The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 156

The generals of Bingzhou heard the speech and looked at each other: "are you sure it\'s not 10000 people, but one person?"

"I guarantee my life. There is no empty word. You adults will know when you go to see it!"

"See clearly, which side is it?"

Zhang Liao was careful and reminded: "Sir, I\'m afraid the situation in Luoyang city is a little strange. Xiliang iron cavalry has always been a collective action. How can there be a single attack?"

"Whoever the fuck dares to touch the tiger beard of the Bingzhou army, take it first!"

Wei Xu was also very unhappy and scolded unceasingly.

"Hehe, Wen Yuan is worried too much. Since this man dares to rush into the array, let\'s go and catch him!"

Lv Bu was about to go out. Wei Xu, the general around him, said, "Lord LV, why do you kill a chicken with an ox knife? The last general is willing to catch him alive!"

Wei Xu, who was eager to do meritorious service, patted Ma ti\'s gun and rushed out directly.

The drums in the army suddenly sounded.

However, the drums were still roaring, and the former army had sent an urgent report: "no... general Wei Xu was shot under the horse by that man!"


Lv Bu\'s eyebrows jumped. It was only a long time.

Wei Xu\'s martial arts are barely OK. Why was he picked off his horse with one shot?

Before Bingzhou, Liu Hao also frowned. Stepping on the snow, long Huang galloped in. Emperor Huang\'s gun swept everywhere and was invincible.

The intention of the Binzhou army raiding Luoyang is not so simple!

Dong Zhuo is in the west of the city. The spies of the Binzhou army must have found out the trend of the Xiliang army.

But they didn\'t stop Dong Zhuo\'s rampage. Instead, they were very purposeful. They directly killed and ran to Luoyang City, obviously with the intention of threatening the son of heaven!

The most important thing is that the Bingzhou Legion also plundered the people everywhere, which is not much worse than the Xiliang Legion.

At this time, in the formation of Bingzhou legion, Wei Xu, the brave general, came out to meet Liu Hao.

Then, Cao Xing, Cheng Lian and others in Bingzhou were all clapping their horses to fight.

Liu Hao carried his gun alone, fought alone with seven or eight members and joined the state\'s top generals!

"Forget it, native chickens and dogs. I don\'t know how to write the death word if I don\'t give you some color to see it!"

Liu Hao\'s real Qi flows. He is golden and obsidian. He works as a overlord. His gun is like a ghost and God!

"Ah, look, general Cheng Lian, they retreated..."

"Oh, no, general Cao Xing\'s horse was slow and was directly picked off..."

"Who dares to fight Liu Zixuan?"

In front of the horizontal gun array, Liu Hao sat on the back of the snow treading dragon Huang, with a long howling sound like a dragon sing!


The whole Bingzhou army was shocked.

Is it Liu Hao?

Is there a mistake?

Wei continued them, but they were one of the top ten generals in the state!

Now he chased Liu Hao and beat him instead of beating him. It\'s only a long time. It\'s only ten rounds at most. Liu Hao provoked and dismounted two generals!

Fortunately, the soldiers were around and tried their best to snatch the two generals back into the array.

In the Binzhou army, there was a roar of discussion.

A deputy general was frightened. The long knife in his hand fell to the ground with a jingle.

Zhang Liao\'s palm was full of sweat, and he was lucky that he didn\'t go to war rashly.

Even General Gao Shun, who had always been calm, looked shocked and said, "Lord Fengxian, this man\'s martial arts are incredible. I\'m afraid he\'s not inferior to Lord Fengxian!"

"Someone, meet this person in person!"

Lv Bu took a deep breath and his heart beat wildly like a drum.

Liu Zixuan, is there such a means!?

Doesn\'t it mean that he is just a peerless talent who can recite poetry against others? How can his martial arts be so strong!?


Cao Xing was carried up and cried out miserably: "Fengxian, it\'s not that we don\'t have to do our best, but Liu Hao. It\'s so powerful..."

"Lord Fengxian, you should also be careful..."

Song Xian and others, all with shame on their faces, responded one after another.

"Hum, a bunch of waste!"

They didn\'t say it was okay. As soon as they told Lv Bu to be careful, Lv Bu couldn\'t stand it.

Coldly swept several generals under his command. Lv Bu rode out of the battle with a halberd painted by Fang Tian in his hand.

Surprise is surprise.

But when it comes to singles, Lv Bu has absolute confidence in himself. Even if the overlord is reborn, he is also confident that he can win.

In the Bingzhou army, Liu Hao saw a real general under the Chinese flag of the Bingzhou army!

Only by knowing himself and the enemy can he be invincible in a hundred battles. Taking advantage of the opportunity of killing several fierce soldiers with one shot, Liu Hao directly used the Qi watching skill of the son of heaven.

Lv Bu, force 105, intelligence 45, politics 57, command 88.

Stunt 1, unparalleled: when fighting a general, if the basic force value is higher than the other party, the force value will rise by 0-5 points!

Stunt 2, a halberd crossing the sky: hold the halberd drawn by Fang Tian and cut the world. Force + 2 has a chance to deter opponents whose basic force is lower than their own and reduce their force value by 0-5 points at random!

what the fuck?

This Lubu is a loser!

The faint golden awn in Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed away, looking at Lv Bu who was full of anger.

"Trash, get out of here!"

Lv Bu\'s solo ride was like flying, and the horizontal halberd rushed forward, rolling the smoke and dust.

And the fierce soldiers in Bingzhou, who were scolded as waste by him, dared not say a word more, and faded on both sides like a tide.

Liu Hao sneered and said, "are you Lv Bu?"

"Liu Zixuan, since you know the prestige of our general, you dare to attack our Bingzhou array. Are you impatient? Get off your horse and surrender quickly, and our general will spare your life!"

Lv Bu shouted with a horizontal halberd.


Lubu is crazy!

But you\'re crazy, I\'m more crazy than you!

Liu Hao suddenly burst into a long smile and said coldly, "Bingzhou Lvbu is really brave and resourceless. There\'s nothing to say to you."

"Since you want to fight, then... Fight!".,,.