The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 149

Peerless general, gun God Yang Zaixing!

Sobbing, sobbing


The bleak horn sounded suddenly in the west of Luoyang City.

Boom, boom!

Countless Xiliang iron cavalry ran wild and reckless, like an invisible dark cloud, sweeping the whole land.

The sound of horses\' hoofs is like thunder!

"Ah, what\'s that?"

"Is king Qin\'s army coming? We are saved!"

"We are saved!"

The city has been in chaos, and the people preparing to escape from the city shouted one after another.

However, what greeted them was the ruthless butcher\'s knife of Xiliang cavalry!

"The Lord has ordered to enter Luoyang. In addition to the son of heaven, most of them are eunuchs. Kill them!"

General Niu Fu screamed cruelly.

"Into Luoyang!"

"Into Luoyang!"

"Into Luoyang!"

Xiliang iron cavalry wolf howled, raised his long knife and directly killed the local people who rushed out of the city!

Dong Zhuo runs the army cruelly, so does the commander. Most of the soldiers below are influenced by him and develop a cruel character.

The people who fled from Luoyang were miserable.

Directly crushed to death by Xiliang iron cavalry!

Some cavalry saw the people carrying money and other property and robbed them directly!

See the young girls, directly catch them and put them on the horse!

The sound of horses\' hooves rolled the rolling smoke and dust, and the Xiliang iron cavalry went all the way towards the west gate of Luoyang.

West gate of Luoyang City.

Yang Zaixing, a general of the Yulin army who was ordered to guard here, wore light armor and looked out into the distance.

One of Yang Zaixing\'s soldiers saw the scene in the distance and shouted, "General Yang... Is this the legendary Xiliang iron cavalry?"

"It is said that Xiliang iron cavalry swept the world and was invincible!"

"It\'s really... It\'s terrible!"

"The invincible tiger and wolf teacher!"

In Luoyang City, the Yulin army is already known as a elite soldier, but it is slightly inferior to the Xiliang iron cavalry growing up in blood and fire.

Dong Zhuo\'s Xiliang iron cavalry was brilliant in the campaign to eliminate the yellow scarf thieves. It can be an enemy of ten and look invincible. Its reputation has long been spread all over the world!

"Xiliang iron cavalry, most of which are composed of Qiang Hu, is not our race, and its heart must be different!"

Yang Zaixing watched the people die in the hands of the Xiliang cavalry, made a cry, and couldn\'t help holding the long gun in his hand. A pair of tiger eyes also shed tears.

"Hateful, the people of Luoyang died of the abuse and trampling of these animals. What\'s the difference between dying in the hands of thieves and bandits?"

He held the gun in his hand with protruding bony joints, and the veins on the back of his hand burst like earthworms!

There was a sudden roar

Anger has reached the extreme and turned into murderous!

Yang Zaixing is murderous.


In the surprised eyes of the three hundred Yulin troops at the west gate of Luoyang, Yang Zaixing took his gun with his horse and faced the dark Xiliang iron cavalry array. He waved his long gun and shouted at the top of his voice: "these animals under Dong Zhuo can no longer be regarded as human beings. Let\'s see general go and kill them all!"


A fierce tiger roared and exploded in the air like thunder!

Niu Fu, the vanguard officer of the Xiliang cavalry, laughed.

"This idiot, stupid pig!"

"He\'s just a general of the Luoyang Yulin army. It seems that he\'s impatient. How dare he attack my Xiliang iron cavalry array alone?"

"Madman, just looking for his own death!"

"General Niu, why do you mind? I\'ll take his head at the end!"

Niu Fu\'s deputy generals also burst out a burst of contemptuous laughter, and did not pay attention to Yang Zaixing, who rushed by solo.

In the Xiliang formation, a tall and majestic general, carrying a Xuanhua axe, patted his horse and killed Yang Zaixing.

Niu Fu and the rest of the Xiliang generals all have a playful look, waiting to see a good play.

Yang Zaixing is just a general in the Yulin army. He wears clothes and armor, that is, ordinary light armor. There is nothing special.

According to common sense, it\'s really no different for such a young general to charge against the wolf like Xiliang cavalry.

But how can Yang Zaixing be an ordinary person?

In history, he was a unique general who attacked the Golden Army and wanted to capture the golden Wushu alive!

Xiaoshang River injured more than 50 places. It is a fierce general who killed the golden thief and died generously!

Even if there are 100000 Xiliang iron riders

Yang Zaixing has a single gun in his hand. Why should he be afraid?


The brave general who rushed out of the array in Xiliang is a little stronger than the bear. The axe in his hand is held high above his head, full of explosive feeling of power!

The horse galloped and the wind was fast.

But only a few breaths, the distance between Yang Zaixing and this brave general is only more than ten feet.

"Go to hell!"

The Xiliang brave general roared, and the huge axe in his hand fell like lightning, like a flash of lightning!

In Yang Zaixing\'s eyes, a red flame like fire lit up, and the thick spear at the mouth of the bowl suddenly lifted up!


The spear held the huge axe weighing dozens of kilograms and cut it angrily. When it was lifted with force, the huge axe turned back at a faster speed than the coming trend!


The head of the Xiliang general has broken, and his brain and blood are sputtering everywhere!

Yang Zaixing raised his gun solemnly, shook his wrist, and the red awn on the tip of the gun suddenly bloomed, directly stabbing several Xiliang cavalry who rushed with their knives.

"This... How... Possible!"

The smile on Niu Fu\'s face solidified, and the general\'s previous smile also solidified in an instant.

The original contempt receded like a tide, and all the faces were full of amazement!

Watching Yang Zaixing rush around among the Xiliang cavalry, the gun came out like a dragon, stabbing dozens of cavalry in an instant, and the Xiliang army howled and screamed.

The three hundred Yulin soldiers at the west gate of Luoyang also looked shocked and shouted together:

"Dong Zhuo of Xiliang is cruel and unkind. Follow general yang to protect the people!"

"Follow general Yang and kill him!"

The sound of killing in the west of the city shook the sky.

In Luoyang City, Liu Hao has also received the urgent report from Ximen from Yu Linjun. He laughs!

Yang Zaixing, I\'m coming.,,.