The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 129

Anyone with a clear eye can see that he Jin and others began to give way to Zhang!

Zhang rang is also crafty. He directly uses a bitter meat trick. The more he pretends to be poor and asks empress dowager he to severely punish him, the more unlikely it is for the Empress Dowager to really move him.

Finally, it is very likely that the board will be raised high and fall gently!

The young emperor of Han Dynasty grew up with the old eunuch. He also had some feelings. He blurted out directly and said, "get up quickly and punish father-in-law Zhang for a year\'s salary. Why should I kill father-in-law Zhang?"

Empress Dowager he sighed slightly in her heart. She was a silly brother and startled the snake. It seemed that she had to make plans early!

She said without delay: "Grandpa Zhang is loyal. Although he doesn\'t know who he is, he has worked hard and made great achievements after all. You can send an order to take Kong Wuge to the title of pastor in Yuzhou and bring him back to Luoyang to ask for guilt!"

At this time, the news of Kong\'s death has not yet reached Luoyang. No one knows that the big warlord in Yuzhou has been cold for several days!


Ding Dong!

"Grant the Marquis according to Junmo\'s words. Congratulations to the host. Long live the Marquis of the pavilion, and Command + 4!"

Current attribute, Liu Hao, force 81, intelligence 74, politics 65, command 74 (+ 4), charm 105.

"Additional reward gift package is being distributed. Do you want to receive it?"

"Don\'t receive first!"

In the dead of night, Liu Hao suddenly heard the cold prompt sound of the system in his ear. He was surprised and sat up directly from his couch!

Now it\'s developed!

Liu Hao was sleepless and energetic.

Long live, tinghou. The former general is the key!

The four generals, front, rear, left and right, are already very senior military positions!

In terms of class, it is second only to three gongs and nine Qings!

"Zixuan, what\'s the matter?"

Zhenniang beside her opened her bleary eyes, and her snow like cheeks were flushed after clouds and rain.

"It\'s all right, Zhen Niang, you go on sleeping!"

Liu Hao kissed qinzhenniang\'s forehead. After taking a bath, he entered the study alone.

He touched his chin and asked, "system, what\'s the matter with the bonus package?"

"In order to encourage the host to work hard and ascend to the position of supreme overlord as soon as possible, additional reward packages will be issued when a phased breakthrough is made."

"I see. Open it directly!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up.

Ding Dong!

"The bonus gift bag has been opened, and the host has obtained 6666 worship points, plus a bottle of random lucky potion!"

Note: the lucky potion of random lottery can specify the focus range of random lottery, and the probability of the next ten random lottery will be improved to a certain extent!

"6666? Query the current number of worship points!"

"The current value balance is 8413 points, please know."

"Yes, I have secretly cut my hands and smoked several times these days. Now there are so many worship points. It\'s beautiful!"

Liu Hao looked at the lucky potion drawn randomly in his storage grid and was a little hesitant.

Is it a lucky potion, a fight, a bike into a motorcycle, or a fight

"Well, it\'s worth fighting in the future. What\'s more, now have a good time!"

"Ding, you have successfully redeemed the right of ten random sweepstakes!"

"The host used a random lucky draw potion!"

Seeing that the wheel of his mind began to turn, Liu Hao thought for a while and finally designated weapons and weapon forging drawings.

Now for Liu Hao, making money can be put aside first.

The most important thing is to build an invincible elite.

If you draw a magic weapon, it can directly enhance your strength, which is also a good choice.

"I have obtained a platinum level sabre, which weighs 63 kg and is made of black iron at the bottom of the sea!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes showed a hint of disappointment.

Although platinum weapons can be regarded as excellent, they basically have no additional attributes.


"Congratulations to the host, you have won a pair of meteor hammers, rated platinum!"


"Congratulations to the host, you have extracted a diamond grade precious item, gold soft hedgehog armor!"

Gold soft hedgehog armour: after women wear it, the charm value is + 1. Ordinary knives, guns and arrows are hard to hurt!

Looking at this golden but clearly interesting dress, Liu Hao turned black.

Nima, this little dress seems to come out every lucky draw!

It\'s not over!

And it\'s a change!

"Congratulations to the host, who has obtained the fragment of the unique technology of top Maotai brewing (Part 2), and is rated diamond."

The top Maotai liquor produced is pure and sweet, with a continuous aftertaste, unparalleled in the world. It is a rare treasure in wine!

After the pit father, his luck finally rebounded.

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up. This is good!

The price of Maotai liquor in later generations can\'t be high. This kind of mellow wine is beyond the times.

Take it now and give it to brother Zhang Shiping for operation. It\'s definitely a second kill of all the good wines in the market. It\'s a famous rare wine. You can\'t run away!

"This wave is not bad!"

Liu Hao looked at the drawing and wrote a detailed explanation of various process graphics. He seemed to see a golden mountain in his eyes!

Keep smoking!

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a wolf tooth stick, rated platinum!"

"Congratulations to the host. I got a red tassel. It\'s rated gold!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a pair of worn armor!"

"Your sister\'s armor breaking doesn\'t even have a rating. Did I use a fake lucky potion?"

A lot of weapons have been drawn one after another. As a result, most of them are common goods, which can only be used to benefit their generals. By the way, harvest loyalty and recover some meager worship value.

Among these rewards, there is no existence that makes Liu Hao excited.

Just when Liu Hao was a little discouraged, the system gave several prompts one after another, pulling his mood back to the clouds from Hell:.,,.