The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 148

Cruel Dong Zhuo, kill the emperor!

To the west of Luoyang City, dozens of miles away.

A carriage was fleeing in a hurry. Zhongchang Shi Zhang rang was frightened. He didn\'t dare to wait more and decided to run.

However, not long after he ran out of Luoyang City, he directly ran into the Xiliang iron cavalry sweeping from the West!

Looking at the tide, he generally surrounded himself in the middle. Zhang rang was desperate.


The herald first found Zhang rang trembling and hurriedly reported to Dong Zhuo: "Lord, a group of eunuchs have been found in front!"

"Eunuch, is it Zhang rang, the old castrate?"

Dong Zhuo\'s eyes brightened, drove his horse forward and shouted, "I\'m Dong Zhuo, the assassin of Xiliang. I\'m ordered to come to King Qin. Who\'s in front of me? Report your name quickly!"

Zhang rang looked miserable and said, "our family... Our family is a Zhongchang waiter... Zhang rang, he Jin wants to usurp the throne. Lord Dong, go and kill him..."

"Hmm? How dare a mere eunuch give orders to this assassin?"

When Dong Zhuo heard Zhang rang\'s name, he showed a bloodthirsty light in his eyes and walked towards Zhang rang with a tiger step.

In Zhang rang\'s carriage, a small eunuch stood in front of the car, but shouted at the exit: "Dong AI..."

"What are you? Where do you talk?"

Dong Zhuo was so angry that he slapped the handsome eunuch and flew out.


There was a brittle sound in the air, accompanied by a sad howl. The little eunuch fell to the ground and stirred up smoke and dust. He didn\'t know whether he was alive or dead.


Zhang rang\'s eyes were about to crack and his soul was flying out of the sky, but he had no time to stop it and hurried to crawl and struggle towards the little eunuch.

"Old slave, old slave, I\'m sorry, your majesty..."

Zhang rang kowtowed as he climbed, his forehead bloody.


"Lord, big things are bad!"

Li Ru, the counselor under Dong Zhuo, changed his face greatly, took a breath, lowered his voice and said to Dong Zhuo, "Lord, the big event is over, and the wrong person is killed. I\'m afraid the little eunuch was disguised by the young emperor of the Han Dynasty!"

"What, this is clearly a rude little eunuch..."

Dong Zhuo looked stunned at Li Ru and asked strangely, "are you wrong? What he was wearing was the clothes of a eunuch? How could the ninth emperor of the Han Dynasty be a eunuch?"

"You can\'t be wrong. Zhang rang\'s attitude towards the little eunuch is really too respectful!"

Li Ru smiled bitterly and shook his head with an expression of regret and fear.

At this time, Zhang rang slowly stood up from the ground, trembling like a madman, and said ferociously, "Dong Zhuo, you national thief, dare to kill the son of heaven today!"

Although he is usually domineering and arrogant, he at least regards himself as the loyal servant of the emperor.

As soon as the news came out, Dong Zhuo\'s personal cavalry team immediately blew the pot!

"No, Lord... Did you really kill the Han Emperor?"

"It must be Zhang let the goods... Spit out blood!"

Rao is that they are all confidants and dead, and they are also palpitations.

The emperor is heaven!

Now that the sky has collapsed, what should we do?

People have turned their attention to Dong Zhuo!

Great emperor.

Liu Bian, the young emperor of Han Dynasty, died like this!

I... killed the emperor!?

Dong Zhuo felt that his scalp was fried!

The countless acupoints on the body seem to have hot blood boiling outward.

In panic and excitement, something called ambition, like weeds, grew in his heart.

Dong Zhuo was not an ordinary person. He forced himself to calm down and asked, "Wen you (Li Ru\'s handwriting), it\'s not good now. Is there any remedy?"

Around Dong Zhuo, Li Ru looked gloomy, suddenly gave Dong Zhuo a look, beat his chest and feet, and cried:

"Lord, Zhang let this eunuch seek the country and chaos, and bring disaster and chaos to the world. He escaped from Luoyang and actually abandoned the son of heaven. He should be killed, he should be killed!"

"Yes, it\'s time to kill!"

"Ah! You obviously killed... It\'s a wolf\'s ambition and spiteful..."

Zhang rang really vomited blood.

This trick of turning a deer into a horse and reversing the truth is also his usual trick.

Unexpectedly, now retribution falls on his head again!

"What the military Master said is right... Zhang asked you to be a eunuch and disturb the mountains and rivers of the Great Han. Die!"

Dong Zhuo\'s eyes brightened. He had understood Li Ru\'s meaning and began to smile grimly.

As majestic as a bear\'s body, the tiger steps forward, pulls the knife in his hand, cuts down with a knife, and directly cuts down Zhang rangdu\'s head!

This powerful eunuch died in an unknown place.

The Xiliang Legion under Dong Zhuo raised their butcher knives and beheaded several accompanying eunuchs brought by Zhang rang.

A moment later, corpses were everywhere and blood flowed all over the ground.

Li Ru said in a low voice, "Lord, it\'s not too late! The young emperor of the Han Dynasty is gone. Please send someone to search immediately. In any case, we should control King Chen Liuwang, the descendant of the spirit emperor, and the imperial seal!"

As long as king Chen Liu and the imperial seal are in hand, everything will be fine.

Dong Zhuo Da can abolish the establishment and naturally become a loyal minister of the king who works in Beijing!

His cavalry rushed up in a gust of wind and cut all the eunuchs who had escaped from Zhang let into meat and mud.

Dong Zhuo held up his sword and shouted, "where is Huaxiong?"

"The end is coming!" a nine foot tall, strong man like a bear replied.

"Order you to order eight thousand horses, march into Luoyang city quickly, open the gate, and make no mistake!"

"Where is Zhang Ji?"

"The end will come!"

"Order you to lead 8000 troops, gather the troops of this department, dig three feet from west to East, and be sure to find the trace of King Chen Liu!"


"Guo Si, Li Zhen, you also led your own troops from west to north to sweep away the counties of Luoyang. You must bring empress dowager he and King Chen Liu back!"

"If the order goes down, the rear army will have tens of thousands of Xiliang children. Speed up the March and be sure to arrive in Luoyang within half a day!"

"The rest of the iron cavalry, follow me as the Chinese army, overview the overall situation! The whole army, attack!".,,.