The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 127

Rouge tea building, in the backyard.

A graceful maid, passing through the pavilions and pavilions, looked like wearing butterflies. When she came to an elegant Pavilion, she knelt to the ground and said eagerly, "Miss, I just heard that the ministers in the front hall are planning a big event!"

"They\'re going to fight Zhang rang\'s official party!"


In the Pearl curtain, there was a nice sound like a silver bell. She said lazily: "originally, he Jin could maintain the deadlock and live a life. Now, he is about to die and has no place to bury!"

"The ministers in the front hall look like he Jin\'s people. In fact, they don\'t know how many traitors are hiding!"

This voice, beautiful and moving, arouses people\'s infinite reverie. It is Diao Chan.

The maid was the one who met Liu Hao in the restaurant when Liu Hao entered Luoyang.

The maid said anxiously, "Miss, do you want to inform Wang Zhonglang of such a big event?"

"It\'s no use looking for an adoptive father... He Jin is doomed not to achieve great things. In those days, my adoptive father and my father were brothers. They were kind to me and absolutely can\'t sit back and watch him fall into this situation!"

Diao Chan slowly stood up with a dignified voice and graceful posture.

"For today\'s sake, only I can find that person myself?"

"Miss said..."

"Liu Hao!"

Diao Chan said quietly, "there are thousands of men in the world, but only Liu Zixuan can be called a hero and break this dead situation!"


Luoyang City.

The rising sun shines on the world.

On the official road to Luoyang, I rode like a flying horse and was galloping.

From top to bottom, the soldiers at the head of Luoyang were relieved to see the dusty Knight wearing a big Han suit and a flag of anxious news on his back.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly, Yingchuan eight hundred miles to speed up the military situation..."

When a roar came, the garrison soldiers at the head of the city were surprised and didn\'t dare to stop. They directly opened the gate and put the cavalry in.


"Yingchuan urgent report?"

In the general\'s mansion, he Jin gathered with Yuan Shao and others.

Everyone had a hangover last night. At this time, they looked at each other. No one spoke. The atmosphere was strange and quiet.

The herald\'s cavalry left only the military secret report, so they reported it directly to the Empress Dowager.

Now, everyone is looking at the volume of expedited military intelligence on the table.

"Ha ha, it\'s said that there are tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves in Yingchuan county. Has Liu Zixuan defeated the yellow scarf thieves and asked the imperial court for help?"

Yuan Shao\'s eyes flashed and his heart couldn\'t help but rejoice.

If Liu Hao is really defeated by the yellow scarf thieves, at least half of his fame accumulated in Luoyang will be lost.

At that time, it will be the day when yuan Benchu will emerge!

"Liu Hao, a yellow mouthed child, doesn\'t understand the military affairs, so that he was defeated by the yellow scarf thief and the imperial court lost face. I must play a book at the emperor!"

He Jin was also very happy. As soon as he patted the table, he smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Yes, there is no one in Liu Hao\'s eyes. He doesn\'t pay attention to the great general, resulting in today\'s defeat!"

"Someone must write to the general and impeach him!"


He Jin, who was satisfied, hummed, opened the 800 mile expedited military newspaper on the table and swept away his eyes.

Just one look.

He Jin\'s eyes were so round that he almost stared out of his eyes!

"General, don\'t be angry for him. Liu Hao will be punished by the imperial court tomorrow!"

When they saw he Jin staring at him, they thought he was angry and wanted to crack his eyes.

He Jin kept his eyes wide open and read aloud in a trembling voice:

"Premier Liu Hao of Yingchuan led 3000 new recruits. He first lured the enemy with strange tricks, then fought with the yellow scarf thieves in Yangshan, and broke it in the first battle... Beheaded more than 20000 yellow scarf thieves and captured more than 10000..."


With He Jin\'s voice, the whole house took a breath!

"How is it possible to break 30000 with 3000?"

Yuan Shao was even more unbelievable. With your mother teasing me on his face, he rushed forward. He took the general newspaper in his hand and read it carefully from beginning to end. He was shocked and speechless.

With three thousand new troops, he can break ten times the enemy who can fight. Even Huang Fusong dare not assert that he will win.

Liu Hao did it!

Impossible things become possible in Liu Hao\'s hands.

This is a miracle!

Before long, Liu Hao\'s story of breaking through the yellow scarf thief in Yingchuan county was wantonly exaggerated and spread by interested people.

Liu Hao, like a comet, has risen in Yingchuan. His reputation has shocked the whole Luoyang and radiated all over the world.

Today\'s Liu Hao is directly known as the famous new generation General of the Han Dynasty after Huang Fusong!

Luoyang, in the Golden Hall of Deyang.

Empress Dowager he sits high in the Phoenix, with thousands of postures and instruments.

Zhang rang, a Chinese waiter, is presiding over the meeting with a whisk in his hand.

The civil and military officials in the golden hall are talking loudly. The topic owner is Liu Hao who has made great achievements.

"Zixuan\'s talent is rare in the world!"

Empress Dowager he nodded slightly after hearing the half ring. In her heart, she missed her beloved man.

She gave Zhang rang a look. Zhang rang immediately threw the dust in his hand, took the first step, pinched his throat and screamed, "if you play this morning, you can retreat..."

The sharp sound directly shocked the human eardrum.

"Minister, I have something to play!"

I saw Wang Yun, an adult of Zhonglang, walking out of the ranks of ministers and directly worshipping the golden hall. He said in a loud voice, "I heard that Liu Hao, the prefect of Yingchuan County, broke tens of thousands of thieves in Yangshan a few days ago. He is a famous general in the world. Now the Express News has been sent back to Luoyang City!"

"Please, your majesty, give a great reward to Mrs. Liu!"

This time, although the civil and military officials kept plopping in their hearts, they were not surprised

Liu Hao defeated ten times the number of yellow scarf thieves with 3000 newly formed troops. This is a real and impressive record!

No matter who can make such a record, it\'s absolutely speechless!

It is absolutely justifiable to accept the great reward from the imperial court.,,.