The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 146

Liu Hao frowned.

After killing He Jin, these eunuchs did not release their anger. They actually hung all his bodies at the head of the city.

It\'s ferocious!

Eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch eunuch!

"Did you find out where Jian Shuo went with Yu Linjun?"

"Lord Hui, it\'s on the West Street of Luoyang. I\'ll lead the way now!"

The Scout led the way. Before long, he met the Yulin army led by Jian Shuo head-on.

The broad street was crowded like a tide. It was really a fierce and murderous general!

Liu Hao took a deep breath and looked at Xu Shu.

The wise light in the military master Xu Shu\'s eyes flashed, and came close to him and said, "my Lord, this Yu Lin army is the only elite force left in the Han Dynasty. It falls into Jian Shuo\'s hands and can\'t be underestimated!"

"The military division thinks the same as me!"

Liu Hao looked at the Yu Linjun who was being cleaned up and sighed in his heart: there is such an elite army in the Han Dynasty court that is about to collapse!

"I\'m Jian Shuo, the commander of the Han Yulin army. I\'ve been ordered by the son of heaven to fight against the rebels. Who\'s in front? Please come forward!"

Jian Shuo in the street ahead, sitting on a high horse, shouted.

Today is the peak of his life.

Under the banner of the son of heaven, he first bloody washed the general\'s house, and then fought a war with Yuan Shao\'s martyrs, which scattered Yuan Shao\'s troops, and Yuan Shao went somewhere.

Jian Shuo was proud. As a result, he met Liu Hao\'s army, with a trace of crazy evil spirit on his face.

"Count to ten, if you don\'t come out to meet, it\'s he Jinyi\'s bandits. Kill them!"

"One, two... Ten!"

"Yulin junerlang, listen to the order, put in an array and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Jian Shuo raises his sword high and faces Liu Hao.


The feather forest army responded with a roar. The spear in the Spearman\'s hand pointed obliquely to the front, while the front knife shield hand hit the shield hard on the ground and made a roaring sound, as if the whole Luoyang city began to shake.

"What an order to worship the son of heaven!"

After watching Jian Shuo\'s series of performances quietly, Liu Hao hung a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Among the ten regular eunuchs, they are not completely things that can only deceive the upper and lower levels.

This Jian Shuo can reassure the spirit emperor to hand over the Luoyang forbidden army to him, and can sit firmly at the head of the eight school captains of Xiyuan. He is really good at leading troops!

Xu Shu came forward with a cold look in his eyes and said in a low voice: "Lord, this Yulin army has a neat military appearance and is worth using. It falls into Jian Shuo\'s hands like a pearl casting in the dark. Lord, it\'s better to send an expert to cut Jian Shuo under his horse, and then use the secret edict of the son of heaven and the Empress Dowager to control this army."

"Yes, treacherous and cunning people should... Kill them!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes flashed a bright golden awn and said, "let me do it myself!"


Xu Shu was startled and advised: "Lord, you can\'t take risks easily. You can send Zhan Zhao or Dian Wei and others."


Liu Hao said with a smile: "send Zhanzhao and Dianwei to go out and talk to Jian Shuo. It\'s easy to arouse his suspicion, but it won\'t end well at that time."

"Jian often attends. You\'re all right!"

Huben\'s fierce pawn separated like a wave and gave way to Liu Hao\'s horse.

"I said who it was. It was Liu Zixuan. Step back and I\'ll ask him to surrender!"

Jian Shuo squints. When he sees Liu Hao, he laughs. He directly swings back his personal soldiers and left and right escorts. He also drives his horse forward to talk to Liu Hao.

Generally speaking, Liu Hao showed his outstanding vision and literary talent in Luoyang.

As for force, Jian Shuo doesn\'t think Liu Hao is qualified to pose a threat to him.

Liu Hao separated his soldiers and arrived in front of the battle. The recruits of the death row cannon fodder camp behind him looked left and right and talked about it one after another.

"Ha ha, the troops under Liu Zixuan are mixed. What kind of climate can it become?"

Jian Shuo was also a soldier leader. He found that Liu Hao had no discipline. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "I\'m laughing to death. I\'ve blown Liu Zixuan to heaven. He said he was the last famous general of the Han Dynasty. Is that how the famous general led the troops?"

"Ha ha!"

"The mob is vulnerable!"

Jian Shuo\'s deputy general also snickered.

It is an indisputable fact that the death squads formed by death row prisoners are indeed unruly and lax.

Jian Shuo opened his mouth and said, "Liu Zixuan, you are also the commander of the imperial court of the Han Dynasty, and you are also the long live Pavilion Marquis granted by the emperor. Why don\'t you take refuge in benshuai? When the anti thief is calmed down, benshuai recommends you to be rich and enjoy it!"

Twenty feet

Eighteen feet

The distance between them is approaching infinitely.

Liu Hao was calculating the distance needed for the blow, but he was speechless.

"If you don\'t speak, do you acquiesce or dare to resist?"

Jian Shuo took out his waist long knife, pointed to Liu Hao from a distance, and suddenly shouted, "it\'s urgent. I don\'t have time to talk more nonsense with you! If I don\'t want to die, I\'ll give way to the general!"

"How dare a mere castrate dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

A few feet away, Liu Hao suddenly stopped his horse and drank coldly.

Jian Shuo was furious when he heard the speech, waved his knife and roared: "good... Good thief, dare to disobey the imperial edict of the emperor, where is the son of the Yulin army?"

Behind Jian Shuo, there were countless echoes, which converged like a raging tide!

Liu Hao\'s cannon fodder regiment\'s face changed greatly!

Here, the elite and fierce soldiers!

Yu Linjun, known as the last elite of the central court of the Han Dynasty, has a reason.

Liu Hao sat on the snow treading Dragon Phoenix with awe inspiring eyes.

"How can such a tiger Ben\'s pawn be under the eunuch!"

Although the Huben army is not afraid of the Yulin army, it will inevitably suffer casualties.

Liu Hao had only a few thousand people in the army at this time. Of course, he didn\'t want to lose his troops here.

Just when Jian Shuo yelled, Liu Hao moved. He clamped his horse\'s belly!

The snow treading Dragon Phoenix suddenly raised her hoofs and hissed.,,.