The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 140

What the hell is this!?

The lucky attribute is used by Shiqian to steal things. If you give it to me for a lucky draw, won\'t you get rich every minute?

Liu Hao make complaints about it: just don\'t discriminate against others, and such a dog can be put to use at a critical moment.

"Use diamond level legend card!"

Liu Hao calmed down and decisively used the diamond legend card in his bag.

"Ding, the character is being selected, please wait!"

Wait quietly for a half ring, and finally wait for the cool sound of the system:

"Extraction completed!"

"The first person - Cheng Yaojin, the great general of the Tang Dynasty, the great general of the three board axe. Force 90, intelligence 78, politics 79, command 82.

Stunt, Tiangang killing divine Axe: Cheng Yaojin realized in his dream that the first three axes of Tiangang divine axe, the first axe force + 1, the second axe force + 3, the third axe force + 5, the fourth axe force is insufficient, the force - 3, the fifth axe force - 2, the sixth axe force - 1... And then returned to normal force!

It\'s Cheng Yaojin. He\'s an explosive general.

Liu Hao muttered.

This Tiangang killing axe is also pretty good. Generally speaking, it can afford the diamond legend card.

"The second figure - Yang yanzhao, Yang LIULANG, a general of the Yang family, a famous general of the Northern Song Dynasty, force 96, intelligence 87, politics 72, command 90.

Stunt, loyalty and courage: Yang Men tiger general is a hero. Once he recognizes the Lord, his loyalty will directly reach 100 points. In this state, Yang LIULANG\'s fighting spirit will be inspired. Force + 2!

what the fuck!

That\'s fucking fierce!

Liu Hao was overjoyed. He was loyal, brave and heroic. His spear was invincible. The Yang generals came out!

"The third person - He Yu, the foreman and Minister of military aircraft under Qianlong, force 66, intelligence 91, politics 93 and command 67."

Stunt, flattering: lotus blossom in the tongue. When he is flattering, he has a chance to trigger stunts. He improves his intelligence by three points and the other party reduces his intelligence by a little.

Liu Hao\'s face turned black when he Zhen was heard.

Hello with the nave, goodbye with the nave!

"The fourth character - the fierce general of the magic gun, Yang Zaixing!"

What, Yang Zaixing, who is invincible and refuses xiaoshanghe alone?

Liu Hao\'s heart moved and carefully checked Yang Zaixing\'s attributes. His eyes were straight!

Yang Zaixing, force 99, intelligence 62, politics 58, command 83.

Stunt 1: indomitable in the battle of death: when Yang Zaixing is besieged and trapped in a desperate situation, he will enter the battle of death mode, and the force value will be increased by 1-3 points at random!

"Hiss, triggered by the death battle, Yang Zaixing is a peerless general who directly exceeds the limits of the human body. No wonder the golden Wu skill of killing is split!"

Liu Hao was filled with emotion.

"The fifth character - Tianlong Babu, Li Biyun in his youth (refer to the new version of the United States dollar), has the posture of falling in love with the city and flying for immortality. Force 91, intelligence 81, politics 12, command 37 and charm 99."

"Is Li Biyun my classmate? The charm value has reached 99, which seems to be a little worse than Diao Chan?"

Liu Hao tut tut sighed.

At this time, he knew that sometimes too many choices are also a kind of trouble.

"Alas, sister Biyun, I\'m sorry this time. I\'ll choose you later!"

Liu Hao reluctantly made a decision.

"Let\'s get rid of Ho Ho and Li Biyun and start choosing!"

Although Liu Hao loves beautiful women, he is not a person who can\'t walk when he sees beautiful women.

After all, the overall situation is uncertain, and more generals are needed to help him fight.

"Ding, it\'s calling. Please wait..."

"The characters have been selected. Congratulations to the host. We have drawn Yang Zaixing, the peerless General of the Southern Song Dynasty. This lottery is over!"

Liu Hao looked shocked, took a few deep breaths, and his heart gradually calmed down.

Peerless general, Yang Zaixing!

"Shiqian\'s current implanted identity is to steal the imperial palace. As a result, he was captured and reduced to death row in the prison."

"Yang Zaixing is currently a member of the Han Yu Lin army."

"They have admired the host for a long time and will look for opportunities to join the host within ten days."

Ha ha, it\'s killing me!

Seeing this, Liu Hao couldn\'t help laughing.

Shiqian, the thief is bold enough to steal the imperial palace. He was caught. Isn\'t that the bottom of the prison?

It\'s OK for Yang Zaixing. He\'s in Luoyang City and can be recruited soon.

Liu Hao was excited when a clear and pleasant voice came from outside the camp.


"Eh, is it Mu Meimei?"

When Liu Hao thought of Mu Guiying, he couldn\'t help but show his beautiful mind.

Mu Guiying also came to Luoyang this time. Mu Meimei, wearing the special dragon scale armor, is as beautiful as an immortal!

"Hum, a girl named Diao Chan is looking for you outside the camp!"

Mu Meimei seemed a little jealous in her tone.

"Diao Chan must have something important to do when she comes here. Please invite her in quickly!"

Liu Hao\'s heart moved and began to guess the origin of Diao Chan.

Diao Chan, what\'s the matter when this mysterious peerless beauty comes to find herself?

Was it Wang Yun who sent the letter?

It\'s just a message. It doesn\'t seem necessary for Diao Chan to come by himself?

While Liu Hao was thinking, he found that the tent curtain was open and a fragrant wind rushed towards him.

"Lord Liu, meet again!"

Diao Chan looked at Liu Hao and smiled faintly.

At first sight, Liu Hao was still amazed.

He is not the first brother. He has seen countless beauties in his previous life and this life.

But those beautiful women are beautiful. Compared with Diao Chan, they are always a little inferior, lacking a trace of aura and charm.

"Diao Chan, please sit down."

Liu Hao got up and said hello.

Of course, Liu Hao has a good feeling for such a beautiful woman.

In fact, Liu Hao didn\'t know her very well, just met her.

I don\'t know how Diao Chan met him several times.

The son of heaven looked at the Qi skill in an instant. At that time, he could not see the attributes of Diao Chan. Now Liu Hao finally achieved his wish.

Ding Dong!

"The son of heaven hopes that Qi can be used successfully!"

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, there was a faint golden awn flowing. Looking at the attribute of Diao Chan, he took a breath.,,.