The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 138

The remaining dragon scale army is, of course, under the command of Liu Hao and Mu Guiying as the deputy commander.

Dianwei and Zhanzhao led their own soldiers to die, and Gongwei was around Liu Hao.

Liu Hao stood tall on the general\'s platform and issued orders.

The generals took the promise with a roar and shook the world!

Mi Zhu looked into his eyes and couldn\'t tell whether it was reward or awe.

This dispatch is nominally King Qin.

In fact, Liu Hao was not prepared to pay for the collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

He still plans to send troops in this crisis, of course, to get more.

Fame, people!

Even the son of heaven!

Cao Cao can hold the emperor and order the princes. As long as Liu Hao controls the emperor in his hand, he also controls the great righteousness!

With the emperor in hand, even annexing the power of others is justifiable!

"Yuzhou is a place of fierce fighting in all directions, not a place to live for a long time..."

Liu Hao flashed Xun Yu\'s words in his mind and glanced at Mi Zhu.

Mi Zhu said solemnly; "Zixuan, you\'re on your way this time. You\'ve received the order of the imperial court. It\'s very important. If you need my help, I\'ll help you!"

Liu Hao\'s heart moved. He seemed to think of a possibility and said with a smile, "Zizhong, do you have any business in the place of Sili?"

"I thought it was something!"

Mi Zhu said proudly with a smile, "the MI family has shops all over the world! Zixuan is going to Luoyang to do great things. If you need their help, just ask them!"

He pondered, took off a beautifully green wrench in his hand, handed it to Liu Hao and said, "this wrench is the representative keepsake of the head of the MI family. As long as the MI shop sees it, it will definitely help Zixuan unconditionally!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host. You have obtained Mi Zhu\'s gift, Ba Yu ring (diamond rating): it\'s a sacred object handed down in the spring and Autumn period. It\'s hard to find gold. When shooting an arrow, the force value is + 1. Wearing your thumb can effectively prevent the damage caused by the collapse of the bow string to your fingers!"

Worthy of being a rich family!

Take it casually. It\'s a rare treasure!

Liu Hao took the trigger, put it on his hand, and said with a shaking look: "this... This great gift, thank you Zizhong. I will be rewarded in the future!"

Mi Zhu said with a smile, "Zixuan, this ring is also a treasure of Duke Huan of Qi, the overlord of the spring and Autumn period. It\'s buried with him and with me for half his life. If you give it to you, you can find the real master!"

They looked at each other and smiled.

They are all smart people. Of course they know what each other means.

Mi Zhu is now making a big investment in Liu Hao!

When Liu Hao really prospers, it\'s time for MI\'s harvest!

Liu Hao also understands this very well. After all, there is no free lunch in the world. Mi Zhu\'s kindness must be repaid in the future!

"Wen Ruo, I\'ll leave it to you!"

After explaining everything, Liu Hao gave a sincere instruction. He took away more than 7000 elite soldiers, leaving only some ordinary soldiers to help Xun Yu guard Yingchuan.

"Lord, don\'t worry! He knows how to choose and what to do!"

Xun Yu bowed and said, "Yuanzhi has many tricks. The Lord has Yuanzhi\'s help, which is more than a hundred times better than Yu! This time I go to Luoyang, I\'ll see Yuanzhi!"

Xu Shu was also a little excited and said; "If Wen Ruo is the talent of Wang zuozhi, Shu doesn\'t dare to say much in front of Wen Ruo. If you go to Luoyang, you have to work hard to repay the Lord!"

Hearing that the loyalty of these two unparalleled advisers has reached 100, their fighting spirit is high.

Liu Hao smiled with satisfaction.


Sobbing law

The neighing sound of the snow treading Dragon Phoenix, like the sound of a dragon, wanders out of the open country plain for a long time.

Liu Hao, dressed in dragon scales and black armor, straddled his horse and horizontal gun, stood upright on the official path. The long wind blew the white Phnom Penh cloak behind him, making a sound of hunting.

Da! Da! Da!

The sound of countless horse hoofs trampling on the ground surged and spread in the wilderness, and finally converged into one, forming a powerful loud noise.

It seems that the ground is shaking, resulting in a thunderous roar.

"How long is it from Luoyang?"

Behind Liu Hao, there was a large group of cavalry, dark and orderly.

"Lord, according to the current speed, there will be about half a day to Luoyang!"

Lin rushed forward and replied.

Liu Hao nodded and looked back. Each cavalry behind him looked vigorous and neat, all dressed in dragon scale lock armour.

Although it can\'t compare with the dragon scale Xuanjia on Liu Hao, it\'s unimaginable.

If the princes of other important towns see it, they will scold Liu Hao for losing his family!

Their general Deputy generals may not be as well equipped as the dragon scale and heavy armor cavalry.

In this dragon scale army, Liu Hao spent more than 10000 worship value!

This group of dragon scale cavalry has experienced downsizing and repeated selection, with a total scale of 800 people.

No, Liu Hao doesn\'t want to equip more people.

But with the current financial strength of Yingchuan County, it is only enough to make a heavy cavalry array of this scale.

A heavy cavalry can support almost ten ordinary soldiers.

Every cavalry has at least two horses!

These horses are Wuhuan horses presented by Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, one for camel armor and one for carrying people.

Everyone in the dragon scale army must have undergone severe assessment.

They are all young and strong men. There is no doubt about their loyalty.

"On the road ahead, there is a fast horse galloping. It looks like a spy. Send someone to have a look!"

Liu Hao\'s eyesight was superior. At a glance, he saw several horses running on the official road in the distance, and ordered with awe.

"Lord, yes!"

His own soldiers accepted the promise and rode forward.

It\'s no wonder Liu Hao is so attentive. At this time, Luoyang city is already full of mountains and rain. I don\'t know how many people are passing the news.

"Dare you ask, is there the Great Han Taishou Yingchuan and the former general, Lord Liu?"

Before long, the suspected spy was stopped from a distance. He turned over and dismounted, and said respectfully.

"It\'s me, you are...".,,.