The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 130

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has obtained the imperial Phoenix gun and is rated king!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the dragon scale gun, rated diamond!"

"Congratulations to the host. We have drawn the manufacturing drawing of dragon scale and heavy armor, which is rated diamond!"


"Ding Dong, the number of lucky potions in random lottery has been used up, and the probability has returned to normal. Please continue the lottery."

"According to the law of conservation of luck, of course you can\'t smoke. Only fools continue to die krypton!"

Liu Hao took a deep breath and wisely chose to stop chopping his hands.

Here we go!

Liu Hao looked excited and began to check these items in his storage space.

The son of heaven\'s Qi watching skill immediately threw it out and showed the properties of these treasures at a glance.

Dragon scale spear is similar to a dragon. In ancient times, the dragon scale covers the spear. The armed force of the gunman is + 1!

The dragon scale gun seems to be matched with the dragon scale armor. Layers of scales hover on the gun body, like dragon scales. The head of the long gun is tattooed with a powerful black dragon head, which looks ferocious.

Emperor Huang\'s gun is even more amazing.

The whole body of the gun is made of red gold. It exudes a strange and magnificent golden awn. Especially at the tip of the gun, there are two more sharp golden daggers, like the wings of a phoenix!

It\'s the first time Liu Hao has seen a king level spear.

Imperial Phoenix gun: it is suspected to be a divine weapon inherited from ancient times. The specific details are unknown. The force value of the gunman is + 2!

"This imperial Phoenix gun is so mysterious that you can\'t even see the origin of the son of heaven\'s Qi watching skill!"

Liu Hao frowned. This situation proved the uniqueness of the Emperor Huang gun from the side.

Most of the reason is that the hidden level of the Emperor Huang gun is too high, which has crushed his son of heaven\'s Qi watching skill.

"There\'s no weapon in hand yet. Emperor Huang\'s gun can be used!"

Liu Hao\'s thought moved, and the Emperor Huang\'s long gun had appeared in his palm.

Emperor Huang\'s gun seemed to emit a faint golden light.

At the same time, there is also an unspeakable force, which is coming out of the gun and passing into his acupoints, orifices, muscles and veins from Liu Hao\'s palm.

Liu Hao weighed it over, put away the Emperor Huang gun with satisfaction, and began to check the last important play.

"Dragon scale armor drawing is a diamond rated item. You can create platinum dragon scale armor according to this drawing. It weighs 20 kg, has excellent defense, and is difficult to penetrate with ordinary arrows!"

Finally got it, waiting for you!

Liu Hao smoked ten times in a row and finally got the good goods he wanted!

He took out the Dragon scales he had extracted, and he was very happy!

Excellent heavy armor of this level like dragon scale armor, if it can be mass produced, it will be enough to create a heavy armor cavalry throughout the world!

"Congratulations to the host. The cumulative lucky draw has reached 30 times. You can open the treasure chest given free by the system. Do you want to open it?"

"There are additional gifts in the cumulative lottery?"

Looking at the treasure box hanging in the mind, make complaints about the mysterious atmosphere. Liu Haozhen is a big surprise.

Is this system specially changed by the yuan God of Mahua vine!?

The means to manipulate people\'s hearts is so powerful that Liu Hao wants to chop his hands again.

"For every 30 random sweepstakes, the host will be given an additional opportunity to open the treasure chest. There is a chance to open all kinds of treasures. The more later, the more precious the rewarded treasures will be

"Sweat, I\'ve cut my hands 30 times before I know it. These are several platinum legends!"

Liu Hao suddenly felt a little meat pain. He spent his worship value.

But he didn\'t regret it. At present, although the reward is not very useful, it has indeed produced several good goods.

"Open directly!"

Liu Hao was a little curious and looked forward to it. He didn\'t know what could be offered by this free opportunity.

It\'s just a free lucky draw. Even if it\'s spicy chicken, it won\'t hurt.

The mysterious floating box seemed to be under some invisible traction.


"Congratulations to the host. You have obtained a platinum armor enhancement card."

Note: Armor enhancement card can be used to strengthen armor of specified platinum level.

"Can equipment be strengthened? Dragon scale armor seems to be platinum armor?"

Liu Hao looked confused.

He turned out his dragon scale armor and heard the system say coldly, "it meets the strengthening conditions. Do you want to strengthen it?"

"Strengthen dragon scale armor!"

That card suddenly disappeared, turned into a bright light, and directly disappeared into Liu Hao\'s dragon scale.

The dragon scale armor changed wonderfully in an instant!

Countless mysterious and magnificent runes appeared on the dark dragon scale armor, as if they were naturally engraved on it.

The whole set of armor has sent out a faint golden light.

The golden light flows indefinitely, gradually converges, and finally forms a light golden five clawed golden dragon!

"Congratulations to the host. The dragon scale armor has been strengthened successfully and promoted to the dragon scale Xuanguang armor. The dragon scale Xuanguang armor is a special item. It can only be exchanged and will not be generated in the random lottery!"

Dragon scale dark light armour: diamond level heavy armour, powerful and unparalleled defense, effective defense arrow, attack of ordinary sword, and wearer\'s force + 1.

"Too overbearing, invulnerable heavy armor and iron warrior?"

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up when he looked at the dragon\'s black armor.

This is going against the sky!?

Now his men are all leather armor. If they all change into this set of dragon scale, dark light and heavy armor, and their strength rises one level, wouldn\'t they become monsters that crush the past all the way?

If there is such a war machine, who can stop him in this world?

"Exchange for dragon scale Xuanguang armor will consume 50000 worship points. Please let the host know!"


Liu Hao took a breath!

Fifty thousand!

This heavy number, in an instant, completely shattered his dream!

Liu Hao calmed down and had plans in his heart.

Good steel is used on the blade. The drawing for making dragon scale heavy armor cavalry has been obtained. At present, the worship value still needs to be used on the character card. You must not change the worship value for the drawing for making dragon scale dark light armor.,,.