The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 133

"Master, wait and see."

Liu Hao took out the manufacturing drawing of dragon scale armor from his arms, handed it to Zheng Hun, and said with a hopeful face: "as for joining the army, let\'s not mention... I have a manufacturing drawing of heavy armor here. It is said that the master is proficient in blacksmith casting technology. I wonder if you can help me make it. If you can make it, it will be a great achievement."

"Eh, I\'m afraid the weight of this armor is not light..."

As soon as Zheng Hun saw the dragon scale manufacturing drawings, his eyes burst into boundless light.

"How\'s it going?"

Liu Hao looked at Zheng Hun\'s obsessed look and asked eagerly.


Zheng Hun took a deep breath, calmed his interest and asked excitedly, "Lord Liu, where did this drawing come from?"

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "this pair of heavy armor was painted only after our official\'s idea is still there. What do you think, master Zheng?"

Liu Hao can only take the designer on his own, otherwise he can\'t explain the system to others.

My lord... Made it?

Zheng hunjing\'s chin almost fell to the ground and sighed heartily, "adult, you are a genius!"

Ding Dong!

Zheng Hun showed respect for the host, and the reward and worship value was 250 points.

Liu Hao frowned: "master, is there such an exaggeration?"

The rating of dragon scale is not high. I didn\'t expect Zheng Hun to be so excited.

"My Lord, don\'t call me a master. You are the real master!"

Zheng Hun couldn\'t let go of looking through the dragon scale manufacturing drawings, as if a child had met a beloved toy.

A moment later, he said, "the armor on this drawing is well made, especially in various key places. The defense is very good, and the armor is connected, which will not make the wearer feel too uncomfortable. It is the only good armor I have seen in my life!"

"If there is no master\'s drawing, even if the finished product is disassembled, it can\'t make the same excellent heavy armor!"

"If I\'m not mistaken, the armor and infantry are too heavy. It\'s just right for cavalry! If an army can wear this heavy armor and cross the battlefield, who can stop it?"

It is worthy of being a blacksmith and forging master!

You can see the mystery of the dragon scale at a glance.

At this time, most of the fighting modes are light cavalry. Before Cao Cao trained to ride tigers and leopards, heavy cavalry is not very popular. The best equipment is only leather armor.

Liu Hao\'s dragon scale armor, although not rated high, can be mass produced. It can be said to be an epoch-making sand field reassembly artifact!

"My Lord, but there is also a problem..."

Zheng Hun frowned and said, "Sir, this suit of armor can be made, but if you want to equip the army, you don\'t know how much bin iron you need to consume!"

Dragon scale armor has strange structure, layers of armor leaves and outstanding defense effect, but all this is based on the consumption of a large amount of wrought iron.

"How many kilograms of wrought iron would it take to build 800 sets of such armor?"

Zheng Hun thought for a while and gave the answer: "in my opinion, there must be some to waste, at least more than two thousand kilograms of wrought iron!"

Zheng Hun was still intoxicated in the craftsman\'s world and said excitedly, "as long as adults give me enough pig iron and manpower, I can definitely make hundreds of dragon scales in ten days!"

More than 2000 Jin of wrought iron!?

Liu Hao\'s heart sank and he was worried.

He wanted to support Zheng Hun to build dragon scale armor, but there were not so many pig iron resources in Yingchuan county.

A skillful woman can\'t make bricks without rice. Where are you going to get so many wrought iron?

When Liu Hao was at a loss, a soldier hurried into the arena and said, "Lord, Lord Zhang Shiping has returned from Xuzhou. I heard he has brought a guest!"

"What, Zhang Shiping is back. Please ask him to come and talk!"

Hearing the news, Liu Hao was delighted.

After Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang joined Liu Hao, they took charge of the business for him.

Zhang Shiping went to Xuzhou to purchase Bing iron and other important military funds.

Su Shuang took Liu Hao\'s cloth, tea and other items to trade on the grassland outside Youzhou and picked up his family members. Because of the long journey, he hasn\'t come back yet.

"My Lord, my subordinates are lucky to live up to their orders. This time, I hurried to Xuzhou to exchange all the ten million yuan and one thousand gold delivered by my Lord for pig iron and grain!"

Before long, Zhang Shiping rushed over. While bowing, Liu Hao quickly picked him up and sighed, "I have two brothers Shiping to help. Why don\'t I worry about a big deal? This is..."

Liu Hao turned his eyes and found a middle-aged man standing next to Zhang Shiping. He looked 30 or 40 years old, dressed lavishly and behaved respectfully.

"Hehe, my Lord, this is my good friend, MI Zhu from Xuzhou, whose handwriting is Zizhong."

Zhang Shiping was praised by Liu Hao. He was very happy and excited. He introduced Liu Hao to this elegant middle-aged man.

"Xuzhou Mi Zhu, meet Yingchuan Liu Taishou!"

After MI Zhu saw Liu Hao, there was a strange light blooming between his eyes: "I\'ve heard for a long time that Liu Taishou\'s talents are peerless and famous in Luoyang. When I see him today, it really deserves his reputation!"

"As soon as Mi Zizhong listened to my work for the Lord, he immediately prepared the bin iron grain and grass required by the Lord at 70% of the market price. In addition, he generously gave the LORD an additional 1000 kg of bin iron to make ordnance to deal with the growing yellow scarf rogue!"

"Good... Good... Good..."

Liu Haolian said three good words and hurriedly said, "Mi Zizhong is the hero of Xuzhou. I have heard a lot about him!"

"Somewhere, I thought that Kong Zhuo\'s failure in fighting yellow scarves may be due to lack of ordnance. Now that Tai Shou Liu is going to use troops in Yingchuan, his ordnance must be in shortage, so this time he specially transferred 300 blacksmiths to help Tai Shou build ordnance."

Mi Zhu didn\'t take credit at all. He was still respectful and modest. He spoke without leakage. He didn\'t even offend Kong.

"To tell you the truth, I\'m going to recruit blacksmiths everywhere. Zizhong is really a timely rain this time, which has helped me a lot!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes at Mi Zhu are meaningful.,,.