The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 147


The snow treading Dragon Phoenix spiritually sensed Liu Hao\'s mind. This dragon roared, which directly panicked Dawan Liangju under Jian Shuo.

The horses of his own soldiers and Deputy generals also broke out in chaos!

What\'s going on?

Jian Shuo was lying on the horse\'s back and almost overturned.

He was shocked. This horse is a rare good horse. When Liu Hao\'s horse roared, it became such a good horse.

What kind of horse is the horse under Liu Hao?

At this point,

Liu Hao, who sits on the back of the snow treading Dragon Phoenix, uses his feet on the back of the Dragon Phoenix to move in an instant!

The body turned into a series of residual shadows and went through the air!


The long sword at the waist comes out of its scabbard in an instant.

The shadow of the sword is all over the sky, and Huoran interweaves into the sharp sword spirit!

A fierce roar, like a Phoenix, more like a dragon!

The holy virtual emperor\'s Dragon cutting formula and the true Qi of the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic flow wildly, and Liu Hao exudes a light golden awn.

He soared in the air, but in the eyes of everyone, he was like the emperor of heaven, holding his sword to kill everything in front of him!

"How dare you kill me!"

Sharp pupil contraction!

His heart tightened, but the long knife in his hand had just been lifted, and Liu Hao\'s ruthless cold sword light had covered him in.

"What if I kill you?"

Kill the world with a sword and break through the blue and yellow spring!


Feng QiuHuang\'s sword falls on the light, and the head of Jian Shuo flies into the sky!

A pot of demon red blood was sprayed into the sky.

"Ah! Commander Jian, dead!?"

"Long live the pavilion Marquis, kill Jian Shuai with one sword!"

The whole army shudders!

I can\'t believe what happened in front of me!

Liu Hao gets up and pulls out his sword. He goes to Feng QiuHuang to kill Jian Shuo in front of the array.

It\'s just a moment!

After a half ring, Jian Shuo\'s headless body fell heavily into the dust, and Yu Linjun finally reacted.

"What should I do? Commander Jian Shuo is dead!"

"Lord Liu killed Jian Shuai. Shall we fight with Lord Liu?"

"I don\'t know. Do you want to fight?"

A feeling of hesitation diffused in the Yulin army.

Here comes the chance!

Xu Shu immediately pulled his horse out of the line and shouted, "the former general of the Han Dynasty, long live the Marquis of the pavilion, specially received the blood edict of the son of heaven, went to Beijing to serve the king, and killed the ten regular official party in Luoyang. The mastermind has been removed. The Yulin Juner Lang listens to the order!"

With Jian Shuo\'s head in his hand, Liu Hao found an imperial edict sent by Empress Dowager he in advance and held it high.

"True or false, didn\'t master Jian Shuo say that he was ordered by the son of heaven to kill the general?"

"I don\'t know who is true and who is false..."

"If there is a jade seal in the imperial edict of the emperor, it is true. You can see it at a glance!"


The soldiers of the Yulin army talked one after another. Finally, they sent several deputy generals as representatives and said, "Lord Liu, you said you were in accordance with the blood edict of the son of heaven. Can you let me have a look?"

"Why not!"

Liu Hao waved his big hand and launched the so-called "blood edict"!

Of course, this word was written by military master Xu Shu. As for the jade seal and the Phoenix seal of the empress dowager, it is true and can no longer be true!

"Hiss! It\'s true!"

Several deputy generals of Yu Linjun looked at each other and their faces changed greatly.

Of course, they recognize the seal of the jade seal and the Empress Dowager\'s Phoenix seal.

But in this way, don\'t they say that they have directly become the official party and army that make trouble with Jian Shuo?

Luoyang was devastated, resulting in the disappearance of the emperor and the Empress Dowager. He Jin, the general who killed him, beat Yuan Shao and fled.

This one by one, all are the following felonies!

Up to now, everyone is worried about his family and life. No one is unfair for Jian Shuo at all.

Atmosphere, a dead silence!

Liu Hao saw the fear in the hearts of the Yu Lin army generals and said with a smile: "the emperor and the Empress Dowager have orders. Ten constant attendants deceive the lower and hide the upper, and their crimes should be punished. Now Jian Shuo has given the head. You are just deceived by him, and there is no serious crime!"


The only two thousand soldiers of the Yulin army left after the war turned their eyes on Liu Hao, full of gratitude.

"As long as you follow me to eliminate thieves and bandits, you will not only be innocent, but also be rewarded on merit!"

Liu Hao threw a bait appropriately.

"Thank you for your forgiveness!"

The feather soldiers put down their weapons one after another. Many people shouted directly, "but at the command of Lord Liu!"

"Listen to Lord Liu!"

In the roar of a mountain and tsunami, Liu Hao heard a cold prompt sound in his ear:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. He killed Jian Shuo, one of the ten regular attendants in charge of the government. He triggered a special task. The additional reward worship value is 1000!"

Sleeping trough, special task?

There are special rewards for killing ten Changshi!?

Liu Hao was stunned and looked at the mission profile.

"Kill the official party: Ten constant companions are more traitors than traitors. They are one of the culprits that accelerate the demise of the Han Dynasty. They can get special rewards. The more they kill, the richer the reward of worship value. If they kill more than five of them, there will be special rewards. Please know."

Liu Hao knew that killing Jian Shuo was equivalent to triggering this special task.

He was a little curious about the reward for this task.

"Do any of you know where the other members of the Shi Chang Shi have gone?"

Liu Hao asked these Yu Linjun.

"Little know!"

One of them, Jian Shuo\'s deputy general, stepped out of the line, hugged his fist and said: "Sir, before the chaos, Xiao had accidentally bumped into adult Jian Shuo\'s meeting and often served... No, it was Zhang rang and other eunuchs. Zhang rang directly led people out of the west gate, while Zhao Zhong fled out of the north gate, and the rest disappeared..."

"Very good!"

Liu Hao felt comfortable.

Xu Shu, the military master, moved his eyes and said, "Lord, Zhang rang, Zhao Zhong and other castrated goods have a deep mind. Seeing that the situation in Luoyang city is wrong, he must have coerced the emperor and the Empress Dowager to escape from the city. When you send someone to chase them quickly!"

"Yes, the military master is right!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up and resolutely sent someone to search in those two directions.

Yes, of course it\'s blood.,,.