The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 139

Liu Hao was slightly surprised. When he looked at it, he was suddenly surprised.

It turned out that a ferocious tiger was embroidered on the spy\'s neck!

This is the symbol of the core martyrs in Cao Zhengchun\'s core martyrs camp!

It\'s not safe to use waist token as a token to prove identity. If the dead are captured, they will be directly used by the enemy.

Cao Zhengchun stabbed a tiger in everyone\'s neck with a unique secret method to ensure that the dead soldier camp was not used by the enemy!

"Bring it here, you get back first!"

Liu Hao waved back and took the dead man into the camp.

"Lord, this is an urgent report from the palace!"

The dead man looked cold and su. He took out a volume of silk book from his arms and presented it to Liu Hao with both hands.

Liu Hao nodded. The silk book was sealed with wax and had not been opened.

When he opened it, his heart was shocked!

It turns out that there are three volumes of silk hidden in this silk book.

"Did manager Cao say anything else?"

Liu Hao asked eagerly.

The dead man shook his head and said solemnly, "Lord, Empress Dowager he has been monitored by many eunuchs and maidens. Manager Cao and his other brothers are secretly protecting. In order not to scare the snake, they have not taken action."

"However, father-in-law Cao ordered that Zhang rang\'s group of official parties have been doing it for two days!"

Liu Hao nodded. Cao Zhengchun\'s pawn was buried before he went to Yingchuan County, and now it has finally played a great role.

All the dead soldiers under Cao Zhengchun are clean. They can sneak into the palace as eunuchs in a critical moment.

Anyway, eunuchs are Zhang rang\'s people, and Zhang rang won\'t pay too much attention to this.

The number of these martyrs is small, and their qualifications and force are different, but there is no need to worry about their loyalty.

"You\'ve worked hard. Go down and have a rest first!"

Liu Hao said with relief.

But the dead man knelt down and said, "it\'s a small honor to work for the Lord. What does the LORD have to say? I\'ll go back to Luoyang immediately and bring a letter to manager Cao?"

"OK, wait a minute!"

Liu Hao said directly, "you tell manager Cao that you don\'t have to take care of things in the palace. He Jin wants to go with Zhang rang and follow them. Just protect the Empress Dowager and the emperor."

"The point is empress dowager he!"

Liu Hao repeated it again.

The dead man deeply engraved Liu Hao\'s words in his mind, got up and left.

These dead men have probably practiced Cao Zhengchun\'s martial arts of breaking children and grandchildren. Their lightness skills are good. They can\'t run until they can\'t. They can use lightness skills directly to get to Luoyang before Liu Hao.

"I hope... It\'s not too late to catch up now!"

Liu Hao looked at the three secret edicts in front of him, and his heart fluctuated!

"Good yu\'er, these three secret edicts have helped me a lot!"

With these three blank imperial edicts with the seal of the Empress Dowager and the emperor\'s jade seal in hand, Liu Hao led his troops straight into Luoyang City, which is to stop the name of righteousness!

Who dares to disagree?

Who dares to oppose Liu Hao?

Liu Hao can directly attack the enemy with the charges of resisting the purpose, plotting against the emperor and the Empress Dowager!

"Quickly send the military master to discuss the matter!"

Liu Hao hurriedly summoned Xu Shu for discussion. Xu Shu saw the three secret edicts in front of him, and his eyes flashed with wisdom:

"Lord, the Empress Dowager has issued secret edicts. It seems that the situation in Luoyang is more serious than we thought!"

"Speed is the most important thing in war, and change will happen if it is late. Bury the pot and cook dinner immediately, and the whole army will have a full meal. March on the starry night and rush to Luoyang!"

Liu Hao also looked awe inspiring and ordered decisively!

With He Yu\'s intelligence quotient, it\'s not when the situation is completely out of control that he Yu will never act in such a hurry!

Xu Shu got up and said, "Lord, I\'ll go out and arrange it."

The camp was empty.

Liu Hao was left alone.

"System, query the current worship value for me!"

"The worship value balance of the current host is 15257 points, please know!"

Hearing the cool voice of the system, Liu Hao nodded.

After thinking about it, he decided to spend it before the Luoyang war.

After all, the trip to Luoyang is extremely dangerous. One more think tank, or the escort of a fierce general, can increase one\'s combat power.

"System, exchange me for a diamond character calling card and then a platinum character calling card!"

Liu Hao said to the system.

A moment later, a platinum legend card and a bright diamond legend card were lying quietly in Liu Hao\'s storage space.

Liu Hao has won the task reward these days. The worship value he has saved hard suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley.

"Alas, if you can\'t give up your children, you can\'t get the wolf. You can\'t gain until you lose!"

Liu Hao comforted himself while communicating with the system: "use the platinum legend card first!"

He has a habit of eating. He is used to leaving the best things behind.

"Ding Dong, characters are being selected... Please wait..."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, who has won the thief star in the water margin - the flea on the drum!"

Time shift, force 68, intelligence 80, politics 58, command 72.

Sleeping trough, what the hell!

Liu Hao\'s heart was half cold in an instant.

Didn\'t I wash my hands when I went out today?

It\'s a bad start to smoke such a thing!

This time, even if the force is low, the highest attribute is 80 points. It\'s still an intellectual attribute. It\'s a pit that can\'t be pit any more!

Liu Hao loves his worship value while watching the display of special skills of Shiqian.

Stunt, thief king: thief Hou, thief hook thief. The world is rigid, and there is no report. Time shift is the king of theft. When stealing, the lucky value will increase and the probability of being found will be greatly reduced.

Liu Hao: "...".,,.