The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 155


Before Liu Hao could say a complete sentence, his mouth was directly blocked by Empress Dowager he trembling!

Looking at the tears on He Yu\'s powder, Liu Hao felt pity and couldn\'t help hugging her waist.

If it weren\'t for the trouble of unlocking the dragon scale black light armor, Liu Hao could directly unlock the dragon scale black light armor and feel the beautiful touch of the graceful and delicate body on his body.

"Zixuan, thanks to you, I\'m in danger... Otherwise I\'ll mourn my family..."

He Yu leaned in Liu Hao\'s arms and said faintly.

His brother he Jin is really unreliable.

If Liu Hao hadn\'t left the dark son and made proper arrangements this time, the future of Empress Dowager he would be unpredictable. Who knows what the soldiers and soldiers of the riot can do

Liu Hao opened his mouth and comforted the beauty. Before he had time for further communication, a hurried voice of his own soldiers came from outside the camp:

"Lord, less than ten miles northeast of Luoyang City, I found the trace of Bingzhou army. More than ten miles west of Luoyang, Xiliang iron cavalry are also marching towards Luoyang City!"


Liu Hao stood up in awe, with a dragon scale, a black light and a tinkling symphony on his body, and immediately woke up from the gentle countryside.

Bingzhou army, desperate, rushed directly to Luoyang!

Liu Hao won\'t confide in Ding Yuan and trust him because of the comments in the romance!

None of these who can be warlords in troubled times is a simple fool and loyal figure.

It\'s hard to predict whether Ding Yuan is loyal or traitor!

In addition, Dong Zhuo\'s Xiliang army has more than 100000 elite soldiers, including tens of thousands of cavalry, which is enough to sweep Luoyang City!

"Send someone quickly and send orders to all generals in the army. Gather the troops of this department and prepare to attack with me!"

"Send another order to Xu Shu and General Yang Zaixing in Luoyang City to order them to withdraw from Luoyang and retreat to the East!"

Liu Hao ordered again and again. After arranging things properly, he said to He Yu with apology: "yu\'er, military affairs are busy. It\'s really inconvenient for me to stay for a long time."

At present, of course, we can\'t miss the opportunity because of a woman.

"Zixuan, go and do your business first. Yu\'er is protected by manager Cao. It\'s very safe!"

Empress Dowager he smiled softly and gently arranged Liu Hao\'s armor. She was both sensible and clever.

Liu Hao kissed He Yu gently on the forehead and didn\'t say much. He directly opened the gate of the camp and ordered everyone to go.

After half a ring, thousands of fierce soldiers finally assembled.

Except Cao Zhengchun, who left a small number of people to protect the safety of the empress dowager, all the others were ready to send troops with Liu Hao.

Thinking of the coming Bingzhou Legion and the God of war Lv Bu, Liu Hao felt a burst of excitement that was difficult to describe in words.

"Lord, it\'s not good. The Bingzhou Legion is ahead!"

The army marched. Before long, the former army\'s horses hurried to report the news.

"Bingzhou vanguard Corps wrote a letter to the flag, a word of Lv. They are robbing the people running out of Luoyang. Many of the vanguard brothers under the LORD have also been killed!"

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, a wisp of golden awn flashed past, and he couldn\'t help being angry!

What about Lv Bu? Those who dare to touch me!

Brother Kan taught you to be a man?

"Excuse me, do you use the Western Chu overlord experience card?"

"Direct use!"

Without hesitation, Liu Hao chose to use the artifact at the bottom of the box.

A powerful and overbearing force flowed through Liu Hao\'s acupoints at a speed beyond the reach of the naked eye.

The imperial Qi in the body mixed with this new force and produced a reaction!

At this time, Liu Hao felt that he was full of powerful power to destroy the sky and the earth!

It\'s like reaching out and lifting nine tripods!

A stomp can shake the ground!


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. He has successfully obtained part of the power of the overlord of Western Chu. His strength has been greatly improved and has reached the current limit!"

Liu Hao (temporary), force 108, intelligence 81, politics 76, command 98.

"Lying trough, not a special attribute, is almost 110 points of force!"

"Wait, what the hell is this armor?"

At this time, in Liu Hao\'s storage space, there was an extra set of armor, emitting a bright golden awn. On his back, there were seven black gold short guns.

At a glance, he was awed by his domineering spirit.

Seven seas dragon armour (emperor level): when a dragon enters the sea, it gains the head of the enemy general from the thousands of troops. The wearer\'s force value is + 3 and the command value is + 3.

Bingzhou army headquarters.

The former army scout quickly reported: "Lord Lv Bu, no, Luoyang City has been taken!"

"What, is Wenyuan\'s plot seen through? It\'s Xiliang cavalry who occupy Luoyang City, ahead of us?"

Gao Shun, general of Bingzhou, frowned, and all the generals under the banner of Bingzhou were surprised.

"Damn, since Luoyang has fallen, not only the emperor and the Empress Dowager will be robbed by Dong Zhuo, but also the money and food in the city will be gone!"

Lv Bu said angrily, "it\'s really hateful. I\'m a little late. I only robbed some fleeing people. These leftovers!"

At the invitation of He Jin, Ding, an assassin of Bingzhou, led troops to Luoyang to kill eunuchs, but his adopted son Lv Bu just wanted to take the opportunity to enter Luoyang and become an official. At the same time, he could make a fortune.

After all, Bingzhou is a cold and barren land, and the prosperity of Luoyang is well known all over the world.

Zhang Liao frowned and said, "Sir, according to the calculation of the last general, Xiliang iron cavalry shouldn\'t come so fast. Is there anything strange in it?"

The Binzhou army removed the divine Lv Bu, and there were several brave generals, such as Zhang Liao, Hao Meng, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian, Wei Xu, Song Xian and Hou Cheng.

He is famous for his bravery in the army and is known as a master of Bingzhou.

Zhang Liao, who has a long history of writing and is brave and resourceful, is one of the best.

The former army scout suddenly reported: "no... Lord Lv Bu, there is a powerful general riding a white horse and wearing gold armor, who is killing our army. It\'s like entering a no man\'s land!".,,.