The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 132

Talent is always the more the better.

This is the principle pursued by Liu Hao.

Today, Zhong Yao was recruited again, and Zhong Yao was going to fix a book to bring his old friend Chen Qun, one after another. Liu Hao was very comfortable.

"Go to Zhaoxian hall and see how the progress is. Maybe there are still fish missing!"

Liu Hao was so excited that he took Dianwei, Zhanzhao and other bodyguards to the Zhaoxian hall opened in the county.

The Zhaoxian hall in Yingchuan county also separates civil and military affairs.

Xun Yu, the head of the civil service, is responsible for recruiting counselors and scholars who are good at internal affairs, while Lin Chong, the number one general under Liu Hao, is recruiting strong and powerful soldiers for Liu Hao.

"General Lin, how\'s the formation of Huben camp and longlinqi?"

Liu Hao met Lin Chong at the gate of Zhaoxian hall and asked.

"Lord, don\'t worry. It\'s going on. It\'ll be almost finished in a few days."

When Lin Chong saw Liu Hao coming, he quickly got up to meet him. He said with a little regret: "however, my Lord, recently he received a large number of Qingzhou refugees in the county. Among them, many young and strong people who came to join the army have recruited, but none of the powerful generals have been seen!"

Liu Hao looked at his distressed face, smiled and said; "As for the generals, general Lin doesn\'t have to worry. His recent task is to recruit enough young people. It\'s best for Qingzhou young people to join the army."

If there is a overlord system, will you be afraid of no generals?

Liu Hao remembered that among the Three Kingdoms, there were several places rich in elite soldiers.

For example, in the land of Youji, Gongsun Zan\'s white horse Yicong and Yuan Shao\'s first camp, but the rise of Cao Cao is inseparable from his Qingzhou fierce soldiers.

"The Lord is right. Qingzhou is young and strong. Most of them are brave and brave. They must be fierce when fighting!"

Lin Chong also wholeheartedly agrees.

For military training, Liu Hao\'s professionalism is certainly not comparable to Lin Chong.

Liu Hao was talking to Lin Chong when he heard a loud noise.

"What\'s going on?"

Lin Chong leopard\'s eyes were wide open and cried unhappily.

I\'m discussing things with Liu Hao. The people under my hand are so short-sighted and make such a big noise.

A tall and strong soldier wiped the sweat on his forehead and came in to report: "Lord, general Lin, this move has attracted a barbarian in the martial arts field. It\'s very unreasonable. I have to ask to see Lord there!"

"Well, here comes the talent?"

Liu Hao\'s heart moved. He was a little interested. There was no doubt that he was a man to make such a big battle. Then he got up and said, "go out and have a look."

"I want to see Lord Liu!"

In the martial arts arena, a strong man was muttering: "I have enough strength and can forge iron. Brother, please help me to ask Lord Liu if he can recruit a blacksmith?"

"Blacksmith, blacksmith has an egg!"

Lin Chong\'s deputy general in charge of recruiting snorted and said, "can a blacksmith strike iron, attack the front and kill the enemy, and make great contributions?"

The strong man looked regretful, shook his head and said, "what else does the virtuous hall recruit?"

"General Lin said that strong and tough people, as long as they pass the test, will have the opportunity to directly enter the most elite troops!"

Another Wu Chang under Lin Chong pointed to several large stone piers on the martial arts training ground and said, "here is a stone pier, about 80 kilograms. If you can afford one, you can enter Huben camp. Pick up two, and you are qualified to enter the dragon scale army!"

Huben camp and dragon scale army are the most elite troops under Liu Hao.

The establishment of the dragon scale army was finalized for the first time, but it was only 800 people. Up to now, it has not been fully recruited.

"Don\'t force it, lest you hurt yourself."

The deputy general was also afraid that the strong man who wanted to be a blacksmith would hurt himself.

"Only 80 Jin!"

The big man looked at the stone pier and spit in the palm of his hand. He drank fiercely, one hand at a time, raised the pair of stone piers weighing at least 80 kilograms above his head and took a few steps.

Lin Chong\'s deputy generals in charge of recruitment and the five chiefs were stunned one by one. Where did this monster come from?

"Strong man, good strength!"

At this time, Liu Hao just arrived at the scene. Looking at the man\'s majestic posture, his eyes lit up, his attention was attracted and asked, "is this man here to join the army?"

"Lord, this big man came to recruit xianguan to join the army today and said he wanted to be a blacksmith."

The deputy general was pulled back to reality by Liu Hao\'s voice and quickly bowed down to explain the context.


There was a flash of light in Liu Hao\'s mind.

Although I have got the blueprint for the dragon scale armor, but the awesome armour is well constructed, is it not necessary for the blacksmith to give strength to it?

What a doze! I met the pillow!

He looked at a big man as majestic as a hill and directly lost the son of heaven and looked at his Qi skill.

Ding Dong!

"The son of heaven hopes that Qi can be used successfully!"

Zheng Hun, force 76, intelligence 78, politics 75, command 60.

Stunt master: Master blacksmith and casting skills, and can forge excellent weapons and armor.

This is really a cow! (Zheng Hun was born in a famous family. Finally, he became an official in the state of Wei and became a great craftsman!)

Since there is such a big cow, of course you can\'t miss it.

Liu Hao sent someone to recruit Zheng Hun and asked eagerly, "the name of a strong man is Zheng hun?"

"It\'s me!"

Zheng Hun looked around Liu Hao up and down and found that Lin Chong was standing in the position of his entourage and said, "are you... Lord Liu?"


Liu Hao nodded and smiled. Although Zheng Hun was a blacksmith, his eyesight was OK. He recognized himself at a glance.

"I\'m so young that I became the prefect of a county. My future is unlimited!"

Zheng Hun was shocked. He was born in a noble family. Although he has such a strange hobby as forging iron, he has also seen the world, and his IQ is proportional to his strength.

Liu Hao smiled, took Zheng Hun and asked, "Zheng Hun, I heard you are a blacksmith and good at craftsmanship?"

"Yes, I also need some strength to join the army. Lord Liu, I don\'t know if I can enter the elite Huben camp?"

Zheng Hun quickly bowed and saluted with a hopeful expression on his face.

Liu Hao smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "you\'d better do your old business, blacksmith!".,,.