The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 141

Ding Dong!

"Due to the wonderful integration of the Dragon cutting formula of the holy virtual emperor and the Internal Classic of the Yellow Emperor, all weather movements are triggered. The character attributes summoned by this diamond legend card rise by 0-5 points at random."

"The son of heaven looks at Qi. Use it successfully!"

After hearing the prompt sound of the two tone system, Liu Hao suddenly realized.

"I said how to summon so many fierce people whose attributes exceed the diamond legend card. It turns out that it is inexplicable to trigger the addition of Qi... What\'s the matter with this addition of Qi?"

Liu Hao quickly asked.

"In view of the poor Qi of the host itself, please enhance your strength, complete the subsequent hidden tasks, and then explore."

After answering, the system disappeared. Liu Hao also calmed down completely and looked at the Diao cicada in front of him quietly.

Diao Chan, force 95, intelligence 88, politics 80, command 31, charm 105.

Stunt, closing the moon: Diao Chan is a unique beauty in the world

Force +??, Charm +??, Intelligence +??

Sleeping trough, how much is it added? I can\'t even see the details of Diao Chan!

This woman is going to day, my God!?

Not only the charm value explodes, but also the force can be regarded as a first-class expert in the world.

"Lord Liu really has a far-reaching vision and sees the danger of Luoyang City."

Diao Chan didn\'t find Liu Hao\'s good surprise. Mei Mou said with a smile: "minnu Diao Chan is a little abrupt this time..."

"Not abrupt..."

Liu Hao smiled faintly and asked, "girl Diao Chan, you must have something urgent to come to me in such a hurry?"

"Your Excellency guessed well!"

Diao Chan said slowly, "I don\'t know what adults think of Luoyang today?"

Liu Hao said with a light smile: "Zhang rang castrated the party and he Jin with the general. Since the two sides are determined to have a fire Union, Luoyang City will be in chaos at that time!"

"It turned out that Lord Liu had planned for a long time. It seems that Diao Chan has made this trip for nothing!"

Diao Chan\'s heart was flooded with waves in the lake, and suddenly he admired Liu Hao a little.

Every time I see Liu Hao, I always feel elusive to her.

Liu Hao always has such a confident attitude, as if everything is not in his mind, and as if everything is under control!

Diao Chan said in a secluded way: "as Lord Liu said, Luoyang City today will soon become a place of eternal destruction. Does Lord Liu have any plans?"

"Miss Diao Chan, can you stop calling me Lord Liu and just call me Zixuan."

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "what if the North Korean situation collapses and the world is in chaos? I Liu Hao have only one word to say. I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood!"

In troubled times, only through the baptism of blood and fire can a more powerful supreme Empire be born.

In order to protect the Han people from heavy losses and the humiliation of being treated as a four legged sheep in the future!

"Do I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood?"

Looking at Liu Hao\'s handsome face, Diao Chan\'s beautiful eyes burst into strange brilliance and smiled silently.

In her heart, it was a great shock.

"Liu Hao, what a rare man in the world!"

Besides Liu Hao, which man in the world can say such strange sentences as I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood?

Invisible force is the most deadly.

Liu Hao felt that the fire was almost over and directly changed the topic: "Oh, girl Diao Chan, I led more than 6000 fierce soldiers to Luoyang King Qin. What do you think of my subordinates?"

Although Liu Hao was curious about the origin of Diao Chan, he didn\'t ask.

Because once he opens his mouth, he will be completely defeated in the relationship between them.

Diao Chan said, "Zixuan\'s subordinates can definitely afford to be called elite generals!"

She has seen Liu Hao\'s trump card troops, dragon scale and heavy armor riding and fierce soldiers of Huben camp.

Having experienced the battle of Yangshan, although the young and strong in these two teams are still a little far from the Invincible Iron Army required by Liu Hao, they can also be regarded as brave veterans who have seen blood.

Especially at the spiritual level, it has evolved from farmers to professional soldiers, and has made great progress.

They said they were elite and had no problems at all.

"Zixuan, I have a personal request. I don\'t know if I can consider it."

Diao Chan found a faint smile hanging from the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth. She immediately knew her intention. She was afraid that Liu Hao had guessed it. She directly told everything and said:

"To tell you the truth, the little girl runs a red sleeved Rouge building in Luoyang City. Although she is in the brothel, all the sisters in the building are actually poor people or big family women in distress. They serve me and have deep feelings with me. At present, these girls are afraid that they will not escape the abuse of random soldiers..."

Speaking of this, between the beautiful eyes of Diao Chan, a faint worry could no longer be hidden. He sighed faintly: "does Zixuan despise the little woman..."

"How can it be, Diao Chan girl? She is worthy of being a woman. Liu admires her!"

Liu Hao smiled faintly and his mind was in a hurry.

Diao Chan, with such high martial arts, how can she be just a vase?

It seems that the old fox Wang Yun, with such an eye layout, still underestimated him!

Red tea Rouge building, the name, Liu Hao is like thunder.

This is the most popular brothel in the world, not only in Luoyang, but also in the more prosperous States and counties in the world.

There is one in Yingchuan county.

"So... Intelligence?"

Liu Hao understood the meaning of Diao Chan at a glance.

Her deeds are all known to her. It seems that this red tea building is passing the message in the middle.

Liu Hao didn\'t go to the brothel, but after winning the war, his generals and soldiers had a day\'s holiday and always wanted to have fun and relax.

"Diao Chan, I see what you mean. Well, after I enter Luoyang City, I will try my best to help the sisters in your building!"

Liu Hao gave his promise without hesitation.

This commitment can reap the favor of Diao Chan, brush the worship value, and naturally express the willingness to cooperate with rouge red tea building.

In my opinion, Liu Hao earned it.,,.