The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 128

"Well, uncle Huang really deserves a reward. What do you think?"

The little emperor of Han Dynasty accepted the etiquette training in the Palace this time, but he didn\'t come up with an oolong to seal Liu Hao as a general.

Lu Zhi took a line and said, "it is rare to break ten with one. Please your majesty, give due reward to Liu Taishou and encourage meritorious officials."

Seeing that the situation was developing towards holding Liu Hao again, Taifu yuan Kai took a deep breath and felt that he should do something.

He hurriedly stepped out of the line, bowed down under Danlong, and said: "the old minister thought that it was a great reward to exceptionally promote Liu Hao as the governor of Yingchuan. At this time, only money can be rewarded, and there is no need to be promoted."

"Minister, I think so."

Sikong Yuan Feng and general He Jin also stepped out one after another and said, "the prefect of a county is already an important Minister of the imperial court. Promoting young people too quickly has bred arrogance in their hearts!"

Empress Dowager he, who was high above, suddenly snorted coldly and said, "if you don\'t attract envy, you are mediocre. It can be said that it\'s hard work to kill tens of thousands of yellow napkin rogues in January. It\'s not a reward?"

"Everyone here, who can lead 3000 new troops to break dozens of times the thief soldiers?"

Lu Zhi replied sincerely, "I can\'t do it when I return to the Empress Dowager. Zhu Yu is also reluctant. Maybe Huang Fusong can."

He is also true and sincere. He is not afraid of offending others. Fortunately, who are the two in his mouth?

That\'s a well-known general in the world. The fierce man who defeated millions of yellow scarf thieves in those years, but now they are all dispatched to the Han border to defend against aliens.

He Jin hummed and fired a gun; "Many of the yellow scarf thieves are old men and children. They have no combat effectiveness..."

Before she finished, Empress Dowager He Feng\'s eyes were slightly cold and said directly, "the general has something to say?"


The coldness in the words of Empress Dowager He Jin, who is a brother, why can\'t you hear it?

"Minister... I have nothing to say for the time being..."

He Jin shrinks his neck and immediately counsels. If the rest is half, he swallows it directly into his stomach.

This straw butcher, can you see that Liu Hao is now a big Han court pillar that the Empress Dowager can rely on?

In a few years, your position as a general will definitely be his!

Zhang rang almost laughed.

After a long discussion in the golden hall, Empress Dowager he finally decided to instruct Zhang rang to announce:

"Seal Taishou Liu as a former general, long live the Marquis of the pavilion. Hurry up 800 miles and send it back to Yingchuan County!"


Yuan Shao nearly fell down in the golden hall. Fortunately, he Jin helped him!

He Jin, too, shook his body and opened his mouth. He could almost fill a goose egg!

Liu Hao, just ride a horse and worship the general?

Empress Dowager he continued to command, and Zhang rang shouted at the top of his voice, "Lord Shilang Wang has made meritorious contributions to recommend talents and seal Henan Yin!"

Wang Yun was so excited that he hurriedly knelt down under Danlong and said in a trembling voice, "my minister obeys the order, your majesty and the Empress Dowager are holy!"

Every time he asks for merit for Liu Hao, Wang Yun acts as a pioneer.

Now his investment in Liu Hao has paid off.

Henan Yin!

This is a powerful official in charge of dozens of counties around Luoyang (equivalent to the mayor of the imperial capital)!


Hearing the Empress Dowager\'s generous reward, there was an exclamation of envy and jealousy in the golden hall.

"Damn it, Wang Yun, this little old man, is lucky!"

"I heard that this guy sold his daughter to Liu Zixuan before holding his thigh!"

"Oh, in a family, there is also a daughter waiting for words in the boudoir..."

The civil and military officials looked shocked as if they were dreaming.

Wang Yun, an old man, was just a waiter a month ago.

There are a lot of people in Luoyang.

Now, because he hugged Liu Hao\'s thigh, he went straight ahead and sealed Henan Yin!

Liu Hao, even more awesome!

In less than a month, they are still unemployed young people who are filial and honest and do not have any official positions.

Now, Liu Hao has become a famous soldier in Yingjun County!

At one stroke, seal the Marquis!

In the roar of public discussion, Yuan Kai, the Taifu, squeezed out of the ranks of civil servants and bowed down tremblingly. "The old minister still has ben to play!"

Han Shaodi said, "love Qing, but it doesn\'t matter."

"Yingchuan county was originally in good order, but under the rule of Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, there were yellow scarf bandits resurgent, sweeping counties and looting the people, making the people miserable!"

Yuan Kui said solemnly, pointing the spearhead directly at Zhang rang.

Zhang rang was shocked. Unexpectedly, Yuan Kai, an old ghost, took advantage of the topic and burned himself!

"The old minister heard that Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, was headstrong, cronyistic, negligent, and connived at his wife and brother to run rampant in Yingchuan counties, which led to the dissatisfaction of the people!"

Sikong Yuan Feng immediately followed him out of the line and said, "Kong Zhui is recommended by Zhang rang, a constant attendant of the central government. The old minister asked his majesty to order the Tingwei office to investigate the matter thoroughly!"

"The minister asked the Tingwei office to investigate the crimes of unknown and improper employment."

He Jin immediately understood the intention of the second elder of the yuan family and bowed down.

When the boss made a move, his followers didn\'t need to say much at all. They also lined up and bowed down one after another. They said, "minister, please ask the Tingwei office to verify that Chang Shizhang asked to investigate the crimes of unknown and improper employment."

When Emperor Ling was alive, Zhang rang covered the sky and offended many officials.

At this time, in the golden hall, dozens of officials fell down on their knees, all falling down with them.

The proposal to severely punish Zhang rang scared him into a cold sweat!

His eyes are rolling around!

The inspector doesn\'t know. It\'s just a minor crime.

However, if he is in the golden hall and directly asks for a crime, he has no way out, only to choose fish to die and net to break!

"The old minister is guilty!"

Zhang rang\'s heart turned sharply. In the end, he was worthy of being a generation of great officials. He knelt down directly with tears in his eyes, hugged the leg of the young emperor of the Han Dynasty, and cried: "the old minister thought that Kong Wu was originally a famous man with a grand reputation. All of them recommended him to the former Emperor. I didn\'t expect him to be such a bastard!"

"Please kill the old minister!"

Listen to Zhang rang\'s cry. What\'s in his heart? It\'s not good.,,.