The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 145


A moment later, Shi Qian, the thief king in the death row, had been brought to Liu Hao\'s side.

"Hey, Hello, Lord Liu."

In Liu Hao\'s sharp eyes, Shiqian felt a little tied up and quickly bowed down.

Liu Hao glanced at him faintly and was speechless in his heart.

I know people by looking at Qi. I can see that this guy is born with sneaky eyes and short stature. He is really a good material to be a thief.

"I heard that you have a unique skill, but you are willing to join the army. If you commit crimes and perform meritorious deeds in the future, you can be appointed an official."

Liu Hao did not hint, but directly pointed out his intention.

"Can you still be an official?"

Shiqian\'s thin body trembled violently, fell to his knees with a bang and said, "I\'d like to die for the Lord!"

As a result, the death row prisoners who were stopped by Huben\'s fierce soldiers were all jealous when they saw Shiqian\'s thin body and were recruited by Liu Hao to be an official in the future.

"What can such a thin guy do to join the army?"

"Such a good thing, why can\'t I turn it?"

Liu Hao didn\'t know what they were thinking. He saw the voices of the people talking, and a slight cold smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. He said, "Luoyang is in chaos. This is an extraordinary period. Who wants to join the army, report it quickly!"

There are people who have committed heinous crimes, and there are also fierce people. Instead of letting you harm the people, it\'s better to use them for my own use and make a glorious cannon fodder!

If these people\'s lives can be exchanged for the casualties of Xiliang iron cavalry under Dong Zhuo, Liu Hao has no psychological burden at all.

"Ha ha, is there such a good thing?"

"I\'m not dreaming, am I? Sir, I\'ll come!"

"My Lord, I want to be an officer and soldier!"

"My Lord,..."

Unexpectedly, there was no need for coercion and inducement. These goods were very excited and willing to join the officers and soldiers.

"Lord, these people are used to being bullied by the government and army. They envy those who wear this layer of skin... Of course, the most important thing is the Lord\'s wise and divine force, which directly deterred these small people!"

Shiqian has quickly changed into a set of military uniforms of the officers and soldiers. It doesn\'t fit very well. It\'s like a child forced to wear adult clothes. It\'s very funny.

Liu Hao snorted, looked at the cannon fodder death row, whose discipline was diametrically opposite to that of his own fierce soldier, and sneered:

"The ugly talk is ahead. If any of you dare not listen to orders and run away, take a step back and kill without amnesty!"

"There is no amnesty for killing the people!"

"There is no amnesty for the killing of women who commit adultery and poison!"

A few words in a row, decisive!

Liu Hao\'s laughter was cold and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. The assassins couldn\'t help lowering their heads.

Liu Hao seemed to have an invisible dignity, forcing them to be quiet.

"Lord, general Lin sent an urgent report from outside the city. He said that he found the secret record left by manager Cao Zhengchun in the east suburb of Luoyang!"

Former army spies, hurry to report.

Liu Hao\'s mind turned sharply and immediately ordered: "where are xiaoguizi, Zhao Heiniu and Shiqian?"

"The end will come!"

"The little one is here!"

Zhao Heiniu straightened his waist. Xiaoguizi and Shiqian also looked up at Liu Hao.

"Zhao Heiniu, Shiqian, order you and xiaoguizi to take 200 Huben fierce soldiers to dig out all the treasures and goods in Zhang rang\'s house and transport them out of Luoyang without error!"

"The end will take command!"

Zhao Heiniu accepted the promise.

"This little one is good at it. He must live up to the high expectations of the Lord!"

The change of time is also overjoyed.

Liu Hao heard the system prompt sound in his ear:

"Ding, the host knows people and makes good use of them. The loyalty of time shift to the host has increased significantly. The current loyalty is 95 and the worship value is increased by 200."

The time has changed. I\'m ready to try.

It\'s really difficult for him to kill the general.

Go steal... Borrow a piece of money from these dignitaries. It\'s right for him!

Xiaoguizi suddenly bowed down and said, "Lord, ten often serve other fathers in law\'s home, and they also have a lot of privacy..."

"Go and get it together!"

Liu Hao waved his big hand and sent more than 200 Huben soldiers to Zhao Heiniu.

When Liu Hao gathered Huben fierce pawn to go out of the city, Dianwei came back with Huben fierce pawn who killed and ran to the palace.

"My Lord, I have searched all over the palace, but I have not found the Empress Dowager and the son of heaven!"

Dianwei looked depressed.

Every time Liu Hao sends him to do something, his luck seems to be very bad.

The last time I went to kill Kong Fu, I was robbed by Zhen Niang. This time I went to find empress dowager he. Lin Chong also robbed me and found the secret record.

Liu Hao didn\'t pay attention to these things. He comforted Dianwei and directly waved his sword and ordered: "the whole army obeys the order and marches towards the eastern suburb of Luoyang!"


The heavy and long horn suddenly soared into the sky.

Under the guidance of the horn, Huben fierce soldiers arranged their formation one by one.

The sword shield hand was in front, the Spearman followed, and the crossbow hand followed closely.

Everyone is in his place and has a neat pace.

The rich businessmen and families in Luoyang are secretly watching.

When they saw the strict military discipline of Liu Hao\'s subordinates, they were shocked and speechless!

Such a fine soldier of the tiger\'s heart is not inferior to the most elite Yu Lin army of the Han Dynasty!

"Quickly, send someone to pack up the fine and soft belongings and follow this elite soldier out of the city!"

"Prepare valuable belongings immediately and follow the long live Pavilion Hou out of the city!"


Luoyang city is in a mess. For a moment, I don\'t know how many smart people have smelled something wrong.

Prepare to follow Liu Hao and save his family.


Another shrill cry came from a distance from the east gate of Luoyang. With the sound of horses\' hoofs, the exploring horses of Huben army hurried to report:

"Lord, the east gate of Luoyang City has been occupied by the Yulin army. The body of general He Jin is hanging high above the gate!"
