The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 144

"Military division, what do you say?"

Lin Chong and other generals said that Xu Shu\'s words were very incomprehensible.

"Generals, according to the information obtained by Diao Chan, the chaos in Luoyang has lasted at least one night.

If Zhang rang and his gang were not prepared, they would have been won by general He Jin with the momentum of thunder. Will they wait until now?

Zhang rang, obviously prepared in advance, directly attacked the general\'s house and cut off the contact between He Jin and his subordinates. According to my speculation, the general He Jin is very likely to have been killed by the castration party! "


Lin Chong\'s generals all looked surprised.

Xu Shu continued to analyze: "Zhang rang is insidious and cunning. He will certainly not put himself in danger. He thinks that the palace may have been empty. Zhang rang is very likely to escape from the city with the son of heaven!"

He deserves to be a top counselor with more than 90 points of intelligence. The situation is complex, and he can analyze the front and back clearly at once.

Liu Hao had made a decision in his heart and waved: "Lin Chong and Hua Rong, you two quickly send Huben soldiers out of Luoyang City to find out the whereabouts of the son of heaven!"

"In addition, if you get the trace of the troops in important towns such as Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan, send spies back to report immediately!"


Lin Chong and Hua Rong took command.

Xu Shu\'s face was worried. He turned sideways and said, "Lord, Dong Zhuo has 100000 iron cavalry and Ding Yuan has tens of thousands of elite. These two are powerful warlords. Luoyang city is afraid to become a place of war!"

"Yes, as long as empress dowager he and the emperor are in hand, it\'s worth the trip!"

Liu Hao nodded. Dong Zhuo\'s purpose was impure, and Ding Yuan might not be a loyal minister.

However, whether they are loyal or treacherous has nothing to do with themselves. Liu Hao\'s purpose in Luoyang is not to serve the imperial court.

At this time, of course, we should take advantage of the chaos and make a good profit!

The best thing is to find a way to transport out the enemy\'s wealth that he Jin and Zhang let these castrates hide!

"Come on, send orders down. Call the people of Mi\'s shop to prepare more donkey carts for loading."

Eagerly, it was a little difficult to carry so many things out of the city, but Liu Hao had the help of MI Zhu, which indirectly reduced a lot of trouble.

A group of people were walking in Luoyang City. Liu Hao had sharp eyes and suddenly found a thin figure flashing around the corner.

"Eh, this is not..."

The figure who fled in a hurry seemed to be coming towards Liu Hao. When he saw Liu Hao, he fell to his knees with a plop, crawled forward, and said in a trembling voice: "Liu Taishou, Liu Taishou... Yuan Shao is crazy, killing people indiscriminately, save me..."

Little Guizi

Liu Hao got off his horse and picked up the little eunuch around Zhang.

I can\'t help but be ecstatic!

There\'s no place to look for in broken iron shoes. It takes no time to come!

With this dark son, it\'s time for a big harvest!


"Lord, Zhang rang\'s plan is roughly like this!"

Little Guizi has a wink and immediately changes his name to Liu Hao as the Lord.

Liu Hao didn\'t care either. After listening to Xiao Guizi talk about Zhang rang\'s one party plan, he took a deep breath and calmed down his shaking mood slightly.

He still underestimated the insidiousness of this guy!

Zhang rang had already planted spies on He Jin\'s side. Unexpectedly, before he Jin started, he started to kill He Jin directly, which made Yuan Shao, the pioneer, empty!

However, the conflagration of tens of thousands of people also created many unexpected chain reactions. Heavy troops from other towns also rushed to Luoyang immediately.

Zhang rang the old castrate, seeing that the situation in Luoyang could not be controlled, wanted to completely muddy the water. Unexpectedly, he sent someone to open the big man\'s prison.

Most of the prisoners in this prison are heinous murderers. It\'s common to kill and set fire.

"Let me out, I will kill all those big dogs in Luoyang!"

"Fast, fast, labor and capital burned the bird prison!"


At this moment, I don\'t know how many vicious villains breed wild and evil ideas.

One of them, a short and thin middle-aged man, cracked his mouth to his ear with a smile: "ha ha, happy, I didn\'t expect that I could see the sun again!"

He followed the crowd, pushing left and right. In a short time, he had many money bags of unknown origin.

"Get out of the way. Long live the former general of the Han Dynasty and the Marquis of the pavilion. You bastards dare to get in the way?"

Huben\'s soldiers brandished their spears and, like ducks, overwhelmed the newly emerging prisoners on the roadside.

Boom, boom!

The sound of neat and heavy steps came from the ear of time.

Vibration eardrum, also full of the feeling of killing.

As soon as he moved, he keenly found the mighty cavalry riding in the distance.

He was the first one. He was brave and handsome, wearing a strange and awe inspiring gold armor and carrying an Emperor Huang gold gun.

The horse under the seat is snow-white without a trace of variegation. It\'s more beautiful than any horse I\'ve ever seen.


Shiqian took a deep breath, his eyes flashed a strange color, and he thought to himself: this man has different looks, looks arrogant, and controls this elite and fierce soldier. Is he the man who should be born in disorder!?


Yang Zaixing!?

Where is my peerless General Yang Zaixing?

Sitting on the horse, it was Liu Hao. He had words in his mouth and looked around from time to time. Unfortunately, he didn\'t see the voice of half the Yu Linjun and didn\'t get the news of the gun god.

"Alas, come and run quickly! Ten days is too long to wait for a moment!"

Liu Hao sighed, and the spy in front suddenly came and reported: "Lord, there seems to be a change in the prison in front. Countless death row prisoners have been opened and released!"

"Well, don\'t let me catch the old Yin goods!"

Liu Hao frowned and vented all his depression on him.

"Wait a minute. Death row prisoner in heaven?"

Suddenly, Liu Hao moved in his heart, raised his hand and said, "go and gather those people together, and go to the middle to find out if there is anyone called Shiqian.".,,.