The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 153

"Please give everything to general Zilong. Look, Liao will kill some Xiliang dogs and make the last effort for the Lord!"

Liao Hua tied up his wound, changed his left hand to hold a gun, and was about to rush towards the Xiliang iron cavalry formation that had assembled again!

"We are willing to fight with general Liao Hua!"

The elite soldiers of the left and right Huben camp roared one after another.

Zhao Yun holds Liao Hua in his hand. Suddenly, with a hand knife, he knocks Liao Hua unconscious.

"General Zhao Yun, what are you... What are you doing?"

"General Zhao, why did you knock general Liao out?"

The soldiers of Huben camp were shocked and shouted one after another.

"Quickly send someone to return general Liao to Lord Liu. At this time, let him rush into the array, but it\'s no good to die in vain!"

Zhao Yun handed Liao Hua over to his own soldiers, turned over and mounted his horse, and roared: "since general Liao Hua handed over the soldiers of Huben army to me, then I am your master!"

"Some of you must disagree!"

"It doesn\'t matter. If you don\'t agree, take general Liao Hua and retreat first to find Lord Liu!"

"Zhao Yun of Changshan will never say a word of gossip. Today, he will kick the array alone. He can\'t live up to Lord Liu\'s entrustment and rescue the emperor!"

Zhao Yun\'s voice, majestic and awe inspiring, touched the hearts of all Huben soldiers present!

"General Zhao Yun takes the lead in bravery and bravery. The Lord treats us so well. Are we goods without eggs?"

"I lost my head, but it\'s a big scar! More than ten years later, I\'m a hero again!"

"If the blood doesn\'t run dry, the battle won\'t retreat, and the tiger cardia dies fiercely, I\'m invincible!"

There are 938 Huben fierce soldiers under Liao Hua!

Everyone knocked the shield in his hand against the ground.

Like crazy, he beat his chest and made a majestic and clang roar.

"What\'s going on? What\'s going on?"

"This group of Han soldiers, the general was picked off his horse by me, and he was as mad as a madman?"

At the same time, in the Xiliang formation, Zhang Xiu finally relaxed and frowned.

The urgent horse scout of his subordinates reported from the front array:

"General Zhang, this army is not a rebel army of miscellaneous prefectures and countries. It seems to be under the hand of Liu Zixuan, the governor of Yingchuan."

"Liu Hao, this man is just a yellow mouth child famous for his poetry. It\'s great to wipe out a few yellow scarves. It\'s not enough to be afraid!"

Zhang Xiu sneered and said, "come on, bring the people in the carriage to general Ben!"

"General, don\'t kill me. Don\'t kill me. I\'m Zhao Zhongna, a constant attendant."

Up to now, Zhao Zhong didn\'t expect to escape from the encirclement of the heavy army and sold King Chen Liu directly: "Hey, this... Is his highness King Chen Liu. The general has made great contributions!"

"You... Are Zhao Zhong!?"

Zhang Xiu\'s tiger eyes were horizontal, and an awe inspiring evil spirit suddenly escaped.

"If it\'s fake, it\'s Zhao Zhong..."

Now Zhao Zhong is not at all domineering in the past.

"General Zhang, you have made great contributions to the king. You must report it to the imperial brother in the lonely future. You will be rewarded!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Liuwang was not very old, but he was quite bold. In the face of such a big scene, he didn\'t look afraid.

"Ha ha, it\'s easy to say... Pass my military order, prepare to retreat and join the Lord!"

Chen Liuwang has got it!

Zhang Xiu was overjoyed. As soon as she lifted the tiger\'s head and the golden gun, she gave a decisive order.

The Xiliang cavalry under their command spread out in a fan-shaped way, turned their horses upside down and retreated like a tide.

"The time has come!"

Seeing that there was a flaw in the Xiliang formation in front of him, Zhao Yun had a big flaw in his eyes. He drew his long gun towards the back and roared, "kill!"




Hundreds of Huben fierce soldiers drank fiercely, followed Zhao Yun behind him and went crazy to hide and kill while taking advantage of the gap between the former army and the post transformation army of Xiliang iron cavalry.


The spy of the rear army quickly clapped his horse and reported: "General Zhang, it\'s bad. Liu Haojun is chasing him!"

"It\'s you again. I\'ll pass the name. Under a tiger\'s head and a golden gun, I never kill an unknown general!"

Zhang Xiu\'s tiger head and golden gun pointed at the ground obliquely, showing a deep fear in her eyes.

They are also masters with guns. After Zhang Xiu took Zhao Yun\'s ghost shot, she already had a general understanding of his strength.

However, the dignity of being a top expert drove him to fight with Zhao Yun again.


Zhang Xiu\'s momentum exploded and sat down next to the horse. The dust was wantonly publicized!

This time, he decided to attack instead of defend. The tiger head golden gun escaped a thousand threads of terrible gas!

It\'s like a hundred birds singing together, with a sharp voice that stings other people\'s eardrums.

"Northern gun king!"

"Northern gun king!"

Xiliang iron cavalry was shouting wildly, his throat was almost broken, and his momentum was extraordinary.

Among the soldiers of Huben camp, Liu Hao didn\'t know who it was. He took the lead and shouted, "dragon gall, Zhao Yun, unparalleled in the world!"

The rest of the Huben fierce soldiers also shouted: "dragon gall, Zhao Yun, unparalleled in the world!"

This slogan was heard when Liu Hao talked casually with Zhao Heiniu and other generals.

"It\'s your honor to die under the gun of general Ben!"

Zhang Xiu laughed wildly.

His marksmanship, called bainiao Chaohuang magic gun, is handed down by a peerless contemporary marksmanship master.

Zhang Xiu has been gifted since she was a child. She began to hone her muscles and bones at the age of six or seven. By the age of seventeen, she has made some achievements in this shooting technique.

Hundreds of people who can be killed by one person are frightened.

In his twenties, he was already dominating the golden city of Liangzhou and suppressing foreign races. He was invincible!

"Good shooting!"

Zhao Yun\'s sword eyebrow was raised and his fine eyes flashed.

In front of thousands of gun tips, it seemed that Feng nodded and turned into a gun shadow. He was wildly assassinated, covering his whole person inside.

But he didn\'t look frightened at all.

Yuan Zhi Ting Ning, but a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"I heard that you are called the king of the northern spear? Your firing is far from perfect!".,,.