. In the distance, a royal guards rushed in and clung to the fist: "Your Majesty, villa leader, today, the secret agent of HuLong mountain villa was assessed. The No. 1 secret agent returned to the sea and personally promoted two young swordsmen, both of whom are good at swordsmanship!"

"The man chosen by returning to the sea?"

Liu Hao suddenly became a little interested. This is also a habit after he has been in people for a long time. When he saw talents, he couldn\'t help but want to recruit them under his command.

"Minister Shen Lian, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Minister Ding Xiu, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Two dignified young men knelt down in front of Liu Hao to see the driver.

Shen Lian - force 89, intelligence 77, politics 63, command 75!

Stunt, talent: Shen Lian\'s Sabre technique is excellent. He is famous in the first World War. He can be called a martial arts genius!

Ding Xiu - force 91, intelligence 66, politics 43, command 63!

Stunt, kill the sword: Ding Xiu practices the art of killing the enemy. He is desperate and obsessed with the Dao. When he uses the Dao against the enemy, his combat power will be increased by an additional 10%!

"Embroidered spring knife?"

Liu Hao\'s mind turned and immediately thought of the origin of Shen Lian and Ding Xiu.

In a previous life, there was a martial arts film called Xiuchun Dao. Shen Lian and Ding Xiu were the two protagonists. Their martial arts qualifications were good.

Shen Lian has a long face and looks firm and cold. He is 90% similar to the man who embroiders spring Dao.

Ding Xiu was between his eyebrows and eyes, showing some evil spirit. At first glance, he was a very murderous man.

"If it\'s really good material and beautiful quality that can be created, let\'s go flat."

Liu Hao waved two spirits and helped Ding Xiu and Shen Lian up.

Shangguan Haitang said positively, "since you were selected by the local spy, you will be commanded by Guihai Yidao and join the Dragon protection villa. It is both honor and responsibility. Meritorious service should be rewarded. However, if you violate the laws and regulations of the dynasty, it is a severe punishment, okay?"

In front of Liu Hao, Haitang looks like a little bird, but before everyone, it is still the dignified and profound leader of the first villa in the world and the leader of HuLong villa.

"Yes, my subordinates!"

Shen Lian and Ding Xiu are just two lengtouqing who have just been out of the Jianghu for a long time. They nodded and agreed.

It is also an honor for them to join the Dragon protection villa of the Han Dynasty.



Shaohua throws shuttle, the sun and moon fly arrows, and it\'s more than half a year since the reconstruction of HuLong villa.

In the past few months, Jiang Wei, Deng AI and Zhong Hui killed three generals of the wolf, which did not disappoint Liu Hao. The three bright generals of the dynasty divided their troops and attacked Mobei, beheaded tens of thousands of people, and swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger!

So far, Daming world:

Fusang, destroy!

Daming, out!

Black pill, kill!

Where Liu haotianzi\'s holy sword pointed, the Great Han Huben was unparalleled in iron and blood, and finally pushed the whole Ming world.

It is said that it is difficult to fight against rivers and mountains, and it is more difficult to defend rivers and mountains!

However, Liu Hao did not have such concerns. The generals of the five tigers and nine dragons were all the top strongmen of the martial arts masters.

Moreover, several of the core advisers of the Shangshu platform, who are also wise men through the ages, have become masters of literature and Taoism. They have their own means to maintain stability after chaos.

Fusang, wuwan and other foreign nationalities are all demoted as slaves and will be treated as trophies and rewarded to the meritorious officials of the Han Dynasty. The most murderous is the national pyramid model presided over by Liu Bowen. The Han Dynasty is at the top of the pyramid, and the absorbed foreign nationalities will become the existence at the bottom of the pyramid.

Once this model is popularized, the disaster of foreign nationalities will be fundamentally solved. The status of the Han nationality will be under the Han nationality!

"It\'s strange... The system, the reward for the end of this mission, why hasn\'t there been any news? What\'s going on?"

Liu Hao frowned slightly and was a little dissatisfied.

In this expedition to the Ming world, even the legendary ultimate task reward of slaughtering the tremor of Fusang was not issued, let alone the task reward of dominating the eight wastelands.

"This world mission reward will be sent together with compensation interest after returning to the main world. Please know!"

"And compensation interest, that\'s easy to say..."

Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction and checked the task list and task process of Daming world, which had been refreshed almost.

The legend of killing the chestnut of Fusang is complete!

Eight wastelands, complete!

It\'s the task of the nine sword gods under the emperor. Only the last two sword gods are missing. Like the task of the sword saint, they can be met but not asked. It depends on the luck

"The Shangshu stage has stabilized the situation. He and WAN have completed the construction of the transmission array and are ready to return to the main world."

Liu Hao\'s mind moved. He immediately summoned Cao Zhengchun and said, "pass on my personal order. Three days later, the army of the Dynasty will return to the main world!"


Three days later.

The school yard outside the Forbidden City.

The red dragon flag of the great man fluttered in the wind.

After the three-way drum, the horn sounded. The five tigers, the general of Jiulong, and the thirty-six generals of Xuanwu led the fierce soldiers of their headquarters, stepped on a neat and killing pace, and began to enter the field.

On the commanding stage, a powerful man with a tiger back and a bear waist, with bare arms and thick muscles like a hard rock, began to swing his hammer wildly and bang the battle drum.

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the roar of mountains and tsunami, the Kowloon Tiandi chariot in the distance also drove slowly into the school yard.

"All the great men, let\'s get flat!"

Liu Hao wore twelve diaos on his head, embroidered Purple Dragon gun robe and embroidered sun, moon and stars on his shoulders. He pushed the door and came out and directly climbed the white jade step.

"On the day of the holy emperor\'s edict, Liu Bowen returned to the main world today and ordered the Shangshutai to take charge of the world. He carried out government decrees. The civil and military forces of the dynasty all followed the Shangshutai\'s orders, and Qin was here!"