The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 131

Liu Hao put away the dragon scale, Xuanguang and heavy armour.

This set of strengthened armor is too expensive and extravagant. Did he have to spend 50000 points of worship value to exchange for the drawings? He was secretly cruel: when the worship value is full, he will change it immediately. Anyway, he can\'t run!


There are already dragon scale and heavy armor drawings in hand.

What I should do is to find a reliable blacksmith and work all night to get my own dragon scale and heavy armor cavalry camp out!

Dragon scale heavy armor cavalry out, will crush rivers and mountains!

Iron and blood run rampant and are unmatched.


When Liu Hao sorted out his thoughts and pushed the door out, the bodyguards around him said respectfully, "Lord, Lord Xun Yu is asking for an audience outside!"

"Xun Yu asked for an audience?"

Liu Hao touched his chin, personally went out to welcome Xun Yu in and asked, "military division, what\'s important?"

Xun Yu is one of the two core think tanks under Liu Hao\'s account. When he comes to him, he must have something important to discuss. He can\'t be ignored.

"Ha ha, as soon as the master\'s list of talents is put up, the effect is remarkable. Many talents have come to work. One of the best heroes is waiting in the hall."

Xun Yu smiled.

"It all depends on the efforts of the military division!"

Liu Hao couldn\'t help but rejoice.

Xun Yu\'s eyes were burning. He was entrusted with the selection of talents in Yingchuan county. Unexpectedly, he brought good news today!

"He\'s just doing his duty. He\'s still the Lord who broke the yellow scarf rogue. He has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness. The people in the county are well-known. The Phoenix lives in the sacred tree. Naturally, this talent will choose the Ming Lord to work."

Having said that, Liu Hao knew that Xun Yu must have done a lot to help him attract talents.

In fact, in Yingchuan County, the Xun family is a well-established aristocratic family. Their contacts are rooted in Qiu knot. Xun Yu knows a lot more about what kind of talents there are than Liu Hao.

Liu Hao followed Xun Yu to the conference hall and found a middle-aged scholar waiting there long ago.

Sitting on the red sandalwood sleeping chair, the middle-aged scholar had an extraordinary appearance and a clear and meaningful face. When he saw Liu Hao, his eyes burst into two splendors and stood up and said:

"A certain Zhong Yao, who is from Shexian County, governor of Yingchuan, pays a visit to the prefect!"

Zhong you?

Liu Hao stepped in and searched his mind for the memory of this man. By the way, he lost a son of heaven and looked at Qi.

Ding Dong!

"The son of heaven hopes that Qi can be used successfully!"

Zhong Yao, force 72, intelligence 89, politics 92, command 67.

Stunt, calligraphy, everyone: Zhong Yao\'s calligraphy has become great, and there is a chance to create a unique font.


The information about this great calligrapher came to Liu Hao\'s mind.

It seems that he is also a powerful figure. The super long-lived political tumbler in the Three Kingdoms has achieved the position of an extreme minister in the state of Wei.

"Liu da\'er also has an important Minister Xu Jing, who is now under me. Now he has dug a corner of Cao Cao, ha ha!"

Liu Hao was secretly pleased. He stepped forward to pick up Zhong Yao and said with a smile, "Zhong Yuanchang is the material of three princes. You should take the seat of the prefect of Yingchuan County!"

"How can he be worthy of such praise from the prefect?"

Zhong you was flattered by Liu Hao\'s warm welcome.

Sangong is almost the peak of power and the dream of all scholars in the world.

Liu Hao thinks highly of him?

Liu Hao\'s eyes moved, smiled and said, "Yuan often came to work for me, and I will temporarily seal you as the long history of the county. How about it?"

Zhong you was overjoyed and fell to the ground in a hurry. He said, "the prefect is so kind and generous. Zhong you dare not obey his orders!"

Ding Dong!

"Zhong Yao\'s loyalty to the host has been greatly improved. At present, it is 88 points, and the reward worship value is 600."

Yes, above 85 points, they are more reliable men.

"Yuan Chang, please get up!"

Liu Hao squinted and smiled.

The road should be taken step by step. For the same loyalty, we should start with details and slowly cultivate and harvest.

"Yuan Chang, I\'m still called the prefect now?"

Xun Yu smiled on the side.

Looking at Liu Hao\'s eyes, full of respect.

Corporal Li Xianshi is the most important indicator of Ming Lord. Liu Hao has undoubtedly done a good job in this regard.


Seeing Zhong you solemnly calling himself "Lord", Liu Hao felt very comfortable.

In his heart, Zhong Yao\'s greatest strength is not his ability to manage government affairs, nor his power and skill to sit firmly in the position of three public officials, but that he gave birth to a wonderful son!

Zhong you, he is the father of Zhong Hui!

Who will the clock be?

It was the most brilliant General of Wei in the late Three Kingdoms period. They were juxtaposed and symmetrical with Jiang Wei of Shu, who fell in love and killed each other.

It\'s probably not born yet. Liu Hao has recruited other people\'s dads. In the future, Zhong will be born. Can he escape from the palm of his hand?

Thinking of this, Liu Hao couldn\'t help laughing.

Hearing Liu Hao\'s happy laughter, Xun Yu felt a little strange and asked, "Lord, why don\'t you test Zhong You\'s ability and directly grant him the position of long history?"

Zhong Yao also looked curious and asked, "isn\'t it not afraid of the non-human entrusted by the Lord to grant important duties?"

Liu Hao looked at Xun Yu and smiled: "the talents recommended by Wen Ruo must be people with great talents. I can trust Wen Ruo!"

"Yuan Chang, if you have any talent to recommend, I can also trust it!"

These words are like a warm current.

It flowed through the hearts of Xun Yu and Zhong you, which moved the two people.

"Ding, congratulations to the host. Zhong You\'s loyalty to the host has been increased to 90 points, and the reward worship value is 300!"

"Lord, speaking of it, I really have a talented person to recommend to Lord!"

Zhong you said gratefully.

"His name is Chen Qun. He is ten times more talented than someone. He is a real talent."

"It sounds familiar!"

Liu Hao\'s heart moved, his eyes showed strong interest, and said, "in that case, Yuan Chang can fix a letter for me to attract Chen Qun.".,,.