The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 154

Let me, Changshan Zhao Zilong, teach you how to use our shooting skills!!


In the roar of the white dragon, Zhao Yun suddenly moved!

The wrist turns slightly, and the long gun turns into a sea dragon, stabbing out from countless mysterious angles!

In the air, dozens of sharp sounds of gold and iron roared in an instant!

Zhao Yun and Zhang Xiu turned their guns. In a moment, they fought. I don\'t know how many guns.

The two horses staggered.

Zhao Yun on the white horse was still calm, but Zhang Xiu\'s blood flowed back. Not only did the tiger\'s mouth crack, but also blood flowed out of the five orifices.

His eyes were full of shock: "this white robed warrior... Is also under the Tong master\'s door..."

"It\'s just that his shooting skills have reached an unpredictable state. I\'m... Never an opponent!"

Zhang Xiu\'s heart is broken. There\'s nothing like the king of guns in the north.

Xiliang cavalry was silent, and all of them were stunned!

Right now!

The white horse hissed. Zhao Yun\'s eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. A radian was raised at the corner of his mouth. His whole body was straight like a javelin. Every hair was extremely sharp!

"Since you are a fellow disciple, but you allow your subordinates to rob the people, take a shot from Zhao Yun of Changshan!"

With a gun in one hand, people sweep up on horseback!


The Dragon fights in the wild, and its blood is dark and yellow!

This shot!

The momentum is incomparable!

Like ghosts and gods, he drove straight in, directly stabbed the weakest point in Zhang Xiu\'s gun potential, completely broke Zhang Xiu\'s hurry, and the Zhiqiang gun potential Feng nodded again!


Zhang Xiu screamed. At this time, the domineering gun awn from Zhao Yun\'s gun tip had pierced into his shoulder.

His left shoulder was immediately bloody. The whole man seemed to have been hit by a shell. He flew backwards from the horse\'s back for more than ten feet, and the tiger head golden gun also fell to the ground.

"No, general Zhang lost..."

"General Zhang, save general Zhang!"

"Don\'t hurt General Zhang..."

The cavalry of Zhang Xiu\'s headquarters, the iron cavalry of Xiliang, finally woke up from the shock, and a cry of killing rang out, pouring towards Zhang Xiu like a dark tide, which blocked him.

"I missed the chance to kill this man!"

Zhao Yun regretted that Zhang Xiu in the dense cavalry array, but the noble car in the Xiliang array left a lot of space.

When the opportunity came, Zhao Yun immediately had a choice in his heart. He drove his horse towards the frame and roared, "Huben fierce soldier, attack with our whole army!"

"If the blood doesn\'t run dry, the battle won\'t retreat, and the tiger cardia dies fiercely, I\'m invincible!"

The morale of more than a thousand fierce soldiers behind him was greatly boosted. They roared hysterically and followed Zhao Yun to kill Xiliang formation.

Gun shadow is also like a dream here, unpredictable.

Every shot will surely take the life of a Xiliang cavalry.

Zhao Yun broke into the iron cavalry array in Xiliang with his horse, which immediately triggered a phenomenal riot.

Coupled with the hiding and killing of Huben fierce soldiers behind, they directly pierced the Xiliang Legion and killed countless people!

After half a sound, the Xiliang army was killed and injured more than a thousand people. However, the overall strength of the Xiliang army was more than 100000 people, and Zhengyuan continued to invest in the Luoyang battlefield.

"Here comes support!"

"General Zhang Ji\'s reinforcements are coming!"


Zhang Ji led more than ten thousand people to join the battlefield, which forced Zhang Xiu\'s headquarters, which was close to the edge of collapse, to renew her life, and gave birth to the idea of tenacious resistance.

There were bursts of hoofs in my ears, and the mountains fell apart.

The fierce soldiers of Huben took a breath one after another: the Xiliang cavalry in front was like a black tide and could not see the edge at a glance!

Zhao Yun\'s mouth, however, evoked a bleak smile:

Even if millions of men are now, so what?

Who dares to stop me, kill with one shot!



"Lord... Old slave Cao Zhengchun, meet Lord!"

In the eastern suburb of Luoyang City, Cao Zhengchun was eager to see it. Finally, he saw Liu Hao in a dragon scale, dark light and gold armor riding his horse. He was happy and even raised his eyebrows!

"Manager Cao, please get up!"

Liu Hao turned over and dismounted, picked up the old man who worshipped in the dust and sighed: "if it weren\'t for manager Cao, I\'m afraid today\'s situation would be passive!"

Cao Zhengchun smiled and said, "the Lord is far sighted. The old slave just did things according to the Lord\'s instructions. Unfortunately, he only saved the empress dowager, but the emperor\'s imperial driving failed to save him. He was coerced by the adulterous official castration party!"

Liu Hao comforted: "manager Cao did the right thing. How about the casualties in the death camp this time!"

Cao Zhengchun, who was affirmed by Liu Hao, was even more shining. He quickly replied: "more than half of the dead and wounded, but there are only about 20 people left, but they can make contributions to the Lord, and the sacrifice is worth it!"

"If you have a chance in the future, add more. At least it should be maintained at about 800 people. Who dares to block me and kill me directly!"

Of course, Liu Hao has unconditional trust in the loyal manager Cao around him. He is considering whether he should invest a lot of money and set up more dead soldiers.

These people can do those tasks without light.

Liu Hao\'s firm eyes and deep domineering eyebrows.

"But at the Lord\'s command, the old slave must devote himself to death!"

Cao Zhengchun was shocked and bowed even more.

The look in Liu Hao\'s eyes was full of admiration and satisfaction.

Little Lord, finally grow into a generation of male Lord!

"The top priority now is to hunt down Zhang rang, recover the imperial driver in the world, and send urgent horse spies to find out the marching news of Xiliang corps and Bingzhou corps!"

Liu Hao flashed fiercely in his eyes and raised his hand to order: "Zhan Zhao, take someone to search for the trace of Zhang rang. This guy is temporarily ready to escape. He must be in a panic. If there is news about Xiliang Legion and Bingzhou legion, come back and send a message!"


Zhan Zhao got on his horse and scattered with his soldiers and bodyguards to inquire about the news.

As soon as Liu Hao dodged, he went directly into the temporary Phoenix account of Empress Dowager he.

The little maids who served in the account were very jealous. When they saw Liu Hao entering the account, they saluted directly and left.,,.