The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 142

"Zixuan, please."

Diao Chan\'s exquisite heart has felt Liu Hao\'s sincere feelings.

She moved her waist gently, Yingying got up and said gratefully, "I\'ll go back and arrange someone to protect my adoptive father and CAI Shilang. At the same time, I will provide a steady stream of information about Luoyang City to Zixuan!"

If you throw a peach into a tree, you will repay it with Qiongyao.

Diao Chan is also a wise man. Can she not understand this truth? Got Liu Hao\'s promise and was ready to help immediately.

Ding Dong!

"Diao Chan\'s favor with the host has reached 89. Due to the identity of the first beauty, the additional reward and worship value is 1000 points!"


The cooperation between the two people was initially reached, and the good news of the system came again. Liu Hao was happy and said with a smile: "don\'t worry, Diao Chan, protect Wang Zhonglang and CAI Shilang with your skills. There\'s absolutely no problem. I\'ll protect you behind your back!"

Protect me?

Two red clouds suddenly appeared on Diao Chan\'s pretty face.

Why does that sound a little warm?

"No, no, protect those miserable women in your Rouge building, ha ha!"

Liu Hao smiled to hide his embarrassment.

"Zixuan, don\'t thank me for your kindness. I\'ll go back to Luoyang now."

Diao Chan\'s light body, like an elf dancing under the moon, quickly disappeared into the wilderness.

At this time, Mu Guiying, who had been waiting outside the camp tent, looked at the back of Diao Chan and finally said, "hum, this mysterious and charming woman really has some means. Even I dare not beat her!"

On one side, zhenniang, who appeared and disappeared, also said faintly: "Diao Chan\'s martial arts are not under you and me!"

Of course, the most powerful in Liu Hao\'s harem also set out with the army. They were in the instinct of first-class fighters, and several women also felt the excellence of Diao Chan.

"Luckily it\'s not the enemy, otherwise it\'s really troublesome to use her lightness skill and body method!"

Liu Hao also looked at Diao Chan\'s beautiful back and murmured.

I\'m afraid Diao Chan has also practiced a magical footwork of Lingbo micro step.

Mu Guiying glanced at Liu Hao and hummed, "hum, I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood! I think this fox\'s ability to hook people is more powerful than martial arts!"

Liu Hao: "

It is undeniable that he was moved in the face of such beauties as Diao Chan.

But Liu Hao did not make further moves.

To conquer the hearts of beautiful women at the level of Diao Chan, we can\'t rely on crazy pursuit, but use our own strength to actively attract beautiful women to catch up.

"Zixuan, do you want me to go to Luoyang first to protect Cai Shilang\'s family?"

Mu Guiying has a warm relationship with Liu Hao at this time. She needs to eat some flying vinegar from time to time. She is still considerate, obedient and sensible.


Liu Hao still trusted zhenniang\'s means very much. As expected, he ordered: "in this way, zhenniang, you take Liu Yan and sneak into Luoyang first to secretly protect Cai Shilang\'s family. At that time, there will be no eyes for knives and guns. They will be injured in the chaos."

At this time, Liu Yan was already Liu Hao\'s personal shadow bodyguard and obeyed Liu Hao\'s words.

"General mu, go and see if the soldiers are full."

Several women were solemnly arranged by Liu Hao, and Qi Qi took the order.

After a while, Mu Guiying came back to reply: "Lord, the soldiers are full!"

"Very good!"

Liu Hao stood tall, and a light golden awn seemed to linger around him.

"Pass on my military order. The three armies will set off immediately and go to Luoyang City!"


Liu Haojun, the whole army!

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

Yuan Shao took the lead, directly kicked open the Palace door, and shouted, "on the order of Empress Dowager he, where is Zhang rang?"

"Where is Zhang rang?"

More than a thousand dead men under his command were killing in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, today\'s vanguard attacked and ambushed Zhang rang. He threw himself into the air.

Yuan Shao was very depressed and thought to himself, has this dog castration received the wind?

In front of the palace gate, two Jin Wuwei in the palace, holding a golden dagger, said solemnly: "Yuan Shao, you dare to break into the palace gate without permission. Are you impatient for life?"

Yuan Shao was determined to do great things. He didn\'t care about the two Jin Wuwei. He raised his hand and ordered: "get away from the labor and capital, listen to my orders, directly attack the palace and kill all the eunuchs!"




In the Imperial Palace, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Yuan Shao led the dead, suddenly launched an attack and directly kicked through the gate of the palace!

As long as you see someone dressed up as a eunuch, you don\'t say a word. It\'s a knife to go straight up!

Luoyang City, fire everywhere!

Ten miles west of Luoyang, an iron cavalry with tens of thousands of people is ready to go.

At first, the banner was prominently embroidered with the word "Dong".

Dong Zhuo held his fat shoulders in his hands, looked at his iron cavalry sweeping Xiliang with satisfaction, smiled and asked: "Wen you (Li Ru\'s word), do you think this 100000 children in Liangzhou can be used?"

The middle-aged scholar named Li Ru smiled and said, "Lord, with these 100000 tiger and wolf soldiers, it is just around the corner to dominate the world!"

"Ha ha, borrow Wen Youji\'s words! Pass the military order and march towards Luoyang!"

Dong Zhuo didn\'t say much. He pulled out his waist long sword, held it high, and the blade pointed to Luoyang.

The bleak horn sounded suddenly.



In countless hisses and roars, the Liangzhou steed rushed forward madly with Dong Zhuo\'s huge body on its back.

There was a tall and strong general who galloped with his horse and held a knife to guard Dong Zhuo\'s side. He shouted, "Xiliang iron cavalry is invincible in the world!"

"Xiliang iron cavalry, invincible in the world!"

Behind him, the Xiliang iron horse tore his throat and roared. The hysterical roar was mixed with the sound of horse hoofs, like the thunder from the wrath of God!

Tens of thousands of riders followed closely behind Dong Zhuo. The huge cavalry array was like a boundless black cloud sweeping towards Luoyang City.,,.