The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 126

Rouge red tea building

Liu Hao naturally didn\'t know the exclamation of Cao Cao, the evil hero in troubled times. He was buried in developing his strength.

At the same time, some things in Luoyang are also going on quietly.

Luoyang City, the lights are on.

No matter in which era, as long as there is demand, there will be brothels.

Rouge tea house is the largest brothel in Luoyang City, even in the whole world.

At this time, the rouge pavilion with the highest specification in the rouge red tea building is full of cheers and waves.

Today, led by general He Jin, many important officials of the imperial court gathered to give a banquet in the rouge red tea building.

These dignitaries and dignitaries are making wine orders.

"Everybody, everybody, please listen to me!"

After three rounds of wine, the atmosphere was warm. General He Jin, holding a wine glass, stood up and looked around.

All the people present here, all he Jinyi, stopped their actions one after another.


He Jin threw his wine glass to the ground and said angrily, "gentlemen, now the eunuch party controls the government, and the Luoyang Yulin army is under the control of castrated goods! If the eunuch party is not eliminated, I\'m afraid it will be bad in the hands of these dog eunuchs!"

"What the general said is good!"

Taifu yuan Kai said slowly, "these eunuchs deceive the lower level and deceive the upper level. If you don\'t get rid of them, I\'m afraid all of you here will die in the hands of these eunuchs!"

Since these two big men speak and everyone present, why don\'t they know the wind direction?

I know what to do next.

"As long as the general gives the order, I will give up my life and move forward bravely to fight these castrated goods!"

"Yes, general, do you want to do it at night?"

"Kill, kill the fucking dog castrate!"


In the rouge Pavilion, there were all the sounds of falling cups and spitting, which was incompatible with the pink warm atmosphere.

The crowd was so angry that the grand Fu Yuan Kai stroked his long beard under his chin, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "ha ha, don\'t worry about the general. Just wait for the general to give an order. At first, our Kirin son must command hundreds of dead men under his command, go straight to the Forbidden Palace and cut the group of officials into meat and mud!"

Yuan Shao stood out, hugged his fist and asked for orders. He said, "this is the opportunity that Shao has been waiting for. If the general wants to eliminate the official party, he must use someone as a pioneer!"

Hearing so many people\'s support, he Jin nodded, raised his hand and pressed: "Dong Zhuo of Xiliang has also arrived in the County West of Luoyang and is stationed quietly. Within one day, he will arrive in Luoyang immediately. Ding Yuan and others are also marching rapidly. He will arrive in Luoyang within ten days!"

"Within ten days, these castrates will die without a place to bury!"

At this time, he Jin just wanted to completely kill Zhang rang, completely forgot the harm that Dong Zhuo might bring, and said with a smile: "at night, we only talk about the wind and moon, not state affairs, ha ha!"

After finalizing the plan, he Jin waved with unspeakable pleasure in his heart, and immediately a line of graceful dancers wearing only Tulle came up to dance for the people.

"Hey, hey, it\'s said that there are countless beauties around the rouge red tea building. What do you think?"

He Jin looked left and right, revealing a smile that men know.

Yuan Kai, an old man, was obviously a regular guest of the rouge tea building. He said with a smile: "general, this Rouge tea building is actually the industry of Wang Zhonglang\'s house. There are countless beautiful women, but these mediocre, vulgar powder can\'t match the beauty of Zhonglang\'s adoptive daughter. That\'s the real color of the country!"


He Jin asked, "do you know the name of this woman?"

Yuan Kai shook his head and said with a smile, "I only heard her name. I heard it was called Diao Chan, but I haven\'t seen her face."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that Lord Wang Yun intended to betroth this daughter to Liu Zixuan!"


He Jin\'s smile instantly solidified on his face.

Ready to put the wine in the glass into the mouth, it also solidified in the air at this time.

Liu Hao.

Liu Hao again.

He Jin felt palpitation as soon as he heard the name!


He Jin mercilessly threw the wine glass on the table and frowned: "Wang Yun, is it particularly close to Liu Hao?"

When it comes to Liu Hao, everyone subconsciously lowers their heads and is speechless.

Anyone with a clear eye can see that Liu Hao is indeed a rare genius, and he is deeply valued by the Empress Dowager at this time.

"General, Shao received the latest spy information. The thieves in Yingchuan county were fierce and gathered more than 40000 people. Even Kong Fu, the governor of Yuzhou, had to retreat to Qiao County for the time being. It is expected that Liu Hao will taste defeat in the hands of these yellow scarf thieves for the first time."

Yuan Shao\'s eyes showed a trace of jealousy.

He was very afraid and jealous of Liu Hao. Using the power of the yuan family, he sent many spies to Yingchuan to inquire. The last time the spies updated their information, it was the yellow scarf thieves who gathered in Yangshan to deal with Liu Hao.

"Is there such a thing?"

He Jin looked so moved that he was determined to eliminate the official party first. He didn\'t pay so much attention to Liu Hao.

Now think of tens of thousands of yellow scarf thieves. The thief\'s potential can\'t be underestimated.

Liu Hao is a nerd. He writes poems and talks on paper. Where can he lead soldiers?

A bad, maybe not only Yingchuan will be attacked, but also the situation in Yuzhou is in danger.

"I made a mistake!"

He Jin patted his forehead, frowned and said, "Liu Hao is probably the same thing as Zhao Kuo. He can only talk on paper. He should discuss with the Empress Dowager earlier to make yuan highway the governor of Yingchuan!"

Liu Hao, I\'m not with him.

The yuan family is a staunch supporter of He Jin.

Yuan Shu, the son of Yuan Kai, is of course his own.

"General, it\'s not too late!"

Yuan Kai was overjoyed and said, "my son\'s highway, like the beginning, is a rare talent in the world. At the beginning, he assisted the general to kill ten Chang Shi. The highway can be sent to take over Liu Hao\'s position!"

A great Confucian who was close to the yuan family said, "general, what yuan Taifu said is right. Who knows that yuan Benchu and Yuan highway are Yuan\'s Qilin son. When Liu Hao\'s suppression of bandits is defeated, you can raise this matter in the Tingyi?"

General He Jin nodded. He didn\'t know why. He was a little uneasy.

How simple is it when it comes to Liu Hao.,,.